Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout? What bailout?

Yesterday the congress wisely decided not to go along with King George and his exchequer "Shifty" Paulson on the bailout scam. Republican and Democrat both, they shocked several of us in the blogsphere by listening to the people outside of the beltway elite. The President was not at all pleased and could not understand the concern Congress had over his plan. What is so wrong with giving CEO’s millions of dollars in treasury funds for their personal use? Who needs oversight anyway?

Special rights and privileges, in a country where everyone regardless of race, creed, or income is supposed to be equal, leave a bad taste in the average person’s mouth. Unfortunately Americans, through their lack of concern, have shifted the responsibility to insuring that state to those who feel different; the media and the elite. These groups wanted the bailout bill to pass. The media, because they believe in Corporate Socialism. The elite, because they believe it isn't your money, it is theirs. Special interests, corporatism, shifting of responsibility...all these are a priority.

If a congressman wrote a bill mandating that no special consideration in hiring was to be extended to any citizen of this country, that only their qualifications to do the job mattered...that congressman would be branded as a racist, homophobe, fascist, etc... You see, to some groups on the left, being treated as equal is an insult to them. They have been told so often that they are special, or that somewhere in the past their ancestors were oppressed, that they have an ingrained need to redress that imagined wrong. One way to redress that was to take out loans they had no intention of being able to repay.

On the elite side(both right and left mingle here), they believe that they are above the law. They believe that their income or their inherited wealth places them into a strata where they have rights and privileges superior to those of the unclean masses. How many times has an individual of this group uttered this phrase, “Do you know who I am?” Often it is said to the cop arresting them for drunken driving. For them, the ability to steal from the masses is a given. That house your grandfather built on land he tilled by hand? It's not yours, it's theirs.

Obama, though the offices of ACORN and as a radical community organizer, had a large hand in the credit meltdown. The government he lobbied helped to start this mess, and the government he worked with as a Senator lit the fuse for the blow-up. Since I wrote my blog about how racism had a hand in creating the crisis, several writers of far more public stature have chimed in on the same note. All the evidence is there. On the sub prime side you have pressure being levered against lenders to give loans to people with no history of being able to repay. On the elite side, you have speculators dipping into those loans because they have been granted an oversight-free status. One side is being forced to violate every established economic principle and the other side is gleefully violating the law; resulting in a perfect storm.

Now King George and Shifty Paulson want to bail out their criminal buddies with our money, place massive tracts of American property into the government’s hands, give obscene monetary golden parachutes to CEO’s guilty of running their corporations into the ground, and do so with no watchdog. Thankfully congress couldn’t stomach this bitter pill. Given an honest chance, the free market (not the one the neocons like), will reestablish itself. Just like the 1920’s a false balloon was created and it popped. Now all those people who were profiting through graft and greed have lost. Many of them are Bush’s buddies. The financial security he mentions is not that of the average blue-collar worker, but the puce-collar CEO. Any wonder he pushed this bill so fervently?

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