Saturday, September 27, 2008

Extreme Right-Wing Idealogue

"Extreme right-wing ideologue who’s grossly under qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency."

That is the quote from the cartoon strip Over the Hedge about every left-wingers' nightmare. For those of you not familiar with the feature, it is a moderately well drawn animal strip that rarely causes a laugh. It's not Peanuts or Bloom County, but whose material is? In the strip the cartoonist uses a Canadian goose to spew his DNC talking point. As with every other left-wing ideologue, he has no direct knowledge of anything Sara Palin has done to be a danger to America of the American way of life.

One commentator demanded that I check out a long list of links he sent me that proved how dangerous this woman was. The material in the links? Every one of them a rehash of and DailyKos innuendos and rumors.

What makes this woman so dangerous? From the social lefties: 1-She has a distinct view of good versus evil. 2-She is unembarrassed about expressing her Christian faith.

And that is about it. All the arguments against her can be distilled down into the two categories listed above. A sub category, her lack of qualifications is barely worth mentioning except for the fact that the left continues to hammer away at it. John Kennedy, the Democrats version of Ronald Reagan, had less executive experience than Mrs. Palin, and he ran for the Presidency. Obama has served less than a complete term as a freshman Senator. He has less executive experience than a 7-11 manager. So what makes Sarah Palin so extremely unqualified?

One factor alluded to in several failed attempts at humor by left-wing commentators and Hollywood Mensa rejects is where she comes from. Alaska is not a state most people mention when they talk about great shopping and haute cuisine. For the left it is far more important to know how to discern between a fine pinot grigio and a chardonnay than to be able to run a state, especially one as riddled with wilderness as Alaska. The woman knows how to shoot a gun for God’s sake! She prays before meals!

About that good versus evil thing, doesn’t she know that there is no such thing? Everything is relative. Well, ok, there’s evil, but it’s all contained within the right-wing fringe that still believes in a living, active, creationist God. Those girls who have their genitals cut away without anesthetic in Muslim countries? That’s cultural and nothing to do with us. 911? That was our fault, and if we hadn’t been so imperialistic and just let the Imams destroy Israel like they wanted to, it wouldn’t have happened.

Evil exists and it is growing in strength. All the rationalizing in the universe will not change that fact. One of Palin’s greatest strengths is her ability to see a clear world view, and that scares the bowels right out of people like Nancy Pelosi.

The left seems to have forgotten that John F. Kennedy was also a Christian. He was the only professing Catholic ever elected. What bothers the left is not so much that Sarah Palin admits to being a (shudder) Christian, but that she is not a Democrat and a Christian. All the rest is simply hyperbole and semantics. The people writing the talking points know all about the separation of powers. They know the constitutional separation of church and state was put in place to protect the believer from the state and not the other way around. They know that life is a miracle and they know that an intelligence far greater than anything they could ever imagine had a hand in their existence, and they can’t stand it. That is the main reason they hate and fear people like Sarah Palin. She is the mirror that exposes every one of their glaring faults.

1 comment:

T-dog said...

“They know the constitutional separation of church and state was put in place to protect the believer from the state and not the other way around.”

That is the clearest explanation of this clause that I’ve ever read.