Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Campaign hysteria

It is interesting to watch the various campaigns attempting to poke holes in each others potential ships of state. Even more interesting are the assorted talking heads in TV news and on talk radio adding their two cents, occaisionally devalued through party agenda.

Of course Sarah Palin is the topic du jour on the majority of shows. The lefties attack, being completly worthless on the issues, has now moved to their default fall back, pure nastiness. According to the feminists, Palin cannot be a real woman for a number of reasons. Her most egregious crime has been multifold, staying married to the father of her children and compounding that by apparantly being quite happy in her marriage, getting pregnant and actually keeping the baby, being a strong woman without being a Democrat, and worst of all, not fitting into the caricature they have built within their diseased minds of what a christian woman should be.

Isn't it a bitch when reality spoils your rant?

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