The other day I was sent an email with a link to yet another ultraliberal article about how evil and hypocritical it is for conservatives to hold Obama’s associations against him. This one focused on his association with Bill Ayers, our suddenly famous retired domestic terrorist. The sender asked if I was willing to state as to whether or not I forgave Mr. Ayers, and if not, why. You should note that Obama lied during the last debate when he stated that he did not launch his campaign from Ayer’s home, and no, I am not going to load my essay down with links. The facts are there if you need to look them up.
At first I said I would not answer the question because typically that question, especially from that specific source is the beginning of a “have you stopped beating your wife?” exchange. It all becomes a circular argument that does nothing but satisfy a personality that uses argument for fun. It goes nowhere.
Liberals who hold hard and fast to the far left agenda find nothing wrong in alliances with people such as Ayers and the hate-monger Reverend Wright. The fact that those individuals hate fundamental America is enough. Anything done for the cause is justified because it all heads toward the greater good. Ayers may or may not have killed or injured anyone, the jury is out on that one. He was never prosecuted for his crimes, so what? He has also never recanted his beliefs and has indicated a quiet support for the Saudi Terrorists who took down the World Trade Center towers on 9-11. For me, that is enough to indict Obama’s judgment. Obama said in a recent statement, “…to avoid being labeled a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.” If this is true, we are looking at our first affirmed Marxist Presidency. Obama, by his own admission, has aligned himself with people who believe in the Marxist philosophy. Obama doesn’t want to be a “sellout”, a phrase deeply ingrained into cult-like, socialist, ultraliberal circles. They agree completely with Obama’s share the wealth plank in his platform. Under an Obama regime, any one who begins to achieve a middleclass income will be forced back into the ranks of the poor. Small business growth will stagnate and medium to large business will die on the vine.
Another statement by Obama is in regards to partial birth abortion, “…I don’t want her punished with a baby…” Think about that phrase, “punished with a baby.” At least he didn’t use the politically correct phrase, pre-viable fetus. For those of you unsure, partial birth abortions involve partially delivering the baby and then killing it by stabbing his/her brain with a pair of surgical scissors. Liberals kept it from being called what it actually is, murder, by insisting that some abortions of that type may have to be carried out for the health of the mother. This, of course is medical nonsense and any doctor worth his degree would have to agree. In order to “partial birth”, the mother has to go through every stress that would be of any danger. At the point of the murder, she would be just as safe if the baby were allowed to live. But, remember, Obama is well aware that babies cannot vote. The Marxist agenda is tied into NOW, NARAL, and all the other radical pro death alliances that depend upon a culture of depravity, hopelessness and dependence.
Sarah Palin became the “most dangerous woman on the earth” because she is a believing Christian. Those who have embraced Obama consider Christianity to be an extreme religion, somehow even more dangerous than radical Islam. Arguments such as the one presented to me really center upon this belief. The fact that we who are more than the two-times-a-year nominal church goers do not immediately reach out and invite people like Mr. Ayers into our households is somehow evidence of our communal hypocrisy. They forget the policy of forgiving the sinner, not the sin. They also forget that even though people may have a faith, it does not mean that they are stupid. Naive, well-intentioned Christians have been attacked, robbed, raped and even murdered in their homes simply because they thought they were fulfilling God’s love by inviting the one who had a history of those actions into their home; it not hypocritical to practice common sense.
If issues such as abortion, economics and alliances are considered carefully in relation to personal faith, it becomes pretty evident that the real problem the liberal have is the existence of Christianity. Even though other religions such as Judaism and Islam also contain the idea of God only allowing true believers into heaven, it is Christianity that is the one singled out by the liberal for condemnation. The simple act of having that faith is enough to remove you from consideration for elective office, at least where the liberal is concerned. On its face, that is pure, unadulterated bigotry. If you are pro-life, than you must somehow think that those who are not are evil sinners whom God is going to punish in eternal fire, if you are pro-(fill in the favorite amendment here), the same indictment applies.
All specious arguments aside, what it comes down to is this: you can and must judge those who want to govern you by their associations. If I learned anything during my time in office, that is the most important. It is a test that is 100% accurate, and you can take that to the bank every time.
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