The CNN reporter works her way though the crowd asking the members the same question, “What are your feelings about Sarah Palin. Do you think she is qualified to be a heartbeat from the Presidency?” Most answer in the negative. A few quibble, and a couple shock her by saying they think so.
A roving reporter with a CBS logo on his lapel asks another crowd much the same question with similar results. A flip of the dial and NBC is seen working the same poll. In a matter of minutes headlines are splashed across the ticker running along the bottom of the screen, “Majority of America finds Palin unqualified for office!”
What the cameras did not show and what none of the Obama News Networks will ever say is that those polls were taken at events where the crowds are typically antagonistic to someone of Sarah Palin’s philosophy. A NOW meeting in New York, a GLAD gathering in San Francisco, A rally in Chicago…these are not places where an equitable sampling of American opinion can be had, but they are typical of where the major news networks go, except FOX. And, Mr. Murdoch’s maverick network seems to be the only one willing to report all the news. No wonder the liberal elite are desperate to bring back the un”fairness doctrine”.
At no other time in our history has a presidential candidate had the vast majority of the news media backing their candidacy to the point where what used to be a profession sworn to truth and objectivity, became a unified political machine willing to lie, cheat, steal and even slander to put their chosen candidate into office. If the truth were to be revealed, we would see conference room and bullpen discussions centered on spinning the latest bit of news. Slanting went out the window halfway through the conventions. Now they are into full-fledged pandering to the point where any article printed that shows McCain or Palin in any degree of positive light is now called racist. This blog has been called racist, absurd, and a few other non-printable adjectives because of its uncompromising stand on the fundamental belief that we are all created equal, including white Christianity. Every network except FOX will call those last three words an example of racism and hate speech.
Middle America is hated by the major networks and derided as being out of touch, intellectually deficient, unsophisticated and inbred. You will not find their reporters asking questions about Mrs. Palin of the crowd at a Sooners football game or at the Sturgis run in South Dakota.
This is an old story, but it needs to be repeated because what I witnessed is indicative of what reporting has become in the US. During the 2007 legislative session, Ty Cobb, a fellow Republican Assemblyman had the courage to vote no concerning the confirmation of the Democrat Speaker of the Nevada Assembly. Later, Molly Ball, a political reporter for the Las Vegas Review Journal interviewed Garn Maybe, the Assembly Minority Leader at the time as to whether or not Assemblyman Cobb would be “taken to the woodshed” over his no vote. Assemblyman Maybe gave Ms. Ball a thoughtful, considered answer that essentially said no action would be taken and that Assemblyman Cobb had every right to voice his opinion. I was standing next to Garn during the entire interview. I heard the reporter’s questions and I heard the Minority Leader’s answers. What I read in the Las Vegas Review Journal the next day was a work of pure fiction. Not one quote, not one question, not one item of the interview was reported either in context or in part. The paper had an agenda and it was not going to allow the truth to get in the way.
The editorial management of the Review Journal have defended incidences such as this by declaring that their reporters have the right to report the news as they see it, and to opine as they see fit. That defense would have weight if that same management hadn’t fired reporters for writing uncomplimentary articles regarding those the paper wanted to support.
Unfortunately, my city isn’t the exception that proves the rule; it is part of the rule. If Obama and Biden get in, Reid and Pelosi will immediately move to bring back the so-called fairness doctrine. Shortly after that we will see the conservative message removed from the news media. To a liberal, fairness means that any opposing view is silenced.
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