Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright…two of these men received glowing praise from Barrack Obama. One he declared as being central to forming his beliefs and world view. Khalidi, a high ranking member of the PLO, instrumental in planning and carrying out attacks against Israel, quite probably one of the most virulent terrorists in the world today since the death of Arafat, was praised during a dinner in Las Angeles by Obama. Ayers is an admitted domestic terrorist, personally responsible for the deaths of several innocent Americans and proud of what he did. For some unexplained reason the government did not prosecute him. Ayers wrote a book condemning the country that gave him the freedom to publish and Obama added a gushing review to the book. Wright has given sermon after sermon for the past 20 years damning the United States. The man is a frothing-at-the-mouth bigot whose hatred of his own country is unmatched. He has spoken of dreaming of the day the last white man is put to death. He has asked the heavens to rain fire down on America for its crimes against the black man, all the while ignoring the tribal genocides in Africa. The only other country that has received similar vitriol from Wright’s pulpit is Israel, the birthplace of the one Wright claims to worship. Obviously the good reverend is a hypocrite of the highest caliber.
Obama’s alliances are not just ill chosen, they are dangerous to the point of being traitorous. Every one of these men is an admitted enemy to the country Obama wishes to lead. Does anyone with the ability to reason believe that those relationships will not have an impact on an Obama administration?
Look at what happened to the Bush presidency. The junior Bush grew up as a child of privilege and formed friendships with individuals who considered ethics to be a character flaw. Those friendships followed Bush into the White House and had a direct impact on what has been the worst administration this country has seen since the days of Jimmy Carter. With the associations he has formed, an Obama administration has every possibility of making the Carter and Bush presidencies look golden in comparison.
The United States has been the lone friend of Israel since that country defied all odds and regained its sovereignty. The hatred of that tiny country escapes rational explanation, but the fact of that hated cannot be denied. Because of his associations, there is little doubt that Obama shares that hatred. There is also little doubt that he is intelligent enough to disguise his feelings until he has the power to act with impunity.
Outside of Israel, the country with the largest Jewish population is the United States. It has long been a conundrum as to why that community so consistently votes a liberal ticket when the liberals are aligned so closely with those who hate the Jew. Yet the vast majority of Jews in the United States are declaring their undying support of Barrack Obama.
I wonder if they will continue to do so when he joins the Islamists in their joint attack on Israel.
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Great post! I would disagree with you on one point, that it is George W. Bush. He made many mistakes, but he did many things. Percentagewise he is probably better than the Libs Idol, John F. Kennedy, who screwed up the Bay of Pigs as soon as he took office. I don't want to debate the Bush legacy now, but you are young enough, and will live to see how time will filter his deeds and misdeeds. The ultimate insult to George Bush was to put him in the same paragraph as Jimmy Carter. Nobody ever came close to that incompetent, cowardly, fool.
I recall saying, when Bill Clinton was elected, "This country survived Jimmy Carter, it can survive anything!" I was right, we did survive.
In facing a presidency of "The Anointed One", we are dealing with a whole new paradigm. The guy lies with absolute impunity. He has managed to work his way into our most sensitive areas, yet he is a virtual unknown. We can guess and we can speculate on who this guy is, but we still don't know. Is there any doubt in your mind that Obama's records in college are inaccessible because he was a member of SDS and other radical left-wing organizations?
Getting back to the subject, of "Goodbye Israel". You have stumbled over a mystery that I have never been able to solve. As a Jew, I have often wondered why American Jews, particularly Reformed Jews are so blind as to who their enemies are, and who their friends are. The Jews like the blacks are pawns that the Democrats can always count on regardless of the situation at hand. It is amazing that of the 30 odd Jews in Congress, only one Joe Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew, has figured out which side his bread is buttered on. In a like manner, black parents continually vote against self-interest and the well-being of their children, when they reject school vouchers. They don't know why they do it. But they do it.
In "Anna and the King of Siam" the king sang about a "puzzlement". He was so right, and it applies today. Why do we have so many American Jews walking into the ovens with their support of Obama? As the king said, "it is a puzzlement".
Alan M. Kaplan
Las Vegas, Nevada
Perhaps I could have phrased the Bush/Carter paradigm portion of my post a bit better Alan. Bush and Carter had different styles of management, but I have little doubt as to the shared level of incompetence. The one value I can see in Bush over Carter is that Bush is no coward. He has no ethics or wisdom, but he is certainly not a coward. Carter would not know courage or honor if they were fed to him via a tube.
One Jewish friend I have calls this mystery over their near complete embracing of anything liberal “collective guilt”. He also blames his mother.
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