An Assembly Caucus meeting was held in the spring of this year. At that meeting the bill I was proposing to address the problem of illegal immigration was ridiculed by two people I thought were my friends. Today, I know better. One began the dismantling by telling the caucus that my bill would bankrupt the state. The other agreed wholeheartedly. The bill would have mirrored the law passed in Oklahoma and gone after both illegals and those who knowingly hire them.
Remember the famous catch phrase that Bush Jr. proclaimed while he was raking in millions of dollars of bribe money from Mexico, “…doing jobs that Americans won’t do.”? He uttered that bit of rubbish while at the same time his friends in corporate America were firing American workers and shipping those lost jobs overseas.
Here in Southern Nevada we have developers building massive billion dollar resorts. In nearly every case the contractors doing the work have dozens of illegals on the job site. Many of these illegal workers carry the same phony social security ID as their buddy. Big business loves the idea of being able to pay upwards of ten wetbacks for the price of one American. Bush should have said his catchphrase a little differently, “…doing jobs that Americans won’t do at that price.” It’s a funny thing about the United States, we citizens insist on being treated fairly. Here in Nevada, it appears that the Republican Party considers fairness, real fairness, not that phony liberal nonsense, unfair. I suppose that is why they have worked overtime to remove Nevada’s citizens from the political process. You see, if the voter cannot have a direct impact on the fundamental decisions that affect their daily lives, the corrupt have an additional layer of protection.
The Fifteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution reads thusly: Section. 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Two brief paragraphs and one huge impact. It is no wonder that in recent history several states have had highly contentious court cases over what this amendment actually says. As far as the English language is concerned, the most important word in this right is the word, “abridged”. That means that if any person, entity, agency or government does anything to prevent a legal voter from voting for the person of their choice, they have violated the constitution. If a state passes a law restricting the ballot process, that state has violated the constitution. Well, here in Nevada, we apparently love illegal immigration. We even register them to vote as the Acorn story proves. However, we don’t want the legal citizens to vote freely, we only want them to vote for what the political parties say they can. Even though a write-in ballot is provided by federal law and you can go online and print one out, Nevada won’t let you use it. I know the 10th Amendment gives certain rights to the states, but it doesn’t do that.
Unfortunately, try to get your rights reestablished in a state that has nearly every legislator and judge bought and paid for by those businesses profiting from corruption.
Bankrupt the state? Maybe that isn’t such a bad thing.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Say Goodbye to Israel
Rashid Khalidi, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright…two of these men received glowing praise from Barrack Obama. One he declared as being central to forming his beliefs and world view. Khalidi, a high ranking member of the PLO, instrumental in planning and carrying out attacks against Israel, quite probably one of the most virulent terrorists in the world today since the death of Arafat, was praised during a dinner in Las Angeles by Obama. Ayers is an admitted domestic terrorist, personally responsible for the deaths of several innocent Americans and proud of what he did. For some unexplained reason the government did not prosecute him. Ayers wrote a book condemning the country that gave him the freedom to publish and Obama added a gushing review to the book. Wright has given sermon after sermon for the past 20 years damning the United States. The man is a frothing-at-the-mouth bigot whose hatred of his own country is unmatched. He has spoken of dreaming of the day the last white man is put to death. He has asked the heavens to rain fire down on America for its crimes against the black man, all the while ignoring the tribal genocides in Africa. The only other country that has received similar vitriol from Wright’s pulpit is Israel, the birthplace of the one Wright claims to worship. Obviously the good reverend is a hypocrite of the highest caliber.
Obama’s alliances are not just ill chosen, they are dangerous to the point of being traitorous. Every one of these men is an admitted enemy to the country Obama wishes to lead. Does anyone with the ability to reason believe that those relationships will not have an impact on an Obama administration?
Look at what happened to the Bush presidency. The junior Bush grew up as a child of privilege and formed friendships with individuals who considered ethics to be a character flaw. Those friendships followed Bush into the White House and had a direct impact on what has been the worst administration this country has seen since the days of Jimmy Carter. With the associations he has formed, an Obama administration has every possibility of making the Carter and Bush presidencies look golden in comparison.
The United States has been the lone friend of Israel since that country defied all odds and regained its sovereignty. The hatred of that tiny country escapes rational explanation, but the fact of that hated cannot be denied. Because of his associations, there is little doubt that Obama shares that hatred. There is also little doubt that he is intelligent enough to disguise his feelings until he has the power to act with impunity.
Outside of Israel, the country with the largest Jewish population is the United States. It has long been a conundrum as to why that community so consistently votes a liberal ticket when the liberals are aligned so closely with those who hate the Jew. Yet the vast majority of Jews in the United States are declaring their undying support of Barrack Obama.
I wonder if they will continue to do so when he joins the Islamists in their joint attack on Israel.
Obama’s alliances are not just ill chosen, they are dangerous to the point of being traitorous. Every one of these men is an admitted enemy to the country Obama wishes to lead. Does anyone with the ability to reason believe that those relationships will not have an impact on an Obama administration?
Look at what happened to the Bush presidency. The junior Bush grew up as a child of privilege and formed friendships with individuals who considered ethics to be a character flaw. Those friendships followed Bush into the White House and had a direct impact on what has been the worst administration this country has seen since the days of Jimmy Carter. With the associations he has formed, an Obama administration has every possibility of making the Carter and Bush presidencies look golden in comparison.
The United States has been the lone friend of Israel since that country defied all odds and regained its sovereignty. The hatred of that tiny country escapes rational explanation, but the fact of that hated cannot be denied. Because of his associations, there is little doubt that Obama shares that hatred. There is also little doubt that he is intelligent enough to disguise his feelings until he has the power to act with impunity.
Outside of Israel, the country with the largest Jewish population is the United States. It has long been a conundrum as to why that community so consistently votes a liberal ticket when the liberals are aligned so closely with those who hate the Jew. Yet the vast majority of Jews in the United States are declaring their undying support of Barrack Obama.
I wonder if they will continue to do so when he joins the Islamists in their joint attack on Israel.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The First Amendment
The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
A lot of people have issued opinions on what the above paragraph actually means. The majority of the opinions, including those psychotic ramblings from the Warren court, have been agenda driven. So, let’s take a look at the words from outside the box. The English language, especially during the late 1700’s was direct and to the point. If you approach a statement written by a personality such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison or John Adams with the assumption that these men were not writing in code, but wishing to make their intention as clear as possible, you are most likely going to wind up exactly where they were.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,”
During the time of the American Revolution, England had a state religion, the Church of England, established by King Henry the 8th for the sole purpose of allowing the King to divorce and remarry. The writers of our constitution wanted to ensure that Congress could not do what Henry did. They understood that a theocracy and freedom were incompatible concepts.
“or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
They also understood that in order to be truly free, the citizens of this new nation had to be allowed to worship as they saw fit. The Puritans and the Quakers of Pennsylvania were the last to sign off on this concept. They saw groups such as the Anabaptists and the Catholics as heretics and wanted nothing more than to tell them how to pray properly. We have much the same attitude going on today, but it is groups such as People for the American Way, the ACLU, NOW, and other atheistic organizations clamoring to remove that right. To them, all they see is the first half of the sentence. Whether they choose to agree or not, this statement is utterly true, it is not the American way to live without faith. The freedom to worship, or to not worship, as one sees fit, is one of the chief stones in the bedrock of our country’s foundation.
“or abridging the freedom of speech”
This is the big one that every armchair lawyer and their cousin quote, as if it is the only sentence within the amendment. You will notice that the writers of the constitution did not get to this portion until after they dealt with the freedom of religion. Sequence of thought is as important to the English language as is context. Being able to express oneself as a free citizen was important, just not as important as being able to worship without the government looking over your shoulder.
If you look at the letters of John Adams, Franklin, and the other founders, you will see them exercising this freedom with free flowing prose and quite often biting criticism. What you never see is the outrageous lie that today’s media and politicians are fond of using. Freedom of speech does not give us a right to lie. If Madison and his compatriots thought lies were a virtue, lying would have been mentioned. No, what is being said here is that congress cannot write a law that puts barriers in the way of Americans being able to voice their opinion in open and honest debate. When a citizen is sued over expressing an honest opinion or a student is either failed or thrown off a campus for being politically incorrect, those individuals’ rights have been “abridged”. In today’s language, they have been trampled upon. Political correctness is not American in any way shape or form and if the founding fathers were alive today, those who exercise political correctness would probably be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
“or of the press;”
This portion is another sentence that many place over the religion clause, and again, you need to be cognizant of sentence structure. Regardless, the ability to report freely on what is happening, even if such reporting embarrasses the wealthy or the powerful, such reporting can not be constricted by any law. Those media heads that have fired writers and reporters because they have chosen to report the truth have violated this clause of the constitution. This clause does not give the media the right to lie. It is their duty to report the truth and to let the people choose what to believe. Many in today’s media would consider that an undue infringement on their freedoms.
“or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,”
Every 60’s radical, especially William Ayers, knows this clause. They quoted it ad nauseum while fling bottles, rocks, and fecal matter at the police during the Vietnam War era riots. A riot is not a peaceful assembly and therefore, by definition, is removed from the protection of the First Amendment. What the framers of our constitution had in mind was to prevent congress from being able to send troops to a gathering of townsfolk, whether it be in the village square or in a home to break up the meeting.
A meeting of employees in any given company to discuss whether or not they should create or join a union is covered under this right. Sending the boys out late at night to plant a burning cross onto someone’s lawn is not.
“and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
In my state of Nevada, I am ashamed to have been a member of the political party that has worked overtime to eliminate this right from Nevadans. The ability of the people to have a say in the fundamental decisions that affect their lives is, by its placement as the capstone in this amendment, one of the most important rights we have.
The current Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert and the Senate Majority Leader Bill Raggio, worked together to craft a bill that greatly restricted the ability of an initiative petition to be approved for placement on the ballot in any given election. They did so under urging from the GOP party leadership because of the growing power of the Democrat party in the state’s two urban areas, Las Vegas and Reno. What was surprising is that the Democrat party leadership went right along with them, forming a Nevada version of the axis of evil.
We are seeing more and more moves in this direction and it is happening all across this nation in both local and national politics. The powerful elite in politics do not want the citizens of this country to have a voice. They care nothing for your wants, needs, desires or rights. What they want is for you to vote for them and to then shut up.
America needs to wake up. If the percentage of already registered voters who actually voted increased by only 25%, we would see a dramatic shift in the political picture of this country. If that percentage doubled, we would probably have begun the process of getting our country back. At the very least, the politicians would begin to listen.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
A lot of people have issued opinions on what the above paragraph actually means. The majority of the opinions, including those psychotic ramblings from the Warren court, have been agenda driven. So, let’s take a look at the words from outside the box. The English language, especially during the late 1700’s was direct and to the point. If you approach a statement written by a personality such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison or John Adams with the assumption that these men were not writing in code, but wishing to make their intention as clear as possible, you are most likely going to wind up exactly where they were.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,”
During the time of the American Revolution, England had a state religion, the Church of England, established by King Henry the 8th for the sole purpose of allowing the King to divorce and remarry. The writers of our constitution wanted to ensure that Congress could not do what Henry did. They understood that a theocracy and freedom were incompatible concepts.
“or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”
They also understood that in order to be truly free, the citizens of this new nation had to be allowed to worship as they saw fit. The Puritans and the Quakers of Pennsylvania were the last to sign off on this concept. They saw groups such as the Anabaptists and the Catholics as heretics and wanted nothing more than to tell them how to pray properly. We have much the same attitude going on today, but it is groups such as People for the American Way, the ACLU, NOW, and other atheistic organizations clamoring to remove that right. To them, all they see is the first half of the sentence. Whether they choose to agree or not, this statement is utterly true, it is not the American way to live without faith. The freedom to worship, or to not worship, as one sees fit, is one of the chief stones in the bedrock of our country’s foundation.
“or abridging the freedom of speech”
This is the big one that every armchair lawyer and their cousin quote, as if it is the only sentence within the amendment. You will notice that the writers of the constitution did not get to this portion until after they dealt with the freedom of religion. Sequence of thought is as important to the English language as is context. Being able to express oneself as a free citizen was important, just not as important as being able to worship without the government looking over your shoulder.
If you look at the letters of John Adams, Franklin, and the other founders, you will see them exercising this freedom with free flowing prose and quite often biting criticism. What you never see is the outrageous lie that today’s media and politicians are fond of using. Freedom of speech does not give us a right to lie. If Madison and his compatriots thought lies were a virtue, lying would have been mentioned. No, what is being said here is that congress cannot write a law that puts barriers in the way of Americans being able to voice their opinion in open and honest debate. When a citizen is sued over expressing an honest opinion or a student is either failed or thrown off a campus for being politically incorrect, those individuals’ rights have been “abridged”. In today’s language, they have been trampled upon. Political correctness is not American in any way shape or form and if the founding fathers were alive today, those who exercise political correctness would probably be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
“or of the press;”
This portion is another sentence that many place over the religion clause, and again, you need to be cognizant of sentence structure. Regardless, the ability to report freely on what is happening, even if such reporting embarrasses the wealthy or the powerful, such reporting can not be constricted by any law. Those media heads that have fired writers and reporters because they have chosen to report the truth have violated this clause of the constitution. This clause does not give the media the right to lie. It is their duty to report the truth and to let the people choose what to believe. Many in today’s media would consider that an undue infringement on their freedoms.
“or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,”
Every 60’s radical, especially William Ayers, knows this clause. They quoted it ad nauseum while fling bottles, rocks, and fecal matter at the police during the Vietnam War era riots. A riot is not a peaceful assembly and therefore, by definition, is removed from the protection of the First Amendment. What the framers of our constitution had in mind was to prevent congress from being able to send troops to a gathering of townsfolk, whether it be in the village square or in a home to break up the meeting.
A meeting of employees in any given company to discuss whether or not they should create or join a union is covered under this right. Sending the boys out late at night to plant a burning cross onto someone’s lawn is not.
“and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
In my state of Nevada, I am ashamed to have been a member of the political party that has worked overtime to eliminate this right from Nevadans. The ability of the people to have a say in the fundamental decisions that affect their lives is, by its placement as the capstone in this amendment, one of the most important rights we have.
The current Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert and the Senate Majority Leader Bill Raggio, worked together to craft a bill that greatly restricted the ability of an initiative petition to be approved for placement on the ballot in any given election. They did so under urging from the GOP party leadership because of the growing power of the Democrat party in the state’s two urban areas, Las Vegas and Reno. What was surprising is that the Democrat party leadership went right along with them, forming a Nevada version of the axis of evil.
We are seeing more and more moves in this direction and it is happening all across this nation in both local and national politics. The powerful elite in politics do not want the citizens of this country to have a voice. They care nothing for your wants, needs, desires or rights. What they want is for you to vote for them and to then shut up.
America needs to wake up. If the percentage of already registered voters who actually voted increased by only 25%, we would see a dramatic shift in the political picture of this country. If that percentage doubled, we would probably have begun the process of getting our country back. At the very least, the politicians would begin to listen.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Obama and Biden are liars
Lying. That means to cover or hide the truth. People lie to cover up a fact they do not want the listener to be aware of. People lie to hide weaknesses in their character, to avoid the responsibility for a wrong they have done, and to cheat their way into or out of a situation, always for their profit and the loss of those they are cheating.
If we were attentive parents, we taught our children not to lie and we punished them if they were caught doing so. In today’s world it seems that lying is being taught in the home as a viable tool for advancing in society and in business. In the political realm, lying is now seen as an attribute and the office holder who is caught being honest instantly become a pariah.
You think I’m spewing hyperbole here? Look at Joe Biden. The good Senator has a history of being an unrepentant plagiarist. That means he took the published words of someone and called them his own, when in fact, none of the work was his at all, and he did it more than once. I brought this fact up before an Obama supporter. The response? They could not have been less concerned. Here we are, readying ourselves to give this man the second highest office in our land, and he’s a proven liar and a thief. It used to be that those traits were considered a flaw on a man’s character. Today, if you point those out, you’re “judging”, or you’re being narrow-minded. All right, when little Johnny breaks something valuable and tells a Biden, are you going to spank him, or are you going to look on him with pride because he’s emulating the good senator.
Obama is on record as voting to drastically curtail our second amendment rights. He has called babies a “punishment”. He has indicated a preference for criminals over their victims. He wants to punish small business for succeeding and he plans on immediately restricting the right of free speech for those who disagree with him upon taking office. Every single one of these charges are an established fact taken in context from either an Obama speech or a statement. They have been said in discussions, interviews and on the Senate floor. Now, when it appears that the country may not be all that thrilled with his true Marxist leanings, Obama has turned his message around a full 180 degrees and began advocating the exact opposite of what he has said before. A cynical man would call that lying.
A politician would call it “growth”.
If we were attentive parents, we taught our children not to lie and we punished them if they were caught doing so. In today’s world it seems that lying is being taught in the home as a viable tool for advancing in society and in business. In the political realm, lying is now seen as an attribute and the office holder who is caught being honest instantly become a pariah.
You think I’m spewing hyperbole here? Look at Joe Biden. The good Senator has a history of being an unrepentant plagiarist. That means he took the published words of someone and called them his own, when in fact, none of the work was his at all, and he did it more than once. I brought this fact up before an Obama supporter. The response? They could not have been less concerned. Here we are, readying ourselves to give this man the second highest office in our land, and he’s a proven liar and a thief. It used to be that those traits were considered a flaw on a man’s character. Today, if you point those out, you’re “judging”, or you’re being narrow-minded. All right, when little Johnny breaks something valuable and tells a Biden, are you going to spank him, or are you going to look on him with pride because he’s emulating the good senator.
Obama is on record as voting to drastically curtail our second amendment rights. He has called babies a “punishment”. He has indicated a preference for criminals over their victims. He wants to punish small business for succeeding and he plans on immediately restricting the right of free speech for those who disagree with him upon taking office. Every single one of these charges are an established fact taken in context from either an Obama speech or a statement. They have been said in discussions, interviews and on the Senate floor. Now, when it appears that the country may not be all that thrilled with his true Marxist leanings, Obama has turned his message around a full 180 degrees and began advocating the exact opposite of what he has said before. A cynical man would call that lying.
A politician would call it “growth”.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Darwin was wrong, Part 2
The definition of theory from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
2: abstract thought : speculation
3: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art
4 a: a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of actionb: an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory
5: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
6 a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : conjecture c: a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject
My article in regard to Darwin and his theory of evolution generated a number of enraged comments from the atheist community. Grudgingly, they acknowledged my right to my opinion, but one even went so far as to state that I had no right to my own facts. Apparently only those who adhere to the atheist orthodoxy have a right to state facts.
Here are some additional facts with regard to what the atheist elite hold as their faith. I use the term faith because that is exactly what it is. The assumption that this universe is nothing more than a happy accident is no more provable than the assumption that it was created in a 168 hour period. Both assumptions have to be taken as a matter of faith. Note definition 6 from Webster.
One commenter argued that australopithecines and other fossils proved that the missing link had been found. Obviously they did little research beyond visiting agenda-oriented websites because R. Leaky, one of the most prominent scientists in archeology, had a problem with that very fossil record. One major problem was the community using adolescent fossils as adult to prove the link.
The paragraph below comes from a highly respected argument involving the problem of calling human evolution anything more than a supposition.
“It really is unnecessary to any longer extend coverage of the australopithecine fossil record. The fact is true humans appeared in the fossil record before the australopithecines and lived as contemporaries with them throughout all their history, revealing that australopithecines had nothing to do with human origins. Matt Cartmill of Duke Univ., David Pilbeam of Harvard, and Glynn Isaac of Harvard observe: "The australopithecines are rapidly sinking back to the status of peculiarly specialized apes...."
The evolutionist’s case for australopithecines as human ancestors was based on three claims: 1. big brained 2.bipedal 3. Appeared in the fossil record at a relevant time. Contrarily, brain size is less important than brain organization, evidence of bipedality is controversial but irrelevant as bipedality does not prove a human relationship, and as shown by the Laetoli footprints, when australopithecines first appeared in the fossil record, true humans were already walking.”
During the middle ages, the Roman Church was also the chief political power in the civilized world. Despite the atheist claims, it was not a Christian organization and the tortured were more often than not actual believers in Jesus Christ as well as observant Jews. The record is there if you choose to look. It is not unusual for the atheist community to attack the christian cummunity on flimsy evidence that really doesn’t even rise past the level of hypothesis. When an emotional response is all you have to go with, very little is surprising.
Today, the attacks on Sarah Palin from the Obama camp have never risen past that level. Today it is the clothes she wears. Yesterday it was her health records. Yet the Obama campaign has yet to release one piece of paper regarding their messiah or his background. They claim he is a Harvard graduate but we have no transcript. They claim he is an American-born citizen, but we have no birth certificate. They say Sarah Palin is dangerously unqualified for high office because of her faith, but they insist on the American voter to take Barrack Hussein Obama on faith. An interesting dichotomy, isn’t it?
Obama’s record places him in the true center of the atheist elite’s perfect candidate. He has consistently argued for legalizing the murder of babies while they are being born. He has argued that citizens who successfully defend themselves against an attacker in their homes be declared the criminal, not the attacker. He says he will immediately activate the so-called fairness doctrine, thus censoring the opinion of millions of Americans, and he has declared that anyone who successfully builds a business must “share the wealth” or be declared an enemy of the state.
What the atheist elite consistently fail to realize is that the moment this country adopts what they hope for, they will be the first to go. A Marxist Dictatorship has always eliminated the intellectuals, whether they were right or not.
1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
2: abstract thought : speculation
3: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art
4 a: a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action
5: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
6 a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : conjecture c: a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject
My article in regard to Darwin and his theory of evolution generated a number of enraged comments from the atheist community. Grudgingly, they acknowledged my right to my opinion, but one even went so far as to state that I had no right to my own facts. Apparently only those who adhere to the atheist orthodoxy have a right to state facts.
Here are some additional facts with regard to what the atheist elite hold as their faith. I use the term faith because that is exactly what it is. The assumption that this universe is nothing more than a happy accident is no more provable than the assumption that it was created in a 168 hour period. Both assumptions have to be taken as a matter of faith. Note definition 6 from Webster.
One commenter argued that australopithecines and other fossils proved that the missing link had been found. Obviously they did little research beyond visiting agenda-oriented websites because R. Leaky, one of the most prominent scientists in archeology, had a problem with that very fossil record. One major problem was the community using adolescent fossils as adult to prove the link.
The paragraph below comes from a highly respected argument involving the problem of calling human evolution anything more than a supposition.
“It really is unnecessary to any longer extend coverage of the australopithecine fossil record. The fact is true humans appeared in the fossil record before the australopithecines and lived as contemporaries with them throughout all their history, revealing that australopithecines had nothing to do with human origins. Matt Cartmill of Duke Univ., David Pilbeam of Harvard, and Glynn Isaac of Harvard observe: "The australopithecines are rapidly sinking back to the status of peculiarly specialized apes...."
The evolutionist’s case for australopithecines as human ancestors was based on three claims: 1. big brained 2.bipedal 3. Appeared in the fossil record at a relevant time. Contrarily, brain size is less important than brain organization, evidence of bipedality is controversial but irrelevant as bipedality does not prove a human relationship, and as shown by the Laetoli footprints, when australopithecines first appeared in the fossil record, true humans were already walking.”
During the middle ages, the Roman Church was also the chief political power in the civilized world. Despite the atheist claims, it was not a Christian organization and the tortured were more often than not actual believers in Jesus Christ as well as observant Jews. The record is there if you choose to look. It is not unusual for the atheist community to attack the christian cummunity on flimsy evidence that really doesn’t even rise past the level of hypothesis. When an emotional response is all you have to go with, very little is surprising.
Today, the attacks on Sarah Palin from the Obama camp have never risen past that level. Today it is the clothes she wears. Yesterday it was her health records. Yet the Obama campaign has yet to release one piece of paper regarding their messiah or his background. They claim he is a Harvard graduate but we have no transcript. They claim he is an American-born citizen, but we have no birth certificate. They say Sarah Palin is dangerously unqualified for high office because of her faith, but they insist on the American voter to take Barrack Hussein Obama on faith. An interesting dichotomy, isn’t it?
Obama’s record places him in the true center of the atheist elite’s perfect candidate. He has consistently argued for legalizing the murder of babies while they are being born. He has argued that citizens who successfully defend themselves against an attacker in their homes be declared the criminal, not the attacker. He says he will immediately activate the so-called fairness doctrine, thus censoring the opinion of millions of Americans, and he has declared that anyone who successfully builds a business must “share the wealth” or be declared an enemy of the state.
What the atheist elite consistently fail to realize is that the moment this country adopts what they hope for, they will be the first to go. A Marxist Dictatorship has always eliminated the intellectuals, whether they were right or not.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Dishonesty of the polls.
The CNN reporter works her way though the crowd asking the members the same question, “What are your feelings about Sarah Palin. Do you think she is qualified to be a heartbeat from the Presidency?” Most answer in the negative. A few quibble, and a couple shock her by saying they think so.
A roving reporter with a CBS logo on his lapel asks another crowd much the same question with similar results. A flip of the dial and NBC is seen working the same poll. In a matter of minutes headlines are splashed across the ticker running along the bottom of the screen, “Majority of America finds Palin unqualified for office!”
What the cameras did not show and what none of the Obama News Networks will ever say is that those polls were taken at events where the crowds are typically antagonistic to someone of Sarah Palin’s philosophy. A NOW meeting in New York, a GLAD gathering in San Francisco, A rally in Chicago…these are not places where an equitable sampling of American opinion can be had, but they are typical of where the major news networks go, except FOX. And, Mr. Murdoch’s maverick network seems to be the only one willing to report all the news. No wonder the liberal elite are desperate to bring back the un”fairness doctrine”.
At no other time in our history has a presidential candidate had the vast majority of the news media backing their candidacy to the point where what used to be a profession sworn to truth and objectivity, became a unified political machine willing to lie, cheat, steal and even slander to put their chosen candidate into office. If the truth were to be revealed, we would see conference room and bullpen discussions centered on spinning the latest bit of news. Slanting went out the window halfway through the conventions. Now they are into full-fledged pandering to the point where any article printed that shows McCain or Palin in any degree of positive light is now called racist. This blog has been called racist, absurd, and a few other non-printable adjectives because of its uncompromising stand on the fundamental belief that we are all created equal, including white Christianity. Every network except FOX will call those last three words an example of racism and hate speech.
Middle America is hated by the major networks and derided as being out of touch, intellectually deficient, unsophisticated and inbred. You will not find their reporters asking questions about Mrs. Palin of the crowd at a Sooners football game or at the Sturgis run in South Dakota.
This is an old story, but it needs to be repeated because what I witnessed is indicative of what reporting has become in the US. During the 2007 legislative session, Ty Cobb, a fellow Republican Assemblyman had the courage to vote no concerning the confirmation of the Democrat Speaker of the Nevada Assembly. Later, Molly Ball, a political reporter for the Las Vegas Review Journal interviewed Garn Maybe, the Assembly Minority Leader at the time as to whether or not Assemblyman Cobb would be “taken to the woodshed” over his no vote. Assemblyman Maybe gave Ms. Ball a thoughtful, considered answer that essentially said no action would be taken and that Assemblyman Cobb had every right to voice his opinion. I was standing next to Garn during the entire interview. I heard the reporter’s questions and I heard the Minority Leader’s answers. What I read in the Las Vegas Review Journal the next day was a work of pure fiction. Not one quote, not one question, not one item of the interview was reported either in context or in part. The paper had an agenda and it was not going to allow the truth to get in the way.
The editorial management of the Review Journal have defended incidences such as this by declaring that their reporters have the right to report the news as they see it, and to opine as they see fit. That defense would have weight if that same management hadn’t fired reporters for writing uncomplimentary articles regarding those the paper wanted to support.
Unfortunately, my city isn’t the exception that proves the rule; it is part of the rule. If Obama and Biden get in, Reid and Pelosi will immediately move to bring back the so-called fairness doctrine. Shortly after that we will see the conservative message removed from the news media. To a liberal, fairness means that any opposing view is silenced.
A roving reporter with a CBS logo on his lapel asks another crowd much the same question with similar results. A flip of the dial and NBC is seen working the same poll. In a matter of minutes headlines are splashed across the ticker running along the bottom of the screen, “Majority of America finds Palin unqualified for office!”
What the cameras did not show and what none of the Obama News Networks will ever say is that those polls were taken at events where the crowds are typically antagonistic to someone of Sarah Palin’s philosophy. A NOW meeting in New York, a GLAD gathering in San Francisco, A rally in Chicago…these are not places where an equitable sampling of American opinion can be had, but they are typical of where the major news networks go, except FOX. And, Mr. Murdoch’s maverick network seems to be the only one willing to report all the news. No wonder the liberal elite are desperate to bring back the un”fairness doctrine”.
At no other time in our history has a presidential candidate had the vast majority of the news media backing their candidacy to the point where what used to be a profession sworn to truth and objectivity, became a unified political machine willing to lie, cheat, steal and even slander to put their chosen candidate into office. If the truth were to be revealed, we would see conference room and bullpen discussions centered on spinning the latest bit of news. Slanting went out the window halfway through the conventions. Now they are into full-fledged pandering to the point where any article printed that shows McCain or Palin in any degree of positive light is now called racist. This blog has been called racist, absurd, and a few other non-printable adjectives because of its uncompromising stand on the fundamental belief that we are all created equal, including white Christianity. Every network except FOX will call those last three words an example of racism and hate speech.
Middle America is hated by the major networks and derided as being out of touch, intellectually deficient, unsophisticated and inbred. You will not find their reporters asking questions about Mrs. Palin of the crowd at a Sooners football game or at the Sturgis run in South Dakota.
This is an old story, but it needs to be repeated because what I witnessed is indicative of what reporting has become in the US. During the 2007 legislative session, Ty Cobb, a fellow Republican Assemblyman had the courage to vote no concerning the confirmation of the Democrat Speaker of the Nevada Assembly. Later, Molly Ball, a political reporter for the Las Vegas Review Journal interviewed Garn Maybe, the Assembly Minority Leader at the time as to whether or not Assemblyman Cobb would be “taken to the woodshed” over his no vote. Assemblyman Maybe gave Ms. Ball a thoughtful, considered answer that essentially said no action would be taken and that Assemblyman Cobb had every right to voice his opinion. I was standing next to Garn during the entire interview. I heard the reporter’s questions and I heard the Minority Leader’s answers. What I read in the Las Vegas Review Journal the next day was a work of pure fiction. Not one quote, not one question, not one item of the interview was reported either in context or in part. The paper had an agenda and it was not going to allow the truth to get in the way.
The editorial management of the Review Journal have defended incidences such as this by declaring that their reporters have the right to report the news as they see it, and to opine as they see fit. That defense would have weight if that same management hadn’t fired reporters for writing uncomplimentary articles regarding those the paper wanted to support.
Unfortunately, my city isn’t the exception that proves the rule; it is part of the rule. If Obama and Biden get in, Reid and Pelosi will immediately move to bring back the so-called fairness doctrine. Shortly after that we will see the conservative message removed from the news media. To a liberal, fairness means that any opposing view is silenced.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Darwin was wrong
It seems that the mere act of a Christian expressing an opinion that disagrees with the atheistic orthodoxy of the liberal left or the anti-God Ron Paul right is enough to send some of those folks into a typing frenzy. They will swallow, hook, line and sinker, any pseudo-intellectual claptrap that anyone puts up onto a site and declare it as truth as long as it supports their contention that this universe is nothing more than a happy accident.
According to them the idea of a vast eternal omnipresent intelligence is nonsense and anyone who ventures over into possibly believing otherwise is, at best, deluded and at worst, a danger to society.
CS Lewis used to believe in the absolute preeminence of the human mind. He was an atheist of the highest caliber, convinced that Darwin was right and that Darwin’s theory was not a mere theory but an established fact. Then his logic got in the way. Mere Christianity (1952) is an interesting read on that subject. What the atheist elite forget is that evolution as they use the word is only a theory and that theory has yet to be proven. I am sure I will be inundated with web links about that, but the fact remains that no link between humanity and the lower primates has ever been found. That is why they have the phrase “the missing link”. While there is a form of evolution within species, the teaching of extraspecies evolution, including human evolution as a fact is a lie. It is as much a lie as teaching Islam as a peaceful religion or teaching socialism as a path to prosperity. Or even worse, teaching global warming as being caused primarily by human development.
Whether or not they choose to believe it, Christians, even evangelical Christians have a right to express their opinion. To my mind they have even more of a right to do so than the so-called shock comics who deluge their audiences with grossly detailed profanity. The idea that this universe has a creator is not a danger to anyone’s life style. If Sarah Palin becomes the Vice President, no one is going to begin purging the strip clubs and bars. School curriculums will not change and daily life in America will continue to go on. So what if some of us choose to believe differently than you? Apparently, to some, that difference should not be allowed to be expressed.
Well, this is one politician who is going to express it and do so proudly, because this country was built on the idea of freedom of expression, and if homosexuals can march proudly down the streets of San Francisco, than I also have the right to proudly declare my opinions, even if they make someone uncomfortable. I believe this universe was created and I believe that the evidence is there to prove it. I also believe that the vast majority of the scientific community is too self-deluded to notice. I believe in the idea of American sovereignty and the freedom of expression being there for every individual regardless of their race, sex, age, or creed, and that does include evangelicals. I believe this country is our country and not a suburb of Mexico or a subordinate of the UN. Whether or not the Supreme Court agrees, the Constitution of the United States is the highest law in this land and the rights in that constitution apply to every legal citizen, and it ends there. If you want those rights, become a citizen…legally. Those rights include self expression and self defense…even in New York and California. The one right I do not have is the right to not be offended, but I do have the right to tell the one who offended me what I think of them.
It looks like America is racing headlong into a time where those rights will be taken away. The liberal elite in both parties are pushing into power a man who does not agree with the rights I just expressed. The pursuit of happiness should be left up to the government. Freedom of expression is all right, as long as he agrees with that expression. Freedom of religion is ok too, just as long as you leave God out of it.
According to them the idea of a vast eternal omnipresent intelligence is nonsense and anyone who ventures over into possibly believing otherwise is, at best, deluded and at worst, a danger to society.
CS Lewis used to believe in the absolute preeminence of the human mind. He was an atheist of the highest caliber, convinced that Darwin was right and that Darwin’s theory was not a mere theory but an established fact. Then his logic got in the way. Mere Christianity (1952) is an interesting read on that subject. What the atheist elite forget is that evolution as they use the word is only a theory and that theory has yet to be proven. I am sure I will be inundated with web links about that, but the fact remains that no link between humanity and the lower primates has ever been found. That is why they have the phrase “the missing link”. While there is a form of evolution within species, the teaching of extraspecies evolution, including human evolution as a fact is a lie. It is as much a lie as teaching Islam as a peaceful religion or teaching socialism as a path to prosperity. Or even worse, teaching global warming as being caused primarily by human development.
Whether or not they choose to believe it, Christians, even evangelical Christians have a right to express their opinion. To my mind they have even more of a right to do so than the so-called shock comics who deluge their audiences with grossly detailed profanity. The idea that this universe has a creator is not a danger to anyone’s life style. If Sarah Palin becomes the Vice President, no one is going to begin purging the strip clubs and bars. School curriculums will not change and daily life in America will continue to go on. So what if some of us choose to believe differently than you? Apparently, to some, that difference should not be allowed to be expressed.
Well, this is one politician who is going to express it and do so proudly, because this country was built on the idea of freedom of expression, and if homosexuals can march proudly down the streets of San Francisco, than I also have the right to proudly declare my opinions, even if they make someone uncomfortable. I believe this universe was created and I believe that the evidence is there to prove it. I also believe that the vast majority of the scientific community is too self-deluded to notice. I believe in the idea of American sovereignty and the freedom of expression being there for every individual regardless of their race, sex, age, or creed, and that does include evangelicals. I believe this country is our country and not a suburb of Mexico or a subordinate of the UN. Whether or not the Supreme Court agrees, the Constitution of the United States is the highest law in this land and the rights in that constitution apply to every legal citizen, and it ends there. If you want those rights, become a citizen…legally. Those rights include self expression and self defense…even in New York and California. The one right I do not have is the right to not be offended, but I do have the right to tell the one who offended me what I think of them.
It looks like America is racing headlong into a time where those rights will be taken away. The liberal elite in both parties are pushing into power a man who does not agree with the rights I just expressed. The pursuit of happiness should be left up to the government. Freedom of expression is all right, as long as he agrees with that expression. Freedom of religion is ok too, just as long as you leave God out of it.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Party Purity? What Party Purity?
Sarah Palin kicked Dem butt during her appearance on Saturday Night Live. The fact that Alex Baldwin, the rabidly liberal member of the Baldwin brothers, mistook Palin for Ms. Fey, is just icing on the cake. Unlike Obama, Palin can handle herself in any crowd and she has proven that.
Unfortunately, some in the GOP feel that Mrs. Palin has made her self unclean by doing the SNL appearance. Where the liberals have their religion, apparently so do some in the conservative ranks. For them, in order to be considered a “true conservative”, one has to adhere to a narrow interpretation of what the Republican credo should be. This bunch also considers Joe the Plumber to be unclean…for what reasons, I can’t imagine. Perhaps they think because he’s a regular guy he’s supposed to shut up and let his betters speak for him. The GOP, just like the Dems has it's own elitists, but where the Dems want to use Marxist philosophy to further its aims, the GOP elitists prefer the NeoCon, Laissez-faire capitalism message, where the corporate board replaces the sheriffs department. Both extremes have been proven disastrous to the average Joe.
The Paluxy River in Glen Rose Texas runs through the middle of Dinosaur Valley State Park. This park is famous for its dinosaur tracks. Those who deride Christians like Sarah Palin would rather not have this park mentioned because human tracks have also been found, not only in the same formation, but on the same bedding plane and in some cases overlapping the dinosaur tracks. Both sets of tracks have to been placed into the mud where they were formed at nearly the same time because of how fossils are made. It is somewhat like putting footprints into a wet concrete slab. Once the concrete dries, that’s it. No more prints.
What is sad is that there are both liberal and NeoCon elitists out there attempting to “erase the footprints”. Here in Nevada laws have been created to further remove the general public from the political process. Members of the Republican Party have been driven out because they made the unforgivable sin of attempting to represent every member of their constituency instead of just the rich and powerful, and the same has happened to a few Democrats. I personally know if members of both parties who have experienced this purging. Is there any wonder why an average of 15% of registered voters bother to vote?
The media elite, the old-line politicos in Washington and the phony experts in the universities have no idea as to what is going on outside of their country club existence. After nearly 60 years of observing human behavior, I can say that I have met more than my share of PHDs who knew nothing. The focus of this collective of idiots is so narrow that they are incapable of seeing reality. Alec Baldwin’s tirade about Sarah Palin, when he thought Palin was Fey, is a prime example. An orthodoxy has to be followed. Whether or not it actually works is beside the point. If you are a Democrat, you have to be for taxes and spending and silencing any voice that disagrees…in spite of that inconvenient first amendment. If you are a Republican, you have to be in favor of treating board members as above the law and everyone else as a serf…in spite of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.
These people react, they don’t think. Unfortunately, a significant portion of voting citizens does the same.
Unfortunately, some in the GOP feel that Mrs. Palin has made her self unclean by doing the SNL appearance. Where the liberals have their religion, apparently so do some in the conservative ranks. For them, in order to be considered a “true conservative”, one has to adhere to a narrow interpretation of what the Republican credo should be. This bunch also considers Joe the Plumber to be unclean…for what reasons, I can’t imagine. Perhaps they think because he’s a regular guy he’s supposed to shut up and let his betters speak for him. The GOP, just like the Dems has it's own elitists, but where the Dems want to use Marxist philosophy to further its aims, the GOP elitists prefer the NeoCon, Laissez-faire capitalism message, where the corporate board replaces the sheriffs department. Both extremes have been proven disastrous to the average Joe.
The Paluxy River in Glen Rose Texas runs through the middle of Dinosaur Valley State Park. This park is famous for its dinosaur tracks. Those who deride Christians like Sarah Palin would rather not have this park mentioned because human tracks have also been found, not only in the same formation, but on the same bedding plane and in some cases overlapping the dinosaur tracks. Both sets of tracks have to been placed into the mud where they were formed at nearly the same time because of how fossils are made. It is somewhat like putting footprints into a wet concrete slab. Once the concrete dries, that’s it. No more prints.
What is sad is that there are both liberal and NeoCon elitists out there attempting to “erase the footprints”. Here in Nevada laws have been created to further remove the general public from the political process. Members of the Republican Party have been driven out because they made the unforgivable sin of attempting to represent every member of their constituency instead of just the rich and powerful, and the same has happened to a few Democrats. I personally know if members of both parties who have experienced this purging. Is there any wonder why an average of 15% of registered voters bother to vote?
The media elite, the old-line politicos in Washington and the phony experts in the universities have no idea as to what is going on outside of their country club existence. After nearly 60 years of observing human behavior, I can say that I have met more than my share of PHDs who knew nothing. The focus of this collective of idiots is so narrow that they are incapable of seeing reality. Alec Baldwin’s tirade about Sarah Palin, when he thought Palin was Fey, is a prime example. An orthodoxy has to be followed. Whether or not it actually works is beside the point. If you are a Democrat, you have to be for taxes and spending and silencing any voice that disagrees…in spite of that inconvenient first amendment. If you are a Republican, you have to be in favor of treating board members as above the law and everyone else as a serf…in spite of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.
These people react, they don’t think. Unfortunately, a significant portion of voting citizens does the same.
Monday, October 20, 2008
How dare you question the messiah!
Say goodbye to the first amendment as you know it. Sure, it doesn’t resemble much of what the founding fathers envisioned, but when the Obama Administration, run by the puppetry of Pelosi and Reid, get through with it, only the elite will be allowed to say what they truly feel.
Yet another absurdity by Rockpile, you say? I don’t think so. Already the elite media is acting as if the prediction is a reality. Consider Joe the Plumber. He had the temerity to question Obama, the black messiah. His second and even more grievous sin was to show the fallacy of Obamanomics. Now media goons are digging through the guy’s garbage. The slightest chink in his background is blown up into a massive example of his terrible character. If this were the middle ages, he would be in the stocks right now, paying the price for blasphemy.
Colin Powell, who thought it was just fine to go after Islamic terrorists, as long as we didn’t win, has moved into the position as the messiah’s prophet. I have been asked how I feel about Powell’s endorsement of the socialist associate of a domestic terrorist. That one’s easy to answer. Powell’s endorsement of Obama is right in character. Powell may have been the Secretary of State for a Republican administration, but just like the President he served with, Colin Powell was no conservative. Just like Bush Senior and Junior, he has no desire for American to remain a sovereign nation. He has no concern for all the Joe the Plumbers out there; he has his sights set on the socialist Promised Land, with himself as one of those at the top. He is member of the liberal politics ponzi scheme that has put us into the crisis we are currently experiencing.
Laura Ingraham called Powell a born again liberal. I think she’s giving him too much credit, he always was a liberal. While in the military he was bound by protocol and tradition. As a politician he could and did show his true colors. Under his watch the State Department moved record distances away from representing the rights of Americans overseas to kowtowing to foreign nationals in favor of America’s enemies. No wonder the media loves him and hates Joe the Plumber.
Every bit of baggage in Powell’s closet will be glossed over or ignored, while at the same time, dangers to the socialist agenda such as Plumber Joe and Sarah Palin will have the slightest sign of human frailty magnified beyond all belief. The media will never acknowledge nor admit their lack of objectivity. Here in Nevada, our two drunken reporters, Ball and Ralston (both have dui’s on their record), find plenty to complain and sneer about conservatism. I imagine that if the same spotlight being shone on Joe was positioned onto the media, we’d find that Ball and Ralston were the rule rather than the exception.
When the first amendment is repealed by the Obamanation, will they still worship him?
Yet another absurdity by Rockpile, you say? I don’t think so. Already the elite media is acting as if the prediction is a reality. Consider Joe the Plumber. He had the temerity to question Obama, the black messiah. His second and even more grievous sin was to show the fallacy of Obamanomics. Now media goons are digging through the guy’s garbage. The slightest chink in his background is blown up into a massive example of his terrible character. If this were the middle ages, he would be in the stocks right now, paying the price for blasphemy.
Colin Powell, who thought it was just fine to go after Islamic terrorists, as long as we didn’t win, has moved into the position as the messiah’s prophet. I have been asked how I feel about Powell’s endorsement of the socialist associate of a domestic terrorist. That one’s easy to answer. Powell’s endorsement of Obama is right in character. Powell may have been the Secretary of State for a Republican administration, but just like the President he served with, Colin Powell was no conservative. Just like Bush Senior and Junior, he has no desire for American to remain a sovereign nation. He has no concern for all the Joe the Plumbers out there; he has his sights set on the socialist Promised Land, with himself as one of those at the top. He is member of the liberal politics ponzi scheme that has put us into the crisis we are currently experiencing.
Laura Ingraham called Powell a born again liberal. I think she’s giving him too much credit, he always was a liberal. While in the military he was bound by protocol and tradition. As a politician he could and did show his true colors. Under his watch the State Department moved record distances away from representing the rights of Americans overseas to kowtowing to foreign nationals in favor of America’s enemies. No wonder the media loves him and hates Joe the Plumber.
Every bit of baggage in Powell’s closet will be glossed over or ignored, while at the same time, dangers to the socialist agenda such as Plumber Joe and Sarah Palin will have the slightest sign of human frailty magnified beyond all belief. The media will never acknowledge nor admit their lack of objectivity. Here in Nevada, our two drunken reporters, Ball and Ralston (both have dui’s on their record), find plenty to complain and sneer about conservatism. I imagine that if the same spotlight being shone on Joe was positioned onto the media, we’d find that Ball and Ralston were the rule rather than the exception.
When the first amendment is repealed by the Obamanation, will they still worship him?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Should we forgive William Ayers? Hell no.
The other day I was sent an email with a link to yet another ultraliberal article about how evil and hypocritical it is for conservatives to hold Obama’s associations against him. This one focused on his association with Bill Ayers, our suddenly famous retired domestic terrorist. The sender asked if I was willing to state as to whether or not I forgave Mr. Ayers, and if not, why. You should note that Obama lied during the last debate when he stated that he did not launch his campaign from Ayer’s home, and no, I am not going to load my essay down with links. The facts are there if you need to look them up.
At first I said I would not answer the question because typically that question, especially from that specific source is the beginning of a “have you stopped beating your wife?” exchange. It all becomes a circular argument that does nothing but satisfy a personality that uses argument for fun. It goes nowhere.
Liberals who hold hard and fast to the far left agenda find nothing wrong in alliances with people such as Ayers and the hate-monger Reverend Wright. The fact that those individuals hate fundamental America is enough. Anything done for the cause is justified because it all heads toward the greater good. Ayers may or may not have killed or injured anyone, the jury is out on that one. He was never prosecuted for his crimes, so what? He has also never recanted his beliefs and has indicated a quiet support for the Saudi Terrorists who took down the World Trade Center towers on 9-11. For me, that is enough to indict Obama’s judgment. Obama said in a recent statement, “…to avoid being labeled a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.” If this is true, we are looking at our first affirmed Marxist Presidency. Obama, by his own admission, has aligned himself with people who believe in the Marxist philosophy. Obama doesn’t want to be a “sellout”, a phrase deeply ingrained into cult-like, socialist, ultraliberal circles. They agree completely with Obama’s share the wealth plank in his platform. Under an Obama regime, any one who begins to achieve a middleclass income will be forced back into the ranks of the poor. Small business growth will stagnate and medium to large business will die on the vine.
Another statement by Obama is in regards to partial birth abortion, “…I don’t want her punished with a baby…” Think about that phrase, “punished with a baby.” At least he didn’t use the politically correct phrase, pre-viable fetus. For those of you unsure, partial birth abortions involve partially delivering the baby and then killing it by stabbing his/her brain with a pair of surgical scissors. Liberals kept it from being called what it actually is, murder, by insisting that some abortions of that type may have to be carried out for the health of the mother. This, of course is medical nonsense and any doctor worth his degree would have to agree. In order to “partial birth”, the mother has to go through every stress that would be of any danger. At the point of the murder, she would be just as safe if the baby were allowed to live. But, remember, Obama is well aware that babies cannot vote. The Marxist agenda is tied into NOW, NARAL, and all the other radical pro death alliances that depend upon a culture of depravity, hopelessness and dependence.
Sarah Palin became the “most dangerous woman on the earth” because she is a believing Christian. Those who have embraced Obama consider Christianity to be an extreme religion, somehow even more dangerous than radical Islam. Arguments such as the one presented to me really center upon this belief. The fact that we who are more than the two-times-a-year nominal church goers do not immediately reach out and invite people like Mr. Ayers into our households is somehow evidence of our communal hypocrisy. They forget the policy of forgiving the sinner, not the sin. They also forget that even though people may have a faith, it does not mean that they are stupid. Naive, well-intentioned Christians have been attacked, robbed, raped and even murdered in their homes simply because they thought they were fulfilling God’s love by inviting the one who had a history of those actions into their home; it not hypocritical to practice common sense.
If issues such as abortion, economics and alliances are considered carefully in relation to personal faith, it becomes pretty evident that the real problem the liberal have is the existence of Christianity. Even though other religions such as Judaism and Islam also contain the idea of God only allowing true believers into heaven, it is Christianity that is the one singled out by the liberal for condemnation. The simple act of having that faith is enough to remove you from consideration for elective office, at least where the liberal is concerned. On its face, that is pure, unadulterated bigotry. If you are pro-life, than you must somehow think that those who are not are evil sinners whom God is going to punish in eternal fire, if you are pro-(fill in the favorite amendment here), the same indictment applies.
All specious arguments aside, what it comes down to is this: you can and must judge those who want to govern you by their associations. If I learned anything during my time in office, that is the most important. It is a test that is 100% accurate, and you can take that to the bank every time.
At first I said I would not answer the question because typically that question, especially from that specific source is the beginning of a “have you stopped beating your wife?” exchange. It all becomes a circular argument that does nothing but satisfy a personality that uses argument for fun. It goes nowhere.
Liberals who hold hard and fast to the far left agenda find nothing wrong in alliances with people such as Ayers and the hate-monger Reverend Wright. The fact that those individuals hate fundamental America is enough. Anything done for the cause is justified because it all heads toward the greater good. Ayers may or may not have killed or injured anyone, the jury is out on that one. He was never prosecuted for his crimes, so what? He has also never recanted his beliefs and has indicated a quiet support for the Saudi Terrorists who took down the World Trade Center towers on 9-11. For me, that is enough to indict Obama’s judgment. Obama said in a recent statement, “…to avoid being labeled a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.” If this is true, we are looking at our first affirmed Marxist Presidency. Obama, by his own admission, has aligned himself with people who believe in the Marxist philosophy. Obama doesn’t want to be a “sellout”, a phrase deeply ingrained into cult-like, socialist, ultraliberal circles. They agree completely with Obama’s share the wealth plank in his platform. Under an Obama regime, any one who begins to achieve a middleclass income will be forced back into the ranks of the poor. Small business growth will stagnate and medium to large business will die on the vine.
Another statement by Obama is in regards to partial birth abortion, “…I don’t want her punished with a baby…” Think about that phrase, “punished with a baby.” At least he didn’t use the politically correct phrase, pre-viable fetus. For those of you unsure, partial birth abortions involve partially delivering the baby and then killing it by stabbing his/her brain with a pair of surgical scissors. Liberals kept it from being called what it actually is, murder, by insisting that some abortions of that type may have to be carried out for the health of the mother. This, of course is medical nonsense and any doctor worth his degree would have to agree. In order to “partial birth”, the mother has to go through every stress that would be of any danger. At the point of the murder, she would be just as safe if the baby were allowed to live. But, remember, Obama is well aware that babies cannot vote. The Marxist agenda is tied into NOW, NARAL, and all the other radical pro death alliances that depend upon a culture of depravity, hopelessness and dependence.
Sarah Palin became the “most dangerous woman on the earth” because she is a believing Christian. Those who have embraced Obama consider Christianity to be an extreme religion, somehow even more dangerous than radical Islam. Arguments such as the one presented to me really center upon this belief. The fact that we who are more than the two-times-a-year nominal church goers do not immediately reach out and invite people like Mr. Ayers into our households is somehow evidence of our communal hypocrisy. They forget the policy of forgiving the sinner, not the sin. They also forget that even though people may have a faith, it does not mean that they are stupid. Naive, well-intentioned Christians have been attacked, robbed, raped and even murdered in their homes simply because they thought they were fulfilling God’s love by inviting the one who had a history of those actions into their home; it not hypocritical to practice common sense.
If issues such as abortion, economics and alliances are considered carefully in relation to personal faith, it becomes pretty evident that the real problem the liberal have is the existence of Christianity. Even though other religions such as Judaism and Islam also contain the idea of God only allowing true believers into heaven, it is Christianity that is the one singled out by the liberal for condemnation. The simple act of having that faith is enough to remove you from consideration for elective office, at least where the liberal is concerned. On its face, that is pure, unadulterated bigotry. If you are pro-life, than you must somehow think that those who are not are evil sinners whom God is going to punish in eternal fire, if you are pro-(fill in the favorite amendment here), the same indictment applies.
All specious arguments aside, what it comes down to is this: you can and must judge those who want to govern you by their associations. If I learned anything during my time in office, that is the most important. It is a test that is 100% accurate, and you can take that to the bank every time.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Real Pain
Liberal politicians on both sides of the aisle want to control every aspect of the average citizen’s life. How you think, work, play, worship, and relax, those should not be your choice...not according to the liberals. The elite in the liberal camp firmly believe they are far better suited to make those decisions, and the liberal drones agree with them. To the drone, it is far easier to shift the responsibility over to the government.
Responsibility. To the liberal mindset, if you add the word “self” before responsibility, you are speaking blasphemy. A populace of independent, self-reliant citizens is a vision of unspeakable horror to the liberal. One reason is that the independent need no one to tell them what to do. The independent make their own decisions. They deal with problems as they come along and they succeed or fail on their own. They are the ones who make the fundamental choices about their own lives. The liberal elite want to remove that ability, even to the point of telling you how to travel or at what temperature your home will be kept.
Pelosi, Reid, Dodd…to the liberal elite, the pinnacle of established the true conservative, a new axis of evil; a tri-liberal committee. Because of the policies and laws these three stooges have put in place, the ability to be self reliant has become an endangered dream. One of the favorite tools of the liberal is healthcare, specifically the arena of pain management.
Pain is a reality of the human condition. Bruises come with the territory. Pain is nature’s way of telling us to “not do that again”. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and pain becomes a constant unwelcome presence in our lives. The pain management specialty is made up of doctors who have studied and in some cases perfected ways to allow the pain sufferer to live a functional life while dealing with that pain. Liberals somehow think that is wrong. They point out the tiny percentage of patients who act irresponsibly as an indication of the whole. Rush Limbaugh’s problem with pain medication is one of their prime examples. They ignore the fact that Mr. Limbaugh has dealt with that problem and seems to be doing quite well right now. To the liberal, a middleclass working American dealing with chronic pain while supporting themselves and their family is as much a danger to society as a meth addict in the gutters of skid row.
The Las Vegas Sun, the liberal newspaper in my area, had an article this morning about a doctor who prescribed pain medication in an irresponsible manner. Well, doctors happen to be human, and humanity does act irresponsibly, sometimes more often than not. That does not mean that in order to solve that problem, you eliminate the ability of those doctors who do prescribe responsibly to help their patients. If you are liberal, that is exactly how you deal with the problem. You punish the patients. You create laws that make it illegal to even think about doing what caused the actual harm. Punish the wrongdoer only? What do you think we are, conservatives?
The best way to solve the healthcare problem and to lower costs is not by adding innumerable layers of regulation, but by making a few responsible changes to how things are done.
One: remove the profit motive. It is fundamentally un-American for a few people to become wealthy off of the misery of others. A hospital or a health insurance company can offer their employees a very good living while supplying their patients with high quality products and services. The Mayo Clinic is a prime example of this. In healthcare the profit motive is what prompts the greedy to order their employees to eject patients from their hospital rooms the second the coverage lapses, or to force nurses to use needles on more than one patient. The profit motive is what causes insurance carriers to refuse contracted benefits on the flimsiest of excuses while granting their board members multimillion dollar bonuses. If you think these examples are absurd, every one of them happened right here in Nevada over the past few years and every one of them was defended by the liberal elite in my legislature. One of the chief supporters of the companies that committed these atrocities was Nevada Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie, the recipient of the Consumer Advocate award. Now that is irony. To the media, it is not what you do that counts, it is what you say.
Two: allow doctors and patients to develop a true working relationship where prescribed medications and procedures are concerned. A doctor has enough to do without spending additional hours filing multiple copies of reports to faceless bureaucrats. Don’t remove avenues of help simply because some people may abuse the medicine. People can be idiots, but don’t punish the responsible for the actions of the irresponsible. And don’t make medications that work unavailable for the same reason.
Three: pull the weeds. Sometimes people turn out to be bad, and that includes physicians. The liberal elite think that the best way to deal with that problem is to tighten the regulations so that it is harder to do the bad things. This is the way they deal with everything. The ridiculous gun laws are an example. Making it harder for a doctor to do the job only makes it hard on the patients. If a physician violates the oath that begins with “do no harm”, and it turns out that this was done intentionally, yank the license. There will be plenty of candidates to fill those shoes. We will not have a shortage of doctors if the profession is regulated in a responsible manner. We will though if we allow the liberal mindset to run our lives.
Responsibility. To the liberal mindset, if you add the word “self” before responsibility, you are speaking blasphemy. A populace of independent, self-reliant citizens is a vision of unspeakable horror to the liberal. One reason is that the independent need no one to tell them what to do. The independent make their own decisions. They deal with problems as they come along and they succeed or fail on their own. They are the ones who make the fundamental choices about their own lives. The liberal elite want to remove that ability, even to the point of telling you how to travel or at what temperature your home will be kept.
Pelosi, Reid, Dodd…to the liberal elite, the pinnacle of established the true conservative, a new axis of evil; a tri-liberal committee. Because of the policies and laws these three stooges have put in place, the ability to be self reliant has become an endangered dream. One of the favorite tools of the liberal is healthcare, specifically the arena of pain management.
Pain is a reality of the human condition. Bruises come with the territory. Pain is nature’s way of telling us to “not do that again”. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong and pain becomes a constant unwelcome presence in our lives. The pain management specialty is made up of doctors who have studied and in some cases perfected ways to allow the pain sufferer to live a functional life while dealing with that pain. Liberals somehow think that is wrong. They point out the tiny percentage of patients who act irresponsibly as an indication of the whole. Rush Limbaugh’s problem with pain medication is one of their prime examples. They ignore the fact that Mr. Limbaugh has dealt with that problem and seems to be doing quite well right now. To the liberal, a middleclass working American dealing with chronic pain while supporting themselves and their family is as much a danger to society as a meth addict in the gutters of skid row.
The Las Vegas Sun, the liberal newspaper in my area, had an article this morning about a doctor who prescribed pain medication in an irresponsible manner. Well, doctors happen to be human, and humanity does act irresponsibly, sometimes more often than not. That does not mean that in order to solve that problem, you eliminate the ability of those doctors who do prescribe responsibly to help their patients. If you are liberal, that is exactly how you deal with the problem. You punish the patients. You create laws that make it illegal to even think about doing what caused the actual harm. Punish the wrongdoer only? What do you think we are, conservatives?
The best way to solve the healthcare problem and to lower costs is not by adding innumerable layers of regulation, but by making a few responsible changes to how things are done.
One: remove the profit motive. It is fundamentally un-American for a few people to become wealthy off of the misery of others. A hospital or a health insurance company can offer their employees a very good living while supplying their patients with high quality products and services. The Mayo Clinic is a prime example of this. In healthcare the profit motive is what prompts the greedy to order their employees to eject patients from their hospital rooms the second the coverage lapses, or to force nurses to use needles on more than one patient. The profit motive is what causes insurance carriers to refuse contracted benefits on the flimsiest of excuses while granting their board members multimillion dollar bonuses. If you think these examples are absurd, every one of them happened right here in Nevada over the past few years and every one of them was defended by the liberal elite in my legislature. One of the chief supporters of the companies that committed these atrocities was Nevada Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie, the recipient of the Consumer Advocate award. Now that is irony. To the media, it is not what you do that counts, it is what you say.
Two: allow doctors and patients to develop a true working relationship where prescribed medications and procedures are concerned. A doctor has enough to do without spending additional hours filing multiple copies of reports to faceless bureaucrats. Don’t remove avenues of help simply because some people may abuse the medicine. People can be idiots, but don’t punish the responsible for the actions of the irresponsible. And don’t make medications that work unavailable for the same reason.
Three: pull the weeds. Sometimes people turn out to be bad, and that includes physicians. The liberal elite think that the best way to deal with that problem is to tighten the regulations so that it is harder to do the bad things. This is the way they deal with everything. The ridiculous gun laws are an example. Making it harder for a doctor to do the job only makes it hard on the patients. If a physician violates the oath that begins with “do no harm”, and it turns out that this was done intentionally, yank the license. There will be plenty of candidates to fill those shoes. We will not have a shortage of doctors if the profession is regulated in a responsible manner. We will though if we allow the liberal mindset to run our lives.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It’s too late for McCain
It’s too late for McCain.
Real conservatism has taken a death blow and the one swinging the blade is the GOP. If you are a citizen who voted for Reagan then you should feel betrayed. John McCain has been around Washington for over a quarter of a century. He has styled himself as the maverick, the reformer, and the anti-politician. It may play well in Arizona, but that is also where McCain’s big campaign contributors own large farms and factories in need of really cheap labor. You know, those people who need labor that will do the jobs Americans won’t do.
McCain rose high enough in the senate ranks to be well aware of the shenanigans going on the cloakrooms in relation to the gestating Wall Street disaster. He saw who was paying off whom and for what. He didn’t say or do a thing then, and he hasn’t now. He has no plans to do or say anything about going after the real criminals in this enterprise. Wrongs have been done and where is McCain?
We know where Obama was and it is understandable why he’s silent on this issue...he was one of those who caused it. Obama is in this up to his big ears and he has made a fortune off of it; he’s loving this. McCain was actually catching Obama and it was beginning to look like he might pass him, and then the crash came. The numbers reset and McCain has stayed an average of 6 points behind.
Sarah Palin could have saved McCain’s bacon, but she made the fatal mistake of being so superior a candidate she embarrassed her boss, so she was silenced, except for the occasional inconsequential interview. Allowing Palin to do the talk show circuit and blanket the country with her message was too dangerous, she is far more charismatic than McCain could ever hope to be, and she identifies with a demographic he never will, Middle America.
I predicted a McCain/Palin victory, but that was when I still thought the GOP would allow Palin to do what she is so capable of doing, bringing in the independent voters. Obama will get over 90% of the black vote regardless of what he has or will do. That is a racist attitude no amount of charisma can break through. You should vote for someone because of how they will handle the issues, not the color of their skin. Oh, and “change” is not an issue, it’s a slogan.
We are very likely going to see the first black, socialist American president. Obama is a dead cert unless something miraculous happens in the McCain camp. But since the GOP has little more than contempt for independent America, I see small chance of that happening.
Real conservatism has taken a death blow and the one swinging the blade is the GOP. If you are a citizen who voted for Reagan then you should feel betrayed. John McCain has been around Washington for over a quarter of a century. He has styled himself as the maverick, the reformer, and the anti-politician. It may play well in Arizona, but that is also where McCain’s big campaign contributors own large farms and factories in need of really cheap labor. You know, those people who need labor that will do the jobs Americans won’t do.
McCain rose high enough in the senate ranks to be well aware of the shenanigans going on the cloakrooms in relation to the gestating Wall Street disaster. He saw who was paying off whom and for what. He didn’t say or do a thing then, and he hasn’t now. He has no plans to do or say anything about going after the real criminals in this enterprise. Wrongs have been done and where is McCain?
We know where Obama was and it is understandable why he’s silent on this issue...he was one of those who caused it. Obama is in this up to his big ears and he has made a fortune off of it; he’s loving this. McCain was actually catching Obama and it was beginning to look like he might pass him, and then the crash came. The numbers reset and McCain has stayed an average of 6 points behind.
Sarah Palin could have saved McCain’s bacon, but she made the fatal mistake of being so superior a candidate she embarrassed her boss, so she was silenced, except for the occasional inconsequential interview. Allowing Palin to do the talk show circuit and blanket the country with her message was too dangerous, she is far more charismatic than McCain could ever hope to be, and she identifies with a demographic he never will, Middle America.
I predicted a McCain/Palin victory, but that was when I still thought the GOP would allow Palin to do what she is so capable of doing, bringing in the independent voters. Obama will get over 90% of the black vote regardless of what he has or will do. That is a racist attitude no amount of charisma can break through. You should vote for someone because of how they will handle the issues, not the color of their skin. Oh, and “change” is not an issue, it’s a slogan.
We are very likely going to see the first black, socialist American president. Obama is a dead cert unless something miraculous happens in the McCain camp. But since the GOP has little more than contempt for independent America, I see small chance of that happening.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Are you better off now?
How well off are you with the “experienced” running the country? Are you paying less for a gallon of gas than you were 8 years ago? How’s your saving account? Do you feel prepared for retirement? What about the kids? Can they read? Are they giving you a heart warming feeling as you see them stepping out to take over where you have left off?
I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that we are in a world of trouble and the floor is just about ready to drop out from beneath us. George W. Bush spent this morning attempting to sell the idea that printing nearly a trillion greenbacks will help the economy and that allowing the government to become the majority shareholder in private business is good business. Yes, and the government’s takeover of the education system has done so well.
This message is coming from the same “conservative” that insisted that an open, unsecured border is only good business, that we have to allow millions of wetbacks across the Rio Grande because they are willing to “do those jobs that Americans won’t do”. He failed to add “at that price”. This is the same “conservative” that has continued to ignore T. Boone Pickens’ message about how to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. We do not need a government more attune to foreign voices than those of its citizenry. Unfortunately, since Ronald Reagan, that is all we’ve had.
Obama and McCain are both bad choices. The primary difference between the two is that McCain is slightly less bad. Neither one of them believes in a truly sovereign America. Both have a vision of a world government. McCain wants to further Bush’s plan to unite Mexico, Canada and the U.S. into one European-style union. Obama wants to hand the reins over to the UN. The only bright spot is Sarah Palin. I’m not sure what McCain was thinking, but in this one he struck gold. Any time the party heads go into cardiac arrest over a candidate’s choice of a running mate, you know they’ve chosen well. Palin is that rare combination of spirit, experience and faith. She not only understands what is needed to make America work, she has proven her ability to step on all the right toes to get it done.
Here in Nevada we have term limits. I think they still allow far too many trips to the trough. Each politician gets to serve 12 years in each office. That’s a lot of graft. In 2012, Nevada gets a clean slate. Every chairperson in the legislature will be kicked out that year. A couple of suits brought to the state Supreme Court challenging the limits have already failed. The people spoke, not just once, but twice according to the constitution. Being in the legislature, I was privy to what the politicos really think about the people. The opinions are not complimentary. They think the voters are at best, fools. Party leaders like Senator Bill Raggio and Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert have forced through legislation intended to remove the people’s ability to make fundamental decisions about their own future. Both are deeply invested into the culture of corruption and both believe term limits are somehow unconstitutional. Perhaps they also believe they are somehow better than you, just like those porkers in Washington.
I was asked yesterday by a member of the mortgage industry how we could get ourselves out of this mess. I told him that we needed to begin with a new governor. He agreed. As long as the voters stay away from the polls, the crooks will continue to win and we will continue to lose. Sarah Palin, for my money, is the only bright spot in this entire presidential race. How’s that savings account looking?
I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that we are in a world of trouble and the floor is just about ready to drop out from beneath us. George W. Bush spent this morning attempting to sell the idea that printing nearly a trillion greenbacks will help the economy and that allowing the government to become the majority shareholder in private business is good business. Yes, and the government’s takeover of the education system has done so well.
This message is coming from the same “conservative” that insisted that an open, unsecured border is only good business, that we have to allow millions of wetbacks across the Rio Grande because they are willing to “do those jobs that Americans won’t do”. He failed to add “at that price”. This is the same “conservative” that has continued to ignore T. Boone Pickens’ message about how to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. We do not need a government more attune to foreign voices than those of its citizenry. Unfortunately, since Ronald Reagan, that is all we’ve had.
Obama and McCain are both bad choices. The primary difference between the two is that McCain is slightly less bad. Neither one of them believes in a truly sovereign America. Both have a vision of a world government. McCain wants to further Bush’s plan to unite Mexico, Canada and the U.S. into one European-style union. Obama wants to hand the reins over to the UN. The only bright spot is Sarah Palin. I’m not sure what McCain was thinking, but in this one he struck gold. Any time the party heads go into cardiac arrest over a candidate’s choice of a running mate, you know they’ve chosen well. Palin is that rare combination of spirit, experience and faith. She not only understands what is needed to make America work, she has proven her ability to step on all the right toes to get it done.
Here in Nevada we have term limits. I think they still allow far too many trips to the trough. Each politician gets to serve 12 years in each office. That’s a lot of graft. In 2012, Nevada gets a clean slate. Every chairperson in the legislature will be kicked out that year. A couple of suits brought to the state Supreme Court challenging the limits have already failed. The people spoke, not just once, but twice according to the constitution. Being in the legislature, I was privy to what the politicos really think about the people. The opinions are not complimentary. They think the voters are at best, fools. Party leaders like Senator Bill Raggio and Assemblywoman Heidi Gansert have forced through legislation intended to remove the people’s ability to make fundamental decisions about their own future. Both are deeply invested into the culture of corruption and both believe term limits are somehow unconstitutional. Perhaps they also believe they are somehow better than you, just like those porkers in Washington.
I was asked yesterday by a member of the mortgage industry how we could get ourselves out of this mess. I told him that we needed to begin with a new governor. He agreed. As long as the voters stay away from the polls, the crooks will continue to win and we will continue to lose. Sarah Palin, for my money, is the only bright spot in this entire presidential race. How’s that savings account looking?
Friday, October 10, 2008
A Tiny Acorn Grows…
Look for charges of massive voter fraud from the Obama campaign when McCain and Palin win this November. The race will be tight, but Middle America, the forgotten voter, ignored by both parties where legislation is concerned, will not be able to swallow the lack of substance in the Obama message. It will be Sarah Palin who gives the White House to McCain. If he had gone with the running mate the party leadership desired, McCain would lose the race for the Presidency by over 20 points. If the McCain campaign would allow Mrs. Palin to be herself and let her campaign as she has already proven she can…Obama would be the one losing by a landslide. He knows that and has already prepared his plan B.
Obama has approximately 9000 lawyers in the wings with briefs already prepared to file when McCain/Palin win. They are going to claim racism, poll-fixing, intimidation and fraud on the part of the GOP. The intimidation charge is the interesting one. Apparently it is intimidation if you have oversight at the polls, especially if that oversight actually does its job by making sure that those voting are legally entitled to do so.
Here in my local region of Las Vegas, Obama’s Acorn grew into a clone of the Dallas Cowboys. The Democrat voter rolls in Nevada grew exponentially as Acorn workers managed to sign, in some cases, several people with the same identities as the football players. According to Acorn, the quarterback, Tony Romo, was so enthusiastic for Obama that he registered a number of times.
Just like Obama’s support of Bill Ayers, even after such support went far into the arena of interest conflict, his Acorn has continued to work against the interests of America in favor of a socialist agenda. Breaking the law, to them, is not immoral if you do so for “the cause”. This is roughly the same mindset as what is held by those who send children out to blow themselves up in the middle of open air restaurants.
Obama’s fingerprints are all over this current crisis, but so is most of the Bush Administration. People are angry in this country for a reason, and the McCain camp is ignoring them. If McCain’s handlers do what they know they should do, that anger will be focused properly and the thieves at Acorn, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac and the Fed will go to prison as they should.
Don’t look for any changes in the McCain camp. Too many of them are also guilty of enabling this mess. The truth be told, they do not like Palin’s honesty, hence her muzzling. Good old-fashioned common sense and the principles this country was founded upon, things both the D’s and the GOP have forgotten, could erase this crisis overnight, therefore, look for it to drag on, and on, and on. This Acorn has produced exactly the oak Obama wanted.
Obama has approximately 9000 lawyers in the wings with briefs already prepared to file when McCain/Palin win. They are going to claim racism, poll-fixing, intimidation and fraud on the part of the GOP. The intimidation charge is the interesting one. Apparently it is intimidation if you have oversight at the polls, especially if that oversight actually does its job by making sure that those voting are legally entitled to do so.
Here in my local region of Las Vegas, Obama’s Acorn grew into a clone of the Dallas Cowboys. The Democrat voter rolls in Nevada grew exponentially as Acorn workers managed to sign, in some cases, several people with the same identities as the football players. According to Acorn, the quarterback, Tony Romo, was so enthusiastic for Obama that he registered a number of times.
Just like Obama’s support of Bill Ayers, even after such support went far into the arena of interest conflict, his Acorn has continued to work against the interests of America in favor of a socialist agenda. Breaking the law, to them, is not immoral if you do so for “the cause”. This is roughly the same mindset as what is held by those who send children out to blow themselves up in the middle of open air restaurants.
Obama’s fingerprints are all over this current crisis, but so is most of the Bush Administration. People are angry in this country for a reason, and the McCain camp is ignoring them. If McCain’s handlers do what they know they should do, that anger will be focused properly and the thieves at Acorn, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac and the Fed will go to prison as they should.
Don’t look for any changes in the McCain camp. Too many of them are also guilty of enabling this mess. The truth be told, they do not like Palin’s honesty, hence her muzzling. Good old-fashioned common sense and the principles this country was founded upon, things both the D’s and the GOP have forgotten, could erase this crisis overnight, therefore, look for it to drag on, and on, and on. This Acorn has produced exactly the oak Obama wanted.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Case Against Sarah Palin
Sarah Louise Heath PalinA privileged White American, who has not shared the black American experience, a 20 year member of a church with a history of preaching hate, a woman whose upbringing and associations separates her from any understanding of the struggles of middle America, much less the poor, a woman who began her political career by associating with and maintaining alliances with domestic terrorists, and whose dealings have a direct tie with the current financial crisis. A woman who has accomplished nothing while holding government office and whose only political attraction seems to be her poise and appearance, a woman completely unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the highest office in this land.
Many people would read that above paragraph and nod their head in complete agreement. The only problem is, where Sarah Palin is concerned, none of it is true. Every one of those attributes can be laid at the feet of Barrack Hussein Obama. All I did was change the association to make a point. If all of that baggage did exist in Palin’s closet, we would see it plastered across the media in every possible form 24 hours a day. The same news anchors who either wink at Obama’s past or ignore it completely, would be howling for Palin’s blood. A “Palin Watch” would be established and Dan Rather would be resurrected to report on the impending indictment. Every one in Wasilla City, Alaska right down to the town drunk would be interviewed ad nauseum in the search for more dirt on the “most dangerous woman in the world”. But, you hand that baggage to a young black man with a D next to his name and it could not be more inconsequential.
Isn’t it wonderful that we live in a country with such an objective media?
Many people would read that above paragraph and nod their head in complete agreement. The only problem is, where Sarah Palin is concerned, none of it is true. Every one of those attributes can be laid at the feet of Barrack Hussein Obama. All I did was change the association to make a point. If all of that baggage did exist in Palin’s closet, we would see it plastered across the media in every possible form 24 hours a day. The same news anchors who either wink at Obama’s past or ignore it completely, would be howling for Palin’s blood. A “Palin Watch” would be established and Dan Rather would be resurrected to report on the impending indictment. Every one in Wasilla City, Alaska right down to the town drunk would be interviewed ad nauseum in the search for more dirt on the “most dangerous woman in the world”. But, you hand that baggage to a young black man with a D next to his name and it could not be more inconsequential.
Isn’t it wonderful that we live in a country with such an objective media?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Taxes Cause Deficits
Taxes cause deficits. Believe it or not, that is a historical reality. Every time taxes are raised, the state, or country that raised those taxes has increased its margin of loss.
Don't believe me? Let's take a look at my own state, Nevada. During the 2005 legislative session our “Democrat” Governor, Kenny "tax 'em till they weep" Quinn put forth a bill to raise taxes by almost a billion dollars. That may seem small potatoes to some of you, but for a state with only two cities of decent size, this was a backbreaker. Nearly every business, from mom and pop up to large corporations, was affected; except for the sacrosanct gaming industry. He even went as far as violating the state constitution by taxing business and private properties at different levels. The constitution has an equality clause stating that you can’t do that. However, Kenny never allowed the law to get in the way of adding some cash to his coffers. He called himself a Republican, but a lot of people do in this state…what they really are is crooks. A real conservative follows the constitution, even if doing so costs them.
Two years later he had a, supposed 300 million surplus and the legislature nearly went to war over deciding where those dollars went. Eventually some of it went back to the taxpayers, but they got back considerably less than what they had put in. It is not an attractive investment program. The problem came when all those businesses being charged higher taxes began to pass them along to their customers, adding an addition cushion for the administration costs. This means prices went up. The customers responded as they always do, they bought less and the sales tax revenues went down. Those corporations with the financial power to do so began hiding more of their assets and instead of adding to the state treasury, the level of contribution dropped. In a very short time the surplus had become a shortfall. If the tax raise had not occurred, the economy would have remained somewhat stable and no “surplus” would have been distributed. Shoppers would have continued to shop and the sales and corporate tax revenues would have remained stable. Sure, some of Kenny’s pet projects would have gone unrealized, but not one of them was even close to being a necessity.
Let’s look at the east coast. New Jersey was at one time a state that enjoyed the problem of having to deal with a treasury surplus year after year. Governor Jon Corzine took over a state that had taxed and spent itself into a combined deficit exceeding 30 billion dollars. Now, New Jersey is a state with negative growth and Governor Corzine refuses to consider any solution that does not include a “revenue enhancement”. It was those enhancements and all that socialistic spending that put his state into the morass it is currently in. Raising taxes, especially on those businesses that create jobs always hurts you in the long run. You don’t grow when you whack of the head of the golden goose, you wait for those eggs to be laid.
If we want to get out of this current headlong slide into depression, we have to make a few hard choices. One of those is that we have to immediately reduce taxes on the producers and eliminate some. The inheritance tax is a good place to start. Property taxes are another one. If we put more money into the hands of the people who earn it, history shows that they always reinvest at numbers large enough to grow the economy. If we punish achievement, we punish ourselves.
Don't believe me? Let's take a look at my own state, Nevada. During the 2005 legislative session our “Democrat” Governor, Kenny "tax 'em till they weep" Quinn put forth a bill to raise taxes by almost a billion dollars. That may seem small potatoes to some of you, but for a state with only two cities of decent size, this was a backbreaker. Nearly every business, from mom and pop up to large corporations, was affected; except for the sacrosanct gaming industry. He even went as far as violating the state constitution by taxing business and private properties at different levels. The constitution has an equality clause stating that you can’t do that. However, Kenny never allowed the law to get in the way of adding some cash to his coffers. He called himself a Republican, but a lot of people do in this state…what they really are is crooks. A real conservative follows the constitution, even if doing so costs them.
Two years later he had a, supposed 300 million surplus and the legislature nearly went to war over deciding where those dollars went. Eventually some of it went back to the taxpayers, but they got back considerably less than what they had put in. It is not an attractive investment program. The problem came when all those businesses being charged higher taxes began to pass them along to their customers, adding an addition cushion for the administration costs. This means prices went up. The customers responded as they always do, they bought less and the sales tax revenues went down. Those corporations with the financial power to do so began hiding more of their assets and instead of adding to the state treasury, the level of contribution dropped. In a very short time the surplus had become a shortfall. If the tax raise had not occurred, the economy would have remained somewhat stable and no “surplus” would have been distributed. Shoppers would have continued to shop and the sales and corporate tax revenues would have remained stable. Sure, some of Kenny’s pet projects would have gone unrealized, but not one of them was even close to being a necessity.
Let’s look at the east coast. New Jersey was at one time a state that enjoyed the problem of having to deal with a treasury surplus year after year. Governor Jon Corzine took over a state that had taxed and spent itself into a combined deficit exceeding 30 billion dollars. Now, New Jersey is a state with negative growth and Governor Corzine refuses to consider any solution that does not include a “revenue enhancement”. It was those enhancements and all that socialistic spending that put his state into the morass it is currently in. Raising taxes, especially on those businesses that create jobs always hurts you in the long run. You don’t grow when you whack of the head of the golden goose, you wait for those eggs to be laid.
If we want to get out of this current headlong slide into depression, we have to make a few hard choices. One of those is that we have to immediately reduce taxes on the producers and eliminate some. The inheritance tax is a good place to start. Property taxes are another one. If we put more money into the hands of the people who earn it, history shows that they always reinvest at numbers large enough to grow the economy. If we punish achievement, we punish ourselves.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How much pork can you handle?
During the last day of the Nevada legislative session in June of 2007, two bills were brought forward. They consisted of all the special favors various Assemblymen and Senators had promised their friends, large donors, employers, and assorted puppet masters. I was one of the few Assemblymen who voted against it. My namesake in the Senate, State Senator Bob Beers, did not.
Senator Bob is not stupid. Actually he is one of the least stupid people I know. He was able to wrangle a multimillion dollar gift to Payroll Solutions, the company he served as vice president of sales. To cushion himself from conflict of interest charges he resigned that post. A further cushion from charges came when he got Senator Randal Townsend, the Reno clotheshorse/car salesman who represents his constituents from a penthouse condo in Las Vegas, to author the bill with another senator, Warren Hardy. With this bill, Payroll Solutions, a company deep into the accounts of the Nevada Casinos and developers, was handed the ability to run as a health insurance company without haveing to go through cumbersome licensing protocols, as well as its normal accounting business. Without the bill, it could have faced heavy fines and penalties for violating the law, which it was guilty of doing…until the after-the-fact legislation. Sound familiar?
What happens in Las Vegas does not stay in Las Vegas. The same goes for Nevada. On a far grander scale are the machinations that led to the current financial meltdown. Barack Obama and Acorn had a willing accomplice in Bill Clinton to begin this process. It makes Obama’s mention of McCain’s ties to the Keating five look like small potatoes.
Just how much pork can you handle? It seems the folks in Washington can’t get enough. We are finding out that those who couldn’t have their votes to pass the bail out bill bought were threatened. The Bush Administration even threatened some members of Congress with martial law if they refused to back the bill. Several accounting experts have tallied the actual liability to a mere 200 billion, rounded up. So where is the two trillion we’re hearing about coming from? Why did Bush have to twist Congress’ arm to write off nearly a trillion?
Well, it takes a lot of money to buy a vote. That’s why the Senate bill is so loaded with pork that it is dripping all over the taxpayer. I’m not sure what kids’ wooden arrows or Puerto Rican rum have to do with the US housing market, but I am sure we’ll hear about it. If you can get through the legalistic doubletalk in the inches-thick bill, you’ll find that nearly every U.S. senator added an earmark to it. They used the opportunity to pay off campaign favors and to cement future donations. Now Washington is the biggest mortgage holder in the country. Karl Marx actually wrote about that scenario as one of the needed actions to cement a socialist government. Early on, when I warned about this, a commenter said my assertion was absurd. No, I wasn’t being absurd; I was understating the potential danger.
Wall Street CEOs have committed crimes that would put ordinary citizens into federal prison for life. Most of congress has gone right along with them. The president of our country has now used threats of martial law to help protect his buddies in the penthouses and “conflict of interest” is obviously a natural condition in the senate. Senior citizens who were children in the early 30’s must be experiencing deja vu right now.
Senator Bob is not stupid. Actually he is one of the least stupid people I know. He was able to wrangle a multimillion dollar gift to Payroll Solutions, the company he served as vice president of sales. To cushion himself from conflict of interest charges he resigned that post. A further cushion from charges came when he got Senator Randal Townsend, the Reno clotheshorse/car salesman who represents his constituents from a penthouse condo in Las Vegas, to author the bill with another senator, Warren Hardy. With this bill, Payroll Solutions, a company deep into the accounts of the Nevada Casinos and developers, was handed the ability to run as a health insurance company without haveing to go through cumbersome licensing protocols, as well as its normal accounting business. Without the bill, it could have faced heavy fines and penalties for violating the law, which it was guilty of doing…until the after-the-fact legislation. Sound familiar?
What happens in Las Vegas does not stay in Las Vegas. The same goes for Nevada. On a far grander scale are the machinations that led to the current financial meltdown. Barack Obama and Acorn had a willing accomplice in Bill Clinton to begin this process. It makes Obama’s mention of McCain’s ties to the Keating five look like small potatoes.
Just how much pork can you handle? It seems the folks in Washington can’t get enough. We are finding out that those who couldn’t have their votes to pass the bail out bill bought were threatened. The Bush Administration even threatened some members of Congress with martial law if they refused to back the bill. Several accounting experts have tallied the actual liability to a mere 200 billion, rounded up. So where is the two trillion we’re hearing about coming from? Why did Bush have to twist Congress’ arm to write off nearly a trillion?
Well, it takes a lot of money to buy a vote. That’s why the Senate bill is so loaded with pork that it is dripping all over the taxpayer. I’m not sure what kids’ wooden arrows or Puerto Rican rum have to do with the US housing market, but I am sure we’ll hear about it. If you can get through the legalistic doubletalk in the inches-thick bill, you’ll find that nearly every U.S. senator added an earmark to it. They used the opportunity to pay off campaign favors and to cement future donations. Now Washington is the biggest mortgage holder in the country. Karl Marx actually wrote about that scenario as one of the needed actions to cement a socialist government. Early on, when I warned about this, a commenter said my assertion was absurd. No, I wasn’t being absurd; I was understating the potential danger.
Wall Street CEOs have committed crimes that would put ordinary citizens into federal prison for life. Most of congress has gone right along with them. The president of our country has now used threats of martial law to help protect his buddies in the penthouses and “conflict of interest” is obviously a natural condition in the senate. Senior citizens who were children in the early 30’s must be experiencing deja vu right now.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Sarah Palin Knockout
I would be interested in knowing what your opinions are about the Vice Presidential Debate held last night. We have all seen the polls and I consider every single one of the posted results, except one suspect at best. First of all, the samplings were of less than 500 people as in CBS’ poll and secondly, it would be like asking Al-Qaeda for an opinion on Judaism and then posting the result as a world view.
Every major network except Fox has Biden winning decisively over Palin. The problem is that every major network except Fox is owned and run by people who have declared their support for Obama. The Moderator of the debate published a book proclaiming Obama’s superior leadership qualities. Frankly, Palin was not being put in front of a friendly audience. She was supposed to be the sacrificial lamb. She did not go along with PBS’ plan.
She came across as a woman with a Ronald Reagan style sense of humor. She upset the media elite terribly by not going along with the question bombs of Gwen Ifill. She has endured slander, libel, threats of violence, and denigration. The network talking heads looked and sounded furious because Palin, in spite of Ifill’s leading questions, stuck to the issues with a down home folksy attitude that has born incredible results in real America. The Drudge Report poll has her leading Biden 226,563 to a puny 92,471. Those are numbers that have a far more viable impact than MSNBC’s silly instapoll.
You thought the left hated her before. Just think what they are feeling now? They thought the Katie Couric interview had showed the real woman that was hiding behind the GOP’s teleprompter. To their horrified shock, the real woman was the one of the convention and not what Couric’s editing had produced. The comments posted on the networks’ forums tell the story, “…rude…condescending…didn’t listen to the moderator…” Of course they’re upset. They had a nice juicy target all set up and ready for the kill…and then she, not they, attacked. It’s not fair. Oh, just for the record, Biden, the admitted plagerist, is also a liar. If anyone remembers the Democrat debates, Obama not only said that he would meet with Iran's leader, but he also included North Korea in that offer. Biden's assertion to the contrary was not just politics, it was a lie.
What do you think?
Every major network except Fox has Biden winning decisively over Palin. The problem is that every major network except Fox is owned and run by people who have declared their support for Obama. The Moderator of the debate published a book proclaiming Obama’s superior leadership qualities. Frankly, Palin was not being put in front of a friendly audience. She was supposed to be the sacrificial lamb. She did not go along with PBS’ plan.
She came across as a woman with a Ronald Reagan style sense of humor. She upset the media elite terribly by not going along with the question bombs of Gwen Ifill. She has endured slander, libel, threats of violence, and denigration. The network talking heads looked and sounded furious because Palin, in spite of Ifill’s leading questions, stuck to the issues with a down home folksy attitude that has born incredible results in real America. The Drudge Report poll has her leading Biden 226,563 to a puny 92,471. Those are numbers that have a far more viable impact than MSNBC’s silly instapoll.
You thought the left hated her before. Just think what they are feeling now? They thought the Katie Couric interview had showed the real woman that was hiding behind the GOP’s teleprompter. To their horrified shock, the real woman was the one of the convention and not what Couric’s editing had produced. The comments posted on the networks’ forums tell the story, “…rude…condescending…didn’t listen to the moderator…” Of course they’re upset. They had a nice juicy target all set up and ready for the kill…and then she, not they, attacked. It’s not fair. Oh, just for the record, Biden, the admitted plagerist, is also a liar. If anyone remembers the Democrat debates, Obama not only said that he would meet with Iran's leader, but he also included North Korea in that offer. Biden's assertion to the contrary was not just politics, it was a lie.
What do you think?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
An Objective Media? Not a chance.
Webster’s Dictionary has a definition of the term “objective” as this: expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations.
The news media of today needs to learn to use that resource. Based on Webster’s definition we do not have an objective media. Since the days that brought us the term “yellow journalism”, publishers have played fast and loose with the truth simply to further their own personal agendas. An example of this was William Randolph Hearst’s response to illustrator Frederic Remington's request to return from a Havana that was quiet, "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Bill O’Reilly writes that around 80% of the media is nonobjective. I disagree. Bill is only looking at the left side of the equation. The figure is much closer to 100%. The amount of objective reporting is so minute that it isn’t worth considering. Most of it is reserved to the comics page.
In the upcoming Vice Presidential debate, the Democrats would not even consider allowing a moderator with a history of fairness. The Republicans insisting on someone outside of the liberal media as moderator would have made the debate a non-starter. If they had said Fox News or nothing, we would have seen the end of presidential debates for the foreseeable future.
I find the lefties version of fairness sadly lacking in the equality quotient. To them, an 80-20 split is somehow grossly weighed over to the 20% side. The right has Fox. The left has CBS, NBC, MSNBC, TNT, ABC, etc., nearly all the radio networks and over 80% of the newspapers. Yet somehow the right has an unfair advantage. True equality, to them, is discrimination. To the left, the ability to answer their arguments with one of your own is not fair.
There is no truly objective reporting any more. I witnessed that first hand as a Nevada Assemblyman. Ed Vogel, a reporter with the Las Vegas Review Journal, teamed up with the Treasurer of the GOP in Nevada to phony up an ethics charge against me. If this had been done outside of a political campaign, those individual would have been guilty of a crime...but we are talking about the media here. Molly Ball, a reporter for the Review Journal and Jon Ralston, a columnist for The Sun, both have drunken driving citations on their records and both have gone after representatives for assumed misjudgment. The “pot calling the kettle” squared. Reporters with no experience whatsoever in public education regularly trash teachers in these rags, while at the same time they are earning easily twice the salary of those people they lambaste…while working half the hours.
Moving to the national stage, we have seen article after article about how dangerous Sarah Palin is, while not one paper writing that has brought up Obama’s connection to Acorn and Clinton’s executive order beginning the process that melted down our economy. Not one of those papers has brought to mind Biden’s plagiarism. In Obama and Biden’s cases, those items are public record; everything they have against Palin is supposition at best. The elite hate conservatism. The elite media hate conservatism with a depth of loathing that surpasses what the Islamists feel about Israel, and they will do what they can, short of violence, to destroy it utterly.
The news media of today needs to learn to use that resource. Based on Webster’s definition we do not have an objective media. Since the days that brought us the term “yellow journalism”, publishers have played fast and loose with the truth simply to further their own personal agendas. An example of this was William Randolph Hearst’s response to illustrator Frederic Remington's request to return from a Havana that was quiet, "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
Bill O’Reilly writes that around 80% of the media is nonobjective. I disagree. Bill is only looking at the left side of the equation. The figure is much closer to 100%. The amount of objective reporting is so minute that it isn’t worth considering. Most of it is reserved to the comics page.
In the upcoming Vice Presidential debate, the Democrats would not even consider allowing a moderator with a history of fairness. The Republicans insisting on someone outside of the liberal media as moderator would have made the debate a non-starter. If they had said Fox News or nothing, we would have seen the end of presidential debates for the foreseeable future.
I find the lefties version of fairness sadly lacking in the equality quotient. To them, an 80-20 split is somehow grossly weighed over to the 20% side. The right has Fox. The left has CBS, NBC, MSNBC, TNT, ABC, etc., nearly all the radio networks and over 80% of the newspapers. Yet somehow the right has an unfair advantage. True equality, to them, is discrimination. To the left, the ability to answer their arguments with one of your own is not fair.
There is no truly objective reporting any more. I witnessed that first hand as a Nevada Assemblyman. Ed Vogel, a reporter with the Las Vegas Review Journal, teamed up with the Treasurer of the GOP in Nevada to phony up an ethics charge against me. If this had been done outside of a political campaign, those individual would have been guilty of a crime...but we are talking about the media here. Molly Ball, a reporter for the Review Journal and Jon Ralston, a columnist for The Sun, both have drunken driving citations on their records and both have gone after representatives for assumed misjudgment. The “pot calling the kettle” squared. Reporters with no experience whatsoever in public education regularly trash teachers in these rags, while at the same time they are earning easily twice the salary of those people they lambaste…while working half the hours.
Moving to the national stage, we have seen article after article about how dangerous Sarah Palin is, while not one paper writing that has brought up Obama’s connection to Acorn and Clinton’s executive order beginning the process that melted down our economy. Not one of those papers has brought to mind Biden’s plagiarism. In Obama and Biden’s cases, those items are public record; everything they have against Palin is supposition at best. The elite hate conservatism. The elite media hate conservatism with a depth of loathing that surpasses what the Islamists feel about Israel, and they will do what they can, short of violence, to destroy it utterly.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I never owned a slave, did you?
My wife is a school teacher in Nevada. Yesterday one of her students said it was racist for him to not be able to sit where he wanted. This would be ludicrous, if there were not people living in this country completely willing to take that statement on its face value. The accusation of racism has become a default reaction to any inconvenience whatsoever for a significant portion of black America.
When Katrina devastated the gulf coast, it did so, somehow, because the white administration in Washington was racist. When others began to rebuild their lives on their own, those who cried “racist” sat on the rubble of their houses and did nothing, claiming that the government was supposed to do it for them. When young black thugs are caught committing a crime, they are prosecuted because the cops are racist, even though a good portion of the men and women in uniform wear the same skin tone. It has become a badge of honor among young black men and women to claim illiteracy. Speaking with appropriate diction and being able to read is now acting “white”. Insisting that a black student actually listen in class has become racist, even though Bill Cosby says much the same thing. When the end result of that attitude is unemployment, the prospective employer is racist.
All of this is sheer stupidity, and in most cases it is based on intellectual laziness. Every boy and girl in the United States has the same opportunity to learn from history as any other, regardless of their circumstances. It takes work. Yes, “work” is a four-letter word and to most of those crying racism it is a far more foul expletive than other common curses. The Declaration of Independence says this in its second paragraph, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The fact that slavery existed then, that some of the founders of this country owned slaves, is not applicable to the reality of today. The rights expressed as an ideal during the writing of the declaration in the eighteenth century are solidly established in the twenty-first.
I don’t know about you, but neither I, nor my great grandparents ever owned slaves. I do know that a good number of my Scottish ancestors experienced far more severe oppression than any of the complainers today. I would also suspect that not one black American born in this country was ever enslaved. What is needed is a solid grasp of personal responsibility. Don’t sit on your hands and complain that the government is oppressing you. Learn to read. Become an educated help to those around you. Produce something good, and hopefully get rich honestly. That is how you “stick it to the man”.
A bit of history people like Jesse Jackson choose to ignore is the fact that nearly all the slaves shipped from Africa were captured by competing tribes. The men purchasing them for shipment were in most cases either Dutch traders or Muslim pirates. So, then why the cries of American oppression, why the claims of American racism? Don’t blame people like Gingrich or Reagan. Blame those who depend upon a culture of victimization for their livelihood. Blame Jackson, Sharpton, and the entire black caucus in Washington. Unlike Ronald Reagan, not one of them has done anything of significance to make the good life a reality for all Americans.
Believe it or not, if you only focus your kindness on one race, you are, in fact, being racist.
When Katrina devastated the gulf coast, it did so, somehow, because the white administration in Washington was racist. When others began to rebuild their lives on their own, those who cried “racist” sat on the rubble of their houses and did nothing, claiming that the government was supposed to do it for them. When young black thugs are caught committing a crime, they are prosecuted because the cops are racist, even though a good portion of the men and women in uniform wear the same skin tone. It has become a badge of honor among young black men and women to claim illiteracy. Speaking with appropriate diction and being able to read is now acting “white”. Insisting that a black student actually listen in class has become racist, even though Bill Cosby says much the same thing. When the end result of that attitude is unemployment, the prospective employer is racist.
All of this is sheer stupidity, and in most cases it is based on intellectual laziness. Every boy and girl in the United States has the same opportunity to learn from history as any other, regardless of their circumstances. It takes work. Yes, “work” is a four-letter word and to most of those crying racism it is a far more foul expletive than other common curses. The Declaration of Independence says this in its second paragraph, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The fact that slavery existed then, that some of the founders of this country owned slaves, is not applicable to the reality of today. The rights expressed as an ideal during the writing of the declaration in the eighteenth century are solidly established in the twenty-first.
I don’t know about you, but neither I, nor my great grandparents ever owned slaves. I do know that a good number of my Scottish ancestors experienced far more severe oppression than any of the complainers today. I would also suspect that not one black American born in this country was ever enslaved. What is needed is a solid grasp of personal responsibility. Don’t sit on your hands and complain that the government is oppressing you. Learn to read. Become an educated help to those around you. Produce something good, and hopefully get rich honestly. That is how you “stick it to the man”.
A bit of history people like Jesse Jackson choose to ignore is the fact that nearly all the slaves shipped from Africa were captured by competing tribes. The men purchasing them for shipment were in most cases either Dutch traders or Muslim pirates. So, then why the cries of American oppression, why the claims of American racism? Don’t blame people like Gingrich or Reagan. Blame those who depend upon a culture of victimization for their livelihood. Blame Jackson, Sharpton, and the entire black caucus in Washington. Unlike Ronald Reagan, not one of them has done anything of significance to make the good life a reality for all Americans.
Believe it or not, if you only focus your kindness on one race, you are, in fact, being racist.
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