Saturday, August 23, 2008

School daze

This coming monday has all the makings of an approaching horrorfest. Two groups of people are dreading the passing of each click of the clock. Those groups are students and teachers. Beginning monday they wil face each other in a battle of wills that will last until next June. The lone group breathlessly awaiting the arrival of monday? Parents.

Humor aside, some teachers and students do look forward to the opening of the school year. Believe it or not, some actually enjoy the teaching/learning process. I'm taking on a first grade class this year. My wife, who teaches foods and nutrition at a local high school, thinks I'm suffering from temporary insanity. Sure, the little ones may have a few attendant problems such as projectile vomiting, crying and the occaisional messes, but they are teachable, unlike teenagers who have come to believe they now know everything. I ask you this, given the choice, would you rather face a class of wide-eyed innocent 6 year olds, or a class of insolent, bored 16 year olds? I rest my case.

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