Friday, October 3, 2008

A Sarah Palin Knockout

I would be interested in knowing what your opinions are about the Vice Presidential Debate held last night. We have all seen the polls and I consider every single one of the posted results, except one suspect at best. First of all, the samplings were of less than 500 people as in CBS’ poll and secondly, it would be like asking Al-Qaeda for an opinion on Judaism and then posting the result as a world view.

Every major network except Fox has Biden winning decisively over Palin. The problem is that every major network except Fox is owned and run by people who have declared their support for Obama. The Moderator of the debate published a book proclaiming Obama’s superior leadership qualities. Frankly, Palin was not being put in front of a friendly audience. She was supposed to be the sacrificial lamb. She did not go along with PBS’ plan.

She came across as a woman with a Ronald Reagan style sense of humor. She upset the media elite terribly by not going along with the question bombs of Gwen Ifill. She has endured slander, libel, threats of violence, and denigration. The network talking heads looked and sounded furious because Palin, in spite of Ifill’s leading questions, stuck to the issues with a down home folksy attitude that has born incredible results in real America. The Drudge Report poll has her leading Biden 226,563 to a puny 92,471. Those are numbers that have a far more viable impact than MSNBC’s silly instapoll.

You thought the left hated her before. Just think what they are feeling now? They thought the Katie Couric interview had showed the real woman that was hiding behind the GOP’s teleprompter. To their horrified shock, the real woman was the one of the convention and not what Couric’s editing had produced. The comments posted on the networks’ forums tell the story, “…rude…condescending…didn’t listen to the moderator…” Of course they’re upset. They had a nice juicy target all set up and ready for the kill…and then she, not they, attacked. It’s not fair. Oh, just for the record, Biden, the admitted plagerist, is also a liar. If anyone remembers the Democrat debates, Obama not only said that he would meet with Iran's leader, but he also included North Korea in that offer. Biden's assertion to the contrary was not just politics, it was a lie.

What do you think?


T-dog said...

Senator Biden held his own, although it appears that there are some untruths in his statements. But Gov. Palin knocked it out of the park in the debate.

I especially liked the part where she stated:

"I may not answer the questions the way that the moderator or the Senator may want me to but I will speak to America."

The following comment is borrowed from another site:

“If Gov. Palin got up this morning and walked across the Mississippi river can you just guess what [Chris] Mathews would say?


And Michelle Malkin said:

“Sarah Palin made history.
Joe Biden is history.”

Bob Beers said...

Right on T-Dog. I love the Chris Matthews allusion. You're right, Sarah Palin speaks American, Matthews and his fellow elitists speak Washingtonese.