Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Party Purity? What Party Purity?

Sarah Palin kicked Dem butt during her appearance on Saturday Night Live. The fact that Alex Baldwin, the rabidly liberal member of the Baldwin brothers, mistook Palin for Ms. Fey, is just icing on the cake. Unlike Obama, Palin can handle herself in any crowd and she has proven that.

Unfortunately, some in the GOP feel that Mrs. Palin has made her self unclean by doing the SNL appearance. Where the liberals have their religion, apparently so do some in the conservative ranks. For them, in order to be considered a “true conservative”, one has to adhere to a narrow interpretation of what the Republican credo should be. This bunch also considers Joe the Plumber to be unclean…for what reasons, I can’t imagine. Perhaps they think because he’s a regular guy he’s supposed to shut up and let his betters speak for him. The GOP, just like the Dems has it's own elitists, but where the Dems want to use Marxist philosophy to further its aims, the GOP elitists prefer the NeoCon, Laissez-faire capitalism message, where the corporate board replaces the sheriffs department. Both extremes have been proven disastrous to the average Joe.

The Paluxy River in Glen Rose Texas runs through the middle of Dinosaur Valley State Park. This park is famous for its dinosaur tracks. Those who deride Christians like Sarah Palin would rather not have this park mentioned because human tracks have also been found, not only in the same formation, but on the same bedding plane and in some cases overlapping the dinosaur tracks. Both sets of tracks have to been placed into the mud where they were formed at nearly the same time because of how fossils are made. It is somewhat like putting footprints into a wet concrete slab. Once the concrete dries, that’s it. No more prints.

What is sad is that there are both liberal and NeoCon elitists out there attempting to “erase the footprints”. Here in Nevada laws have been created to further remove the general public from the political process. Members of the Republican Party have been driven out because they made the unforgivable sin of attempting to represent every member of their constituency instead of just the rich and powerful, and the same has happened to a few Democrats. I personally know if members of both parties who have experienced this purging. Is there any wonder why an average of 15% of registered voters bother to vote?

The media elite, the old-line politicos in Washington and the phony experts in the universities have no idea as to what is going on outside of their country club existence. After nearly 60 years of observing human behavior, I can say that I have met more than my share of PHDs who knew nothing. The focus of this collective of idiots is so narrow that they are incapable of seeing reality. Alec Baldwin’s tirade about Sarah Palin, when he thought Palin was Fey, is a prime example. An orthodoxy has to be followed. Whether or not it actually works is beside the point. If you are a Democrat, you have to be for taxes and spending and silencing any voice that disagrees…in spite of that inconvenient first amendment. If you are a Republican, you have to be in favor of treating board members as above the law and everyone else as a serf…in spite of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.

These people react, they don’t think. Unfortunately, a significant portion of voting citizens does the same.

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