My column about orchestrated leftist lying brought a lengthy rebuttal from RealEstateGuy. What was interesting is that the writer, thinking they had skewered me with their dynamic prose, wound up proving my point.
Here is the first riposte: “And this is where I stopped reading."one that says if we cap the amount a business can earn we will also increase prosperity."See... A corporation is the child of the state --- a creation of the state. Can someone please explain to me what the justification is that as a child of the state that liability can be limited but not profit?”
Right off the writer makes an error in logic (a usual with the lefties). I used the word “business” for a reason, not corporation. Business, the way I use it can mean any legal occupation entered into for the purpose of honest gain. Now, if I have to define every term I use simply to avoid confusing people with their own agenda I may as well give up now…not! It’s too much fun watching them trip all over their perverted logic. “Child of the state” is another lefty term. To them we belong to the state and live according to its sufferance. According to the documents of the founding fathers the opposite is true…well, it used to be. Actually, corporations are the creation of lawyers as a way of avoiding taxes and personal responsibility.The next clumsy bit of illogic: “And with regard to the present situation, are any limits being suggested for any company that did not go to the government asking for money? I thought that the mantra of free market capitalism is that he who has the gold makes the rules. “
There is nothing in our constitution preventing any individual or business from making as much money as they can…honestly. Those businesses that went crawling to Obama with their hands out for the most part deserved to fail. They created their problem and should have had to deal with it without stealing from the taxpayer. The so-called stimulus package stimulated nothing but CEO greed and a willing Democrat-controlled congress went right along with them, every one of them with their own hands out for a taste. The free market does not give anyone the right to lie, cheat or steal...unless they are a Democrat campaign contributor.
"Am I missing something here?”
No, just the entire point of every column I’ve written.
Here is the big lie, call the truth a lie and keep on doing so until the masses believe it:“And I actually went on --- Came to this lie(see what I mean?)... Ayers and his terrorist organization. Because terror means threatening peoples lives and or killing people. But Ayers avoided that, though one of his associates did deviate from the no harm to humans concept and killed herself building a bomb.”
Waaay too much material to cover this egregious piece of leftist tripe in one column. This link,
will take the reader to an excellent article on the subject. Simply because Ayers preached violence but never practiced it does not mean he did not believe in terrorism. Check out the agenda of his organization. The link lists a number of books that go into very well-documented detail on what Obama was absorbing as his core beliefs. It certainly wasn’t pride in his country. I suppose to the liberal world view that planning the execution of at least a third of the population is fine dinner conversation and not terrorist at all. Shouldn’t that at the vbery least be considered threatening people’s lives? Or maybe it’s because Ayers was promoting a Marxist philosophy. Perhaps that is why he should be given a break. At least he wasn’t a Nazi or a KKK member. Oh, that’s right. The Democrats allow clansmen to become senators.
The commenter goes on: “Here is what the lead federal prosecutor of the weather underground said, William C. Ibershof, formerly the lead federal prosecutor in the Weather Underground case, wrote in 2008: "Although I dearly wanted to obtain convictions against all the Weathermen, including Bill Ayers, I am very pleased to learn that he has become a responsible citizen." [61] But you can't trust those lefty federal prosecutors.”
I guess, based on this assertion all those former Nazis that were hunted down shouldn’t have been after all. Didn’t they also become “responsible citizens”? I can go so far as to point out that some of them did not actually kill anybody, the commentary’s own phrase, "But Ayers avoided that". That alone would remove them from prosecution if RealEstateGuy were king.
Here is his wrap-up: “Then there is this: Obama Administration is actively taking over every possible aspect of American life.Can we get some specifics here? I mean which areas / companies that have not come to Obama with their hands out?”
No, that filter will not be allowed. The auto industry is too large a factor to not be included. Control of the populace, a prime piece of the Weather Underground’s agenda, included the ability to move around. Read the books. Healthcare, which includes access to doctors, the ability to recover from illness or injury in order to continue making a living is a huge specific. For every snippet praising socialized healthcare in other countries there are a dozen tales of horror. The media just doesn’t publish them. I could relate what a friend of my sister-in-law experienced in Canada, but that friend died before her appointment came around.
This is a typical of lefty pseudo humor, arrogance and all: “Just think of the horror of the government taking over Health Care like they do in horrible Europe. Why then our companies would not be saddled with paying all those insurance premiums and would be in a better competitive position. Oh... The horror.”
Horror is exactly what we hope to stave off. You do not prosper as a country by replacing a troubled system with a failed one. Every country that has gone into socialism has reduced their standard of living, and/or increased the gap between the haves and the have nots. Why do you think China has expanded their capitalist experiment? The Soviet Union, a darling of Ayers thoughts, crumbled because they could not compete economically. And yes, I do credit Reagan with that one...mainly because you shudder at his name. Allowing the government to take over healthcare is not only economically idiotic but a violation of the constitution. Of course the left only believes in bits and pieces of that inconvenient document. Check out the constitution. It’s a short read, and then take a look at the 10th amendment. We are supposed to be a Republic of free states, not a federalist oligarchy. That republic is supposed to be a sovereign country, not just another member of a collection of failed monarchies. We are, or should be, better than that.
Remember one extra special right this republic still allows; if you think Europe is a better place than here you are free to move. If you don’t…well then, the word hypocrite comes to mind.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
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