The other day I had one of my typical discussions on politics with my neighbor Jerry. Jerry is a great guy, a construction supervisor for our school district and he bleeds Democrat blue. One of the things that separate him from the liberal elite is that he is capable of deciding an issue on the facts, not on rhetoric or talking points, except where Sarah Palin is concerned.
Let’s take a look at what the elites have said and are continuing to say about this woman: she must be a terrible mother because her daughter became pregnant. Ok, so Sarah Palin is facing what a vast majority of mothers with teenage daughters is facing or does this only happen in Republican families? She decided to keep her downs syndrome baby, so she must not care about women’s issues. They still talk about that notorious interview with Katie Couric but Ms. Couric deliberately misquoted Henry Kissinger. Earlier than that, ABC News misquoted the Bush doctrine in an obvious attempt to throw off Palin, their chosen scapegoat.
Sarah Palin surprised everyone in the debate with Biden, including those McCain staffers who are working overtime to trash this woman’s reputation, Joe Biden was wrong about that restaurant he claimed to go to in order to learn about the middle class. It closed down in 1986. Biden doesn’t have a time machine nor has anyone in the elite media done a live broadcast from the nonexistent Katie's Restaurant to point out that Joe Biden is just out of touch with reality. On the other hand, Sarah Palin has received just that sort of treatment and unlike Biden she didn’t lie. There were approximately 14 “factual mistakes” uttered by Biden in that debate but the media hasn’t even mentioned one. Let Sarah Palin utter a single malaprop during a private rehearsal and suddenly she thinks Africa is a country and not a continent.
The liberal elite love the sort of libel that is coming from the McCain staffers. They saw that Palin was a far better candidate than McCain could ever hope to be…and she was better in a debate than Obama’s best showing. This woman had to be silenced. So the stealth attacks and the phony leaks began. In one egregious incident Sarah Palin heard that Bill O’Reilly wanted her on his show. Palin called O’Reilly and agreed to go on. McCain’s staffers heard about the call and, behind Palin’s back canceled the appearance. They then told her that O’Reilly had cancelled her appearance, which was a lie.
Republicans, just like Democrats have their own elite snobbery. McCain made the fatal mistake of filling his campaign staff with people of that stripe. If anyone was out of touch, McCain was right there along with Obama and Biden. Sure, he may have had a hard time in Vietnam, but he has spent far more time living the good life in Washington. He has been pampered and coddled to the point where it is the norm. He would no more recognize middle class America than Joe Biden would. For him, eating at a truck stop would now be torture. This is why people like Adams, Franklin and Jefferson instituted term limits. They saw the danger and hoped to prevent its occurrence. For the Republican elite in McCain’s campaign Sarah Palin was a contamination not to be tolerated.
Now, the liberal elite attacking someone like Palin is understandable. The fact that Michelle Obama can make a statement about how important her children are to her and that they will be her chief focus in Washington…the fact that that becomes a point of honor by the media, but when uttered by a Republican woman becomes a concern…we can all recognize and understand the obvious hypocrisy. Biden lies and it is ignored. Obama stumbles during a debate and it is called a “thoughtful pause”. Sarah Palin has a moment of anger behind the scenes about her treatment by the media and she is a shrill, spiteful monster. What really gets me is that so many Democrats are totally blind to the lopsidedness here. Judgments are made about an individual with regard to her home life, her character, her intelligence and even her thought processes and they have never even met her nor done one single bit of research on their own. Here is the capper; they call that “fair”.
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