Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama as Jesus??? Give me a break!

Hyperbole is not a lost art where the Democrat party is concerned. Over the years the ability to overstate, exaggerate, and obfuscate has been honed to an exceptional talent. If this were not so the latest dismissal of Sarah Palin by the gurus of the left, Susan Sarandon, Matt Damon, Barbara Streisand, all vast intellects I’m sure, would never have been uttered; “Pontius Pilot was a governor, Jesus was a community organizer.”

I knew Obama had been placed onto a platform so high by the Democrats that JFK would have to use a telescope to see it, but to put this do-nothing on a level with the Son of God…please. Let’s looks at Obama’s career for a second. He has been nothing but a mouth his entire political career. Where is the single accomplishment outside of being elected to the Senate? What wrong has he righted? Where is the corruption he has exposed and then abolished?

Ok, he speaks well…when he has a prepared script. When he’s hit with a surprise question he makes George Bush look absolutely eloquent. Palin, on the other hand, is so far better than Obama at speaking off the cuff that it isn’t even a contest. With Obama we are treated to a long sequence of “…but…but…but…but…” Yeah, that sort of leadership will bring about change.

Jesus offered solutions, even if those solutions were not all that popular with the ruling elite of his day. Hmm, sounds more like a Palin than an Obama to me. Jesus saw the corruption in the temple and rolled up his sleeves to clear it out, with a whip. Obama saw the corruption and entered into partnerships with The Nation of Islam and assorted Politicians while he was “community organizing”. Does the name Judas Iscariot come to mind? Palin went after the bridge to nowhere, a plumb project for Senator Stevens of Alaska, one of the most powerful Republican members of the senate at the time, and a member of Palin’s own Party. Pilot would not have done that, not as a loyal Roman.

Seems to me that if comparisons are to be offered, the similarities should be switched. Obama is a loyal Democrat and has a voting record consistent with party purity and is absolutely partisan, in spite of the rhetoric. Palin, on the other hand, has a record of battling her own party when it comes to a matter of right versus wrong. Unlike others who have done that and lost, she won, and the Sanhedrin, the media elite, cannot stand that.

Jesus was a fighter of corruption, he did not partner with it, unlike certain freshman Democrat Senators.

1 comment:

T-dog said...

Very insightful observations of the Romans and Democrats.
Obama's camp comparing Obama to Jesus is the biggest stretch of the imagination I've ever seen.
They got some nerve.