Thursday, September 11, 2008

Abortion, the sacrament of the left

Carol Fowler, the South Carolina Democratic chairwoman went after Sarah Palin yesterday with this bit of hysteria about McCain's choice for a running mate, “whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Vitriolic hatred of Ronald Reagan seems to be the glue that holds the left together. Reagan was a man of top level morality, fairness, and integrity. What really ticked the left off was that he worked his deep Christian faith into his messages. He had no problem with proudly declaring where he stood and, the worst cut of all, the average American loved him for that. The results of Reagan's second election proved that beyond all argument. Now Sarah Palin is being targeted by that hatred because she has had the terribly bad manners to not be secretive of her own beliefs. Media mouthpieces for the radical left such as the New York Times and the Washington Post have even gone far enough to insist that Palin must answer several questions before she can be considered for candidacy. When did rags like that become the arbiters of America?

What is most telling is that socialistic politicians like Fowler, Pelosi, Rangle, and the list goes on; speak from the same elitist talking points. Palin’s background of coming from Wasilla, Alaska, her ability to hunt, and the worst of all, her Christian faith are, to them, extreme dangers. They apparently have no interest in economic issues. They have set aside the earmark flap since Palin dealt Representative Stevens a death blow. To them the social spectrum has become the overriding issue because Palin goes to church. Somehow they believe that the day McCain takes office he is going to drop dead and this rabid (shudder) Christian woman will be president and every abortion doctor will be put to death…every book not found in a One Way bookshop will be burned, and only white shoes and leisure suits will be allowed to be worn on the streets.

The above may sound ridiculous, but that is in essence what these people believe. It is a gut reaction to anyone who does not share their religion, and whether you agree or not, liberalism is a religion and abortion is one of its sacraments. The fact that Palin gave birth after science discovered her child was inflicted with Downs Syndrome was, to them, a blasphemous act. If this was the Middle East they would be called for Palin to be publicly stoned to death. They call themselves Pro-Choice, but there is no real choice, not when only one option is valid. In order to be a true member of the church of liberalism, a woman is supposed to offer her child as a sacrifice upon the alter of liberalism’s god, the ever-expanding all-powerful nanny government. Palin has violated that sacrament and her approval rating, nearly 12 times higher than the Democrat VP candidate, petrifies the left.

Has anyone ever wondered why the liberal elite never once complained about the Taliban’s treatment of women?

1 comment:

The Guy By The Door said...

Has anyone ever wondered why the liberal elite never once complained about the Taliban’s treatment of women?

I guess you don't know how to Google.

Funny, for an intellectual kind of guy, you sure make fun of intellectuals. If Obama is part of the liberal elite, as opposed to the flat out rich of McCain, it is because of the bias against smart people. Game, set, match.

But of all the silly people named Bob Beers, I like you best.