For anyone who has read this blog, it will come as no surprise that I am not a fan of the Republican party. As with many in my position, I did not leave them, they left me when they dedcided to adopt the morals of Dick Cheny and toss out the lessons of Lincoln and Reagan. But there is on last remaing plank on the GOP platform with which I still find a modicum of agreement; abortion.
In recent news Nancy Pelosi did what so many politicians who alos happen to be marginal catholics did, she tried to use her absolute lack of biblical knowledge to justify a position against the unborn. To quote an obscure saint, especially out of context would be laughable if her abuse of the bully pulpit did not influence so many people...the majority of them women. Let's put her statement through a bit of dissection.
Pelosi based her views on conception on the "views of Saint Augustine, who said, 'The law does not provide that the act (abortion) pertains to homicide, for there cannot yet be said to be a live soul in a body that lacks sensation.'"
On it's face, this may be nothing more than a faithful follower of church teaching explaining the foundation of her belief, that is, if it is left there. However, Ms. Pelosi is a member of the Senate and as such, someone who writes law. Does what Augustine supposedly said have more authority over chuch doctrine that the bible? No, that would be the same as saying a district court judge's opinion overrides the constitution. The bible is the constitution of the chuch and every reputable scholar (those who do not have an abortion agenda, either pro or con) acknowledges that the bible considers abortion the killing of a human life. All you have to do is look at the amount of money Planned Parenthood has poured into Pelosi's campaigns and you can understand the real reason for her stance.
Now, let's move from religion into science, because obviously Augustine did not have either the medical technology or the understanding of DNA that we do today. What happens when an egg is fertalized? The egg begins to divide, but why? What has happened is that DNA transported by the father has mingled with that of the mother, causing the egg to transform into the next stage which is called a zygote. A number of stages occure between zygote and birth, but in all of them any honest person would have to call that stage a form of human life. For those of you either in disaggreement or outraged by that statement, here is your chance. Submit a comment. Tell me where I am wrong. I am willing to be taught, but consider this, if not human, than what species is this growing lifeform? You have to land somewhere in your argument. Nebulous symantics are not going to win the day.
In every other species on earth, the developing young are considered to be the same species as the parents. Is there a magical process that somehow keeps a human fetus from being human until the moment after delivery? If so, no labratory I am aware of has published a paper detailing this process. Science has actually shown the opposite. A developing fetus shows reaction to stimuli, which automatically renders Augustine moot. Blood and tissue samples show the baby has it's own unique genetic characteristics and often, a bloodtype incompatible with the mother. So, is this merely a lump of tissue similar to a tumor? Planned Parenthood has said just that to women they wanted to sell an abortion to. Notice I said sell, not give. Money is the root of this issue, not philosophy.
What it comes down to is symantics. If they call a pro-abortion stance "pro-choice", than it sounds moral and righteous, while in reality the only choice they will honor is death...of the developing child. If choice was a reality, all the pertinent information would be offered. It is not. Occaisionally ultrasounds and other noninvasive proceedures are offered, but that is the exception, not the rule. A true pro-choice stance would be to offer every bit of advice that is available and then honor the decision. If abortion is chosen, and it is legal, than the proceedure should be performed free of charge as a service, all the while with the understanding that the mother is asking for the death of her unborn child. Truth is truth, even if it is uncomfortable. Tax money should not be put up to pay for it as too many citizens disagree with abortion. If organizations such as NOW and Planned Parenthood trully believed what they preach, they would forego federal money and fees, existing purely on donations. Yeah, like that is ever going to happen.
Agendas can be treacherous things. Often the people following an agenda become little more than disposable tools of those running the movement. Look at people like Jesse Jackson, Dick Cheny and his oil buddies, Al Sharpton, and the above-mentioned Nancy Pelosi. Their allegiance is to the money and power their agenda can bring them. The average citizen means nothing to them. They never see the emails or letters sent to them. A staff secretary has templates and an electronic signature for that purpose. In the pro-life/pro-choice debate, the truth has been tossed in favor of an agenda. Sadly, the real victim has been innocence in its truest form.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
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