Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Yesterday my radio was flooded with reports about Don Imus' ever-occuring bigotry. I have never liked the personality this raodio host portrays and I wasn't surprised that yet again he stuck his foot into his mouth, cramming it in all the way to his knee. What surprised me was the quality of the debate that followed. I did not hear one mention of Dr. Martin Luthor King. Have we moved along the path of political correctness so far that his words, "by the quality of his character and not the color of his skin" have now vanished over the horizon?

Imus' mouth is only a symptom. If you have skin as pale as mine and you question Obama's lack of a substancial campaign plank, you will be called a racist. If you wonder if Jesse Jackson will ever get a real job, you are accused of bigotry. Character is ceasing to matter and color is in. Well, today's culture could not be more wrong. Character does matter, regardless of your race, regardless of the circumstances you were born into, regardless of your peer group and regardless of your parents, or lack thereof...character matters. How you speak matters. How you treat your neighbors matters. How you add to the lives of the people around you, rather than taking away matters. Color should have to do with art, not politics.

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