Monday, May 11, 2009

Homosexual Left supports Obama Hypocrisy

After thinking about it, the title for this column isn’t accurate. It isn’t just the homosexual left supporting hypocrisy; it is every member of that side of the aisle, regardless of their sexual proclivity.

Think back during the last couple months of the 2008 presidential campaign. Obama stated that he felt that “marriage should be between a man and a woman.” The record is very clear on this, he did say exactly that. Does anyone remember even a whisper of controversy from the media or even one homosexual rights group? No, of course not. Obama can say anything whether it be pure or profane and his supporters will swallow it as if it came from on high. But let a woman who seems to be a Christian say such a thing and she is spewing hatred from the very depths of hell.

Sarah Palin has to be conflicted right now. Carrie Prejean, Miss California 2009 has become the new ground central for every last drop of far left hate speech, and do not mistake it, what is being said qualifies as hate speech. If the same were being said about Rosie O’Donnell or even Ellen DeGeneres, calls would be issued for an in-depth investigation at the Congressional level. I doubt even the most strident opponent of Prejean can dispute this...honestly. They will dispute it, but a close examination of all their arguments will reveal the lie behind the words.

Both of these women have committed a gross sin in the eyes of the press, they spoke their minds without asking whether or not what they were about to say was politically acceptable to the media at large. The press lives each day sheltered behind the first amendment. I doubt many are capable of even quoting that passage accurately much less describing the conditions under which it was written. According to those who are currently heading our political system, Carrie Prejean and Sarah Palin do not have the same rights as an O’Donnell or a DeGeneres because they choose to live outside of what has become the mainstream. They choose to honor their spouses and choose to bring their children up to respect virtues such as personal responsibility...and that flies in the face of what is acceptable, and is the lifestyle lived by most who deliver our news today.


The Guy By The Door said...

Dear Bobby Beers the Lesser,
Your post made me proud to a 'Mo.

When right wing conservative play the victim game against all of us all powerful gays, lesbians and transgenders (who have less rights, obligations and security in our relationships than a pet owner with a license)it brings a tear to my eye. A big fat crocodile tear.

Just remember. Question 2 would lose today by at least one point. That is a shift of 18 % in 7 years. Your opinion means less and less to anybody as time goes on.


Chandler:) said...

It must be pretty depressing being smarter than Chuck Muth when he gets all the attention.

I find it simply amusing.

And it really doesn't matter if you print my comments. You and I know that I am one of the few people that read you anyway.

Such is your personal Hell, my friend.

Bob Beers said...

Read both of the previous comments closely. You will see that, yet again, my point is made. Not one issue raised is answered, opposed, or even mentioned. All that hjappens is the style of attack I mentioned in the column.

A note on the point about security in relationships: most states allow the filing of documents that give that security without having to go the marriage route. Marriage is no longer a necessity, as I have said, but that
point is never raised either because it removes the appearance of victimhood, which is what is relished.