Yesterday the congress wisely decided not to go along with King George and his exchequer "Shifty" Paulson on the bailout scam. Republican and Democrat both, they shocked several of us in the blogsphere by listening to the people outside of the beltway elite. The President was not at all pleased and could not understand the concern Congress had over his plan. What is so wrong with giving CEO’s millions of dollars in treasury funds for their personal use? Who needs oversight anyway?
Special rights and privileges, in a country where everyone regardless of race, creed, or income is supposed to be equal, leave a bad taste in the average person’s mouth. Unfortunately Americans, through their lack of concern, have shifted the responsibility to insuring that state to those who feel different; the media and the elite. These groups wanted the bailout bill to pass. The media, because they believe in Corporate Socialism. The elite, because they believe it isn't your money, it is theirs. Special interests, corporatism, shifting of responsibility...all these are a priority.
If a congressman wrote a bill mandating that no special consideration in hiring was to be extended to any citizen of this country, that only their qualifications to do the job mattered...that congressman would be branded as a racist, homophobe, fascist, etc... You see, to some groups on the left, being treated as equal is an insult to them. They have been told so often that they are special, or that somewhere in the past their ancestors were oppressed, that they have an ingrained need to redress that imagined wrong. One way to redress that was to take out loans they had no intention of being able to repay.
On the elite side(both right and left mingle here), they believe that they are above the law. They believe that their income or their inherited wealth places them into a strata where they have rights and privileges superior to those of the unclean masses. How many times has an individual of this group uttered this phrase, “Do you know who I am?” Often it is said to the cop arresting them for drunken driving. For them, the ability to steal from the masses is a given. That house your grandfather built on land he tilled by hand? It's not yours, it's theirs.
Obama, though the offices of ACORN and as a radical community organizer, had a large hand in the credit meltdown. The government he lobbied helped to start this mess, and the government he worked with as a Senator lit the fuse for the blow-up. Since I wrote my blog about how racism had a hand in creating the crisis, several writers of far more public stature have chimed in on the same note. All the evidence is there. On the sub prime side you have pressure being levered against lenders to give loans to people with no history of being able to repay. On the elite side, you have speculators dipping into those loans because they have been granted an oversight-free status. One side is being forced to violate every established economic principle and the other side is gleefully violating the law; resulting in a perfect storm.
Now King George and Shifty Paulson want to bail out their criminal buddies with our money, place massive tracts of American property into the government’s hands, give obscene monetary golden parachutes to CEO’s guilty of running their corporations into the ground, and do so with no watchdog. Thankfully congress couldn’t stomach this bitter pill. Given an honest chance, the free market (not the one the neocons like), will reestablish itself. Just like the 1920’s a false balloon was created and it popped. Now all those people who were profiting through graft and greed have lost. Many of them are Bush’s buddies. The financial security he mentions is not that of the average blue-collar worker, but the puce-collar CEO. Any wonder he pushed this bill so fervently?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Free Market Myth
“The party is over”.
That phrase in all of its assorted guises is being bandied around Washington right now, sometime with the drool of extreme relish dripping down the chin of whichever politico or media wonk is speaking at the time. They are salivating over the prospect of this particular economic meltdown because they see the possibility of it being a golden gateway for a 16 year Democrat rule just like the Roosevelt administration. The fact that the Bush administration seems to be bending over backwards to help this dream become a reality is not lost on them.
“Free Market”.
This phrase is repeated even more than the previous one. When it comes from the mouth of a leftie, it is uttered somewhat like #@!!. Lefties do not like the idea of a free market at all because it means that sometimes people lose. It contains evil words such as competition and responsibility. Neocons like the phrase, but only if it is used with their own particularly twisted definition. To them “free market” means free from the responsibilities of the law, ethics and personal responsibility. The left wants to be able to control every personal and financial aspect of your life. If they can control where your money comes from, they have every thing else. That is why they continuously push for ever broader and higher taxes. That is why they will never allow the second amendment to be interpreted as the founders intended.
Neocons do not necessarily want to be able to control every aspect of your life, but the end result of what they want will essentially be the same thing. They want absolute control of the money supply, but not through taxes. They want it through the establishment of a tiered social structure such as what used to exist in feudal England. A royal class is being constructed right now. The gentry are not answerable to the same law as you and I. This is no more exemplified than by the clause that “Shifty” Paulson wants placed into the trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street. Only the lords of this country would consider the granting of hundreds of millions of tax dollars to men and women responsible for driving their company’s stock into the cellar as a right and proper thing.
Right now we do not have a free market. Small business has to fight both the economy and the political machine that is owned by big business to survive. The free market does not mean that you are allowed to hire illegals over citizens. It does not mean that you can lie to, cheat and steal from your employees. It does not mean that you can cheat on your taxes. It does not mean that you can ship jobs overseas simply so you can buy yet another Lear Jet. It does not mean that you can create TV ads that lie and mislead. It means that you should have the same chance as everyone else to succeed or fail without special rights and privileges given to you or your racial group.
Do you want to be the most hated individual in the US? Take on the responsibility of doing actual, honest and timely oversight of the so-called free market. Every time a CEO tries to rob his company, every time a board acts unethically or dishonestly, every time a business tries to skirt the law protecting the consumer from fraud, use your authority to stop them. In a very short order you would have achieved that status. Right now the American public does not want honesty, not the majority any way. They don’t even bother to vote. We have the exact government and the exact results we asked for, and if you are one of those who couldn’t be bothered to vote, you have no right to complain.
That phrase in all of its assorted guises is being bandied around Washington right now, sometime with the drool of extreme relish dripping down the chin of whichever politico or media wonk is speaking at the time. They are salivating over the prospect of this particular economic meltdown because they see the possibility of it being a golden gateway for a 16 year Democrat rule just like the Roosevelt administration. The fact that the Bush administration seems to be bending over backwards to help this dream become a reality is not lost on them.
“Free Market”.
This phrase is repeated even more than the previous one. When it comes from the mouth of a leftie, it is uttered somewhat like #@!!. Lefties do not like the idea of a free market at all because it means that sometimes people lose. It contains evil words such as competition and responsibility. Neocons like the phrase, but only if it is used with their own particularly twisted definition. To them “free market” means free from the responsibilities of the law, ethics and personal responsibility. The left wants to be able to control every personal and financial aspect of your life. If they can control where your money comes from, they have every thing else. That is why they continuously push for ever broader and higher taxes. That is why they will never allow the second amendment to be interpreted as the founders intended.
Neocons do not necessarily want to be able to control every aspect of your life, but the end result of what they want will essentially be the same thing. They want absolute control of the money supply, but not through taxes. They want it through the establishment of a tiered social structure such as what used to exist in feudal England. A royal class is being constructed right now. The gentry are not answerable to the same law as you and I. This is no more exemplified than by the clause that “Shifty” Paulson wants placed into the trillion dollar bailout of Wall Street. Only the lords of this country would consider the granting of hundreds of millions of tax dollars to men and women responsible for driving their company’s stock into the cellar as a right and proper thing.
Right now we do not have a free market. Small business has to fight both the economy and the political machine that is owned by big business to survive. The free market does not mean that you are allowed to hire illegals over citizens. It does not mean that you can lie to, cheat and steal from your employees. It does not mean that you can cheat on your taxes. It does not mean that you can ship jobs overseas simply so you can buy yet another Lear Jet. It does not mean that you can create TV ads that lie and mislead. It means that you should have the same chance as everyone else to succeed or fail without special rights and privileges given to you or your racial group.
Do you want to be the most hated individual in the US? Take on the responsibility of doing actual, honest and timely oversight of the so-called free market. Every time a CEO tries to rob his company, every time a board acts unethically or dishonestly, every time a business tries to skirt the law protecting the consumer from fraud, use your authority to stop them. In a very short order you would have achieved that status. Right now the American public does not want honesty, not the majority any way. They don’t even bother to vote. We have the exact government and the exact results we asked for, and if you are one of those who couldn’t be bothered to vote, you have no right to complain.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Extreme Right-Wing Idealogue
"Extreme right-wing ideologue who’s grossly under qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency."
That is the quote from the cartoon strip Over the Hedge about every left-wingers' nightmare. For those of you not familiar with the feature, it is a moderately well drawn animal strip that rarely causes a laugh. It's not Peanuts or Bloom County, but whose material is? In the strip the cartoonist uses a Canadian goose to spew his DNC talking point. As with every other left-wing ideologue, he has no direct knowledge of anything Sara Palin has done to be a danger to America of the American way of life.
One commentator demanded that I check out a long list of links he sent me that proved how dangerous this woman was. The material in the links? Every one of them a rehash of and DailyKos innuendos and rumors.
What makes this woman so dangerous? From the social lefties: 1-She has a distinct view of good versus evil. 2-She is unembarrassed about expressing her Christian faith.
And that is about it. All the arguments against her can be distilled down into the two categories listed above. A sub category, her lack of qualifications is barely worth mentioning except for the fact that the left continues to hammer away at it. John Kennedy, the Democrats version of Ronald Reagan, had less executive experience than Mrs. Palin, and he ran for the Presidency. Obama has served less than a complete term as a freshman Senator. He has less executive experience than a 7-11 manager. So what makes Sarah Palin so extremely unqualified?
One factor alluded to in several failed attempts at humor by left-wing commentators and Hollywood Mensa rejects is where she comes from. Alaska is not a state most people mention when they talk about great shopping and haute cuisine. For the left it is far more important to know how to discern between a fine pinot grigio and a chardonnay than to be able to run a state, especially one as riddled with wilderness as Alaska. The woman knows how to shoot a gun for God’s sake! She prays before meals!
About that good versus evil thing, doesn’t she know that there is no such thing? Everything is relative. Well, ok, there’s evil, but it’s all contained within the right-wing fringe that still believes in a living, active, creationist God. Those girls who have their genitals cut away without anesthetic in Muslim countries? That’s cultural and nothing to do with us. 911? That was our fault, and if we hadn’t been so imperialistic and just let the Imams destroy Israel like they wanted to, it wouldn’t have happened.
Evil exists and it is growing in strength. All the rationalizing in the universe will not change that fact. One of Palin’s greatest strengths is her ability to see a clear world view, and that scares the bowels right out of people like Nancy Pelosi.
The left seems to have forgotten that John F. Kennedy was also a Christian. He was the only professing Catholic ever elected. What bothers the left is not so much that Sarah Palin admits to being a (shudder) Christian, but that she is not a Democrat and a Christian. All the rest is simply hyperbole and semantics. The people writing the talking points know all about the separation of powers. They know the constitutional separation of church and state was put in place to protect the believer from the state and not the other way around. They know that life is a miracle and they know that an intelligence far greater than anything they could ever imagine had a hand in their existence, and they can’t stand it. That is the main reason they hate and fear people like Sarah Palin. She is the mirror that exposes every one of their glaring faults.
That is the quote from the cartoon strip Over the Hedge about every left-wingers' nightmare. For those of you not familiar with the feature, it is a moderately well drawn animal strip that rarely causes a laugh. It's not Peanuts or Bloom County, but whose material is? In the strip the cartoonist uses a Canadian goose to spew his DNC talking point. As with every other left-wing ideologue, he has no direct knowledge of anything Sara Palin has done to be a danger to America of the American way of life.
One commentator demanded that I check out a long list of links he sent me that proved how dangerous this woman was. The material in the links? Every one of them a rehash of and DailyKos innuendos and rumors.
What makes this woman so dangerous? From the social lefties: 1-She has a distinct view of good versus evil. 2-She is unembarrassed about expressing her Christian faith.
And that is about it. All the arguments against her can be distilled down into the two categories listed above. A sub category, her lack of qualifications is barely worth mentioning except for the fact that the left continues to hammer away at it. John Kennedy, the Democrats version of Ronald Reagan, had less executive experience than Mrs. Palin, and he ran for the Presidency. Obama has served less than a complete term as a freshman Senator. He has less executive experience than a 7-11 manager. So what makes Sarah Palin so extremely unqualified?
One factor alluded to in several failed attempts at humor by left-wing commentators and Hollywood Mensa rejects is where she comes from. Alaska is not a state most people mention when they talk about great shopping and haute cuisine. For the left it is far more important to know how to discern between a fine pinot grigio and a chardonnay than to be able to run a state, especially one as riddled with wilderness as Alaska. The woman knows how to shoot a gun for God’s sake! She prays before meals!
About that good versus evil thing, doesn’t she know that there is no such thing? Everything is relative. Well, ok, there’s evil, but it’s all contained within the right-wing fringe that still believes in a living, active, creationist God. Those girls who have their genitals cut away without anesthetic in Muslim countries? That’s cultural and nothing to do with us. 911? That was our fault, and if we hadn’t been so imperialistic and just let the Imams destroy Israel like they wanted to, it wouldn’t have happened.
Evil exists and it is growing in strength. All the rationalizing in the universe will not change that fact. One of Palin’s greatest strengths is her ability to see a clear world view, and that scares the bowels right out of people like Nancy Pelosi.
The left seems to have forgotten that John F. Kennedy was also a Christian. He was the only professing Catholic ever elected. What bothers the left is not so much that Sarah Palin admits to being a (shudder) Christian, but that she is not a Democrat and a Christian. All the rest is simply hyperbole and semantics. The people writing the talking points know all about the separation of powers. They know the constitutional separation of church and state was put in place to protect the believer from the state and not the other way around. They know that life is a miracle and they know that an intelligence far greater than anything they could ever imagine had a hand in their existence, and they can’t stand it. That is the main reason they hate and fear people like Sarah Palin. She is the mirror that exposes every one of their glaring faults.
Friday, September 26, 2008
What is a dollar
I was asked to define what a dollar is. When I began researching this subject, I had no idea just how murky the waters were. According to a monograph written by Edwin Vieira, Jr., even those who purport to print our money don’t really know what a dollar is.
No statute defines - or ever has defined - the "one dollar" Federal Reserve Note “FRN” as the "dollar,” or even as a species of "dollar.” Moreover, the United States Code provides that FRNs "shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States…or at any Federal Reserve bank.” Thus, FRNs are not themselves "lawful money" - otherwise, they would not be "redeemable in lawful money.” And if FRNs are not even "lawful money,” it is inconceivable that they are somehow "dollars,” the very units in which all "United States money is expressed.”
People are confused on this point because of the insidious manner in which FRNs "evolved" - actually, degenerated is a more appropriate verb - from the late 1920s until today. FRNs of Series 1928 through Series 1950E carried the obligation "The United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand [some number of] dollars.” Prior to 1934, the notes carried the inscription "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank.” After 1934, the notes carried the inscription "this note…is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve Bank" (post-1934). Starting with Series 1963, the words "will pay to the bearer on demand" no longer appear; and each FRN simply states a particular denomination in "dollars.”
Citizens have written to both their representatives and the Treasury Department asking for a definition of what a “dollar” is. The replies reveal just how confused this situation is. Being a man who considers his word his bond, I would have to say that the FRN is and remains a contract; whether or not the government chooses to admit this…they printed the things. At the top of the contract they proudly proclaim it to be a Federal Reserve Note. At the bottom they declare the value, as in the dollar bill as One Dollar. The value of goods or services the note may purchase has changed, albeit not for the better. However, if you hold a 1900 $20 gold piece, you can still purchase what that coin could buy when it was minted. For example, back in 1920, a $20 gold coin would pay for a good suit. You can still do that today…if you have a $20 gold coin. A 1920 silver dime would pay for a decent breakfast…you can see my point.
The situation with coinage is more complex, but equally (if not more) confusing. The United States Code provides for three different types of coinage denominated in "dollars": namely, base- metallic coinage, gold coinage, and silver coinage. The base-metallic coinage consists of "a dollar coin,” weighing "8.1 grams,” "a half dollar coin,” weighing "11.34 grams"; "a quarter coin,” weighing "5.67 grams": and "a dime coin,” weighing "2.268 grams.” All of these coins are composed of copper and nickel. The weights of the dime, the quarter, and the half dollar are in the correct arithmetical proportions, the one to each of the others. But the "dollar" is disproportionately light (or the other coins disproportionately heavy). In this series of base metallic coins, then, the questions naturally arise: Is the "dollar" a cupro-nickel coin weighing "8.1 grams"? Or is it two cupro- nickel coins (or four or ten coins) collectively weighing 22.68 grams? Or is it both? Or is it neither, but something else altogether, to which the weights of these coins are irrelevant?
In regards to the silver dollar...back when we actually minted silver coins for everyday use, the dollar coin weighed .999 troy ounces of silver. I would say that particular coin is the closest to anything as far as actually being a dollar. The value was there, the trust was there and the value of that coin has not varied through the years. If you currently have a silver dollar of nominal numismatic value (not one of the rarities) you can still purchase roughly the same value of goods or services you could back when the coin was minted, as stated in the examples above. Now we do still mint “Liberty Dollars”, but they are minted as collectibles more so than money.
Similarly, the gold coinage consists of "a fifty dollar gold coin" that "weighs 33.931 grams, and contains one troy ounce of fine gold"; "a twenty-five dollar gold coin" that "contains one-half ounce of fine gold"; "a ten dollar gold coin" that "contains one fourth ounce of fine gold"; and "a five dollar gold coin" that "contains one tenth ounce of fine gold.” The "fifty dollar,” "twenty-five dollar,” and "five dollar" coins are in the correct arithmetical proportions each to the others. But the "ten dollar" coin is not. Therefore, is a "dollar" one-fiftieth or one-fortieth of an ounce of gold? It appears to be undecided.
The US Government has not upheld its part on a contract begun back when it first began printing monetary notes. We still trade the notes for goods and services, but the trust is no longer there, in fact, based on the current crisis, the lack of trust is completely justified. If we had an administration with the courage to place the U.S. back onto the gold standard, we would see the value of the dollar skyrocket, whether or not enough gold exists to do so is beside the point. Experts disagree on both sides of that issue. What would be important would be the willingness to actually declare a foundation and to keep a promise...something our government hasn’t been willing to do for nearly three quarters of a century.
No statute defines - or ever has defined - the "one dollar" Federal Reserve Note “FRN” as the "dollar,” or even as a species of "dollar.” Moreover, the United States Code provides that FRNs "shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States…or at any Federal Reserve bank.” Thus, FRNs are not themselves "lawful money" - otherwise, they would not be "redeemable in lawful money.” And if FRNs are not even "lawful money,” it is inconceivable that they are somehow "dollars,” the very units in which all "United States money is expressed.”
People are confused on this point because of the insidious manner in which FRNs "evolved" - actually, degenerated is a more appropriate verb - from the late 1920s until today. FRNs of Series 1928 through Series 1950E carried the obligation "The United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand [some number of] dollars.” Prior to 1934, the notes carried the inscription "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank.” After 1934, the notes carried the inscription "this note…is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve Bank" (post-1934). Starting with Series 1963, the words "will pay to the bearer on demand" no longer appear; and each FRN simply states a particular denomination in "dollars.”
Citizens have written to both their representatives and the Treasury Department asking for a definition of what a “dollar” is. The replies reveal just how confused this situation is. Being a man who considers his word his bond, I would have to say that the FRN is and remains a contract; whether or not the government chooses to admit this…they printed the things. At the top of the contract they proudly proclaim it to be a Federal Reserve Note. At the bottom they declare the value, as in the dollar bill as One Dollar. The value of goods or services the note may purchase has changed, albeit not for the better. However, if you hold a 1900 $20 gold piece, you can still purchase what that coin could buy when it was minted. For example, back in 1920, a $20 gold coin would pay for a good suit. You can still do that today…if you have a $20 gold coin. A 1920 silver dime would pay for a decent breakfast…you can see my point.
The situation with coinage is more complex, but equally (if not more) confusing. The United States Code provides for three different types of coinage denominated in "dollars": namely, base- metallic coinage, gold coinage, and silver coinage. The base-metallic coinage consists of "a dollar coin,” weighing "8.1 grams,” "a half dollar coin,” weighing "11.34 grams"; "a quarter coin,” weighing "5.67 grams": and "a dime coin,” weighing "2.268 grams.” All of these coins are composed of copper and nickel. The weights of the dime, the quarter, and the half dollar are in the correct arithmetical proportions, the one to each of the others. But the "dollar" is disproportionately light (or the other coins disproportionately heavy). In this series of base metallic coins, then, the questions naturally arise: Is the "dollar" a cupro-nickel coin weighing "8.1 grams"? Or is it two cupro- nickel coins (or four or ten coins) collectively weighing 22.68 grams? Or is it both? Or is it neither, but something else altogether, to which the weights of these coins are irrelevant?
In regards to the silver dollar...back when we actually minted silver coins for everyday use, the dollar coin weighed .999 troy ounces of silver. I would say that particular coin is the closest to anything as far as actually being a dollar. The value was there, the trust was there and the value of that coin has not varied through the years. If you currently have a silver dollar of nominal numismatic value (not one of the rarities) you can still purchase roughly the same value of goods or services you could back when the coin was minted, as stated in the examples above. Now we do still mint “Liberty Dollars”, but they are minted as collectibles more so than money.
Similarly, the gold coinage consists of "a fifty dollar gold coin" that "weighs 33.931 grams, and contains one troy ounce of fine gold"; "a twenty-five dollar gold coin" that "contains one-half ounce of fine gold"; "a ten dollar gold coin" that "contains one fourth ounce of fine gold"; and "a five dollar gold coin" that "contains one tenth ounce of fine gold.” The "fifty dollar,” "twenty-five dollar,” and "five dollar" coins are in the correct arithmetical proportions each to the others. But the "ten dollar" coin is not. Therefore, is a "dollar" one-fiftieth or one-fortieth of an ounce of gold? It appears to be undecided.
The US Government has not upheld its part on a contract begun back when it first began printing monetary notes. We still trade the notes for goods and services, but the trust is no longer there, in fact, based on the current crisis, the lack of trust is completely justified. If we had an administration with the courage to place the U.S. back onto the gold standard, we would see the value of the dollar skyrocket, whether or not enough gold exists to do so is beside the point. Experts disagree on both sides of that issue. What would be important would be the willingness to actually declare a foundation and to keep a promise...something our government hasn’t been willing to do for nearly three quarters of a century.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
King John is laughing
Even though the term ‘civil rights’ is disproportionatly linked to the struggle for equality of American blacks during the mid twentith century, the term does in fact cover much broader ground. The aim of that struggle was on its surface to cement equal protections under the law; to receive equal treatment regardless of one’s skin tone.
Civil rights are the basic legal rights an individual receives from the government. In the US those rights include personal, political, and economic rights. They are supposed to be the rights of citizens. Later discussions will cover the extreme broadening that some groups desire. Since the civil rights act of the early 90’s those rights cannot be legitimately denied to a person on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability.
Martin Luthor King established what should be common ground where discrimination is concerned. But there is a broad gap in the debate over how far and how deep these principles should be implemented in law and policy.
Adding to the confusion, sub groups such as GLAD are fighting to include sexual orientation as one of the catagories covered under the law.
In 1215, the Magna Carta required King John to establish the first set of citizen rights. It forced the gentry to respect certain legal procedures and, this is the big one, accept that the king’s will could be bound by the law. It was also the first formalization of the writ of habeas corpus, forcing the gentry to prove a reason for the imprisonment of their subjects.
Our constitution owes much of its creation to the Magna Carta. The great document also established that a man’s home was essentially his castle. Regardless of the position of the guest, even in the lowliest cottage, the host had prominence. Now, due to the pressures of the ultra liberal left, with complete and willing assistence from the media and Congress, the constitution is in danger of becoming little more than a moot point, and one of the biggest weapons being used is the twisted maze of tax law.
The Democrats do not want the average working man or woman to be able to control any of the money they earn. To them, government knows far better how to handle your life and you should rely soley on Father Washington for your needs. On the Republican side Father Washington is replaced by the corporate board, and you should be happy to simply have a job and be a good little worker drone because Big Business knows best, and if a prisoner in China can do your job for less money…too bad, and if you complain about either circumstance, wait for the IRS letter.
The second paragraph of the Declaration of Indepence reads:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
The preamble of the constitution says:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Men who have dared to read either document in certain US Courts, and sadly, within certain halls of Congress, have been declared in contempt.
Somewhere, King John is laughing.
Civil rights are the basic legal rights an individual receives from the government. In the US those rights include personal, political, and economic rights. They are supposed to be the rights of citizens. Later discussions will cover the extreme broadening that some groups desire. Since the civil rights act of the early 90’s those rights cannot be legitimately denied to a person on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability.
Martin Luthor King established what should be common ground where discrimination is concerned. But there is a broad gap in the debate over how far and how deep these principles should be implemented in law and policy.
Adding to the confusion, sub groups such as GLAD are fighting to include sexual orientation as one of the catagories covered under the law.
In 1215, the Magna Carta required King John to establish the first set of citizen rights. It forced the gentry to respect certain legal procedures and, this is the big one, accept that the king’s will could be bound by the law. It was also the first formalization of the writ of habeas corpus, forcing the gentry to prove a reason for the imprisonment of their subjects.
Our constitution owes much of its creation to the Magna Carta. The great document also established that a man’s home was essentially his castle. Regardless of the position of the guest, even in the lowliest cottage, the host had prominence. Now, due to the pressures of the ultra liberal left, with complete and willing assistence from the media and Congress, the constitution is in danger of becoming little more than a moot point, and one of the biggest weapons being used is the twisted maze of tax law.
The Democrats do not want the average working man or woman to be able to control any of the money they earn. To them, government knows far better how to handle your life and you should rely soley on Father Washington for your needs. On the Republican side Father Washington is replaced by the corporate board, and you should be happy to simply have a job and be a good little worker drone because Big Business knows best, and if a prisoner in China can do your job for less money…too bad, and if you complain about either circumstance, wait for the IRS letter.
The second paragraph of the Declaration of Indepence reads:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
The preamble of the constitution says:
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Men who have dared to read either document in certain US Courts, and sadly, within certain halls of Congress, have been declared in contempt.
Somewhere, King John is laughing.
civil rights,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Palin too good for McCain, she's one of those.
When John McCain first revealed his choice for Vice President, Sarah Palin revitalized a dying campaign. A significant portion of conservatives decided they could finally hold their collective noses and vote for the GOP ticket. Suddenly the republicans were not watching the Obama train disappear over the horizon, they were leaving it in the dust.
So, what happened? Why is Obama out in front yet again? He has done nothing different in his campaign from the beginning. Change is still the only item on his plank. What sort of change? He's not saying and you're a racist if you need any more information. Palin was the only change in the McCain campaign and it was a huge one. The voters did not want someone who had a history of being too cozy with the UN. They did not want someone who had essentially the same circle of friends in his stable as Bush Jr., but they were willing to go with him if he had a running mate with a history of actually representing the middle class...and winning the fight.
Apparently Sarah was too much for McCain's buddies. She has been shoved into the closet with a rag stuffed into her mouth. The old boys club, emphasis on "old", Palin had become almost as much a danger as Obama. The race had become Palin versus Obama. Didn't this Alaskan skirt realize who the presidential candidate was? As clueless as ever, the McCain campaign decided to silence the only weapon in their arsenal.
If Sarah Palin was allowed to take the lead in the campaign, Obama would now be 20 points behind and falling. She had exactly the combination of wit, wisdom and poise that America loves to see in leadership. The problem is, she is not John McCain. She is supposed to be the running mate. She is supposed to be tagging along on McCain's coattails. It is not supposed to be the other way around. Shame on you Mrs. Palin! Get into that closet and shut up.
Well, that is one way to lose an election.
So, what happened? Why is Obama out in front yet again? He has done nothing different in his campaign from the beginning. Change is still the only item on his plank. What sort of change? He's not saying and you're a racist if you need any more information. Palin was the only change in the McCain campaign and it was a huge one. The voters did not want someone who had a history of being too cozy with the UN. They did not want someone who had essentially the same circle of friends in his stable as Bush Jr., but they were willing to go with him if he had a running mate with a history of actually representing the middle class...and winning the fight.
Apparently Sarah was too much for McCain's buddies. She has been shoved into the closet with a rag stuffed into her mouth. The old boys club, emphasis on "old", Palin had become almost as much a danger as Obama. The race had become Palin versus Obama. Didn't this Alaskan skirt realize who the presidential candidate was? As clueless as ever, the McCain campaign decided to silence the only weapon in their arsenal.
If Sarah Palin was allowed to take the lead in the campaign, Obama would now be 20 points behind and falling. She had exactly the combination of wit, wisdom and poise that America loves to see in leadership. The problem is, she is not John McCain. She is supposed to be the running mate. She is supposed to be tagging along on McCain's coattails. It is not supposed to be the other way around. Shame on you Mrs. Palin! Get into that closet and shut up.
Well, that is one way to lose an election.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Corporate Welfare
It would be impossible for any family, and this includes the Gates, to spend that amount. The $700 billion bank and mortgage lender bailout proposed by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson would be spent literally over night. This scenario, a massive takeover by the government of the US mortgage industry will make Washington the single largest mortgage holder in the world. Uncle Sam would, in essence, become America’s landlord.
Whether or not this step needs to be taken, and I don’t believe it needs to be done, the amount does not need to be any where near Paulson’s proposal. That Washington thinks 700 B is not large enough gives you an idea as to how out of touch the beltway has become. Paulson has also indicated that a significant portion of the money has been locked away to give promised salaries and bonuses ranging from 10 to 25 million a year to those executives who worked so hard to drive their companies’ stock into the cellar.
The Free Market is a marvelous tool and it works properly every time it is allowed to operate honestly. What we are experiencing right now is a corruption of that system; a twisted blend of socialism and corporate welfare. The depression of the late twenties will look like a bull market once Paulson is done, if he is allowed free rein in this matter.
The bank owns you if you owe them $200,000. If you owe the bank $2,000,000,000, you own the bank. What would happen if all those homeowners got together to boycott this plan? What if they all refused to send in their payment until a real solution, one that doesn’t reward incompetence, is found?
It would be impossible for any family, and this includes the Gates, to spend that amount. The $700 billion bank and mortgage lender bailout proposed by U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson would be spent literally over night. This scenario, a massive takeover by the government of the US mortgage industry will make Washington the single largest mortgage holder in the world. Uncle Sam would, in essence, become America’s landlord.
Whether or not this step needs to be taken, and I don’t believe it needs to be done, the amount does not need to be any where near Paulson’s proposal. That Washington thinks 700 B is not large enough gives you an idea as to how out of touch the beltway has become. Paulson has also indicated that a significant portion of the money has been locked away to give promised salaries and bonuses ranging from 10 to 25 million a year to those executives who worked so hard to drive their companies’ stock into the cellar.
The Free Market is a marvelous tool and it works properly every time it is allowed to operate honestly. What we are experiencing right now is a corruption of that system; a twisted blend of socialism and corporate welfare. The depression of the late twenties will look like a bull market once Paulson is done, if he is allowed free rein in this matter.
The bank owns you if you owe them $200,000. If you owe the bank $2,000,000,000, you own the bank. What would happen if all those homeowners got together to boycott this plan? What if they all refused to send in their payment until a real solution, one that doesn’t reward incompetence, is found?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Allah is not God
Why is it that the fundamental American way of life is the only thing left on earth that can be ridiculed, offended, belittled and discriminated against with impunity? The world’s best known talk show host, Rush Limbaugh read the regulations our neighbor to the south has in place for those who are not Mexican citizens wishing to build a business or purchase property.
The law is in essence: If you immigrate to Mexico, you have to speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor; unskilled workers are not allowed. Bilingual education is not taught in the schools, and there are no special ballots for elections. No government business will be conducted in any language other than Spanish. Foreigners will not have the right to vote or hold political office. Take that Arnold.
Immigrants to Mexico are forbidden to be a burden to taxpayers. They are not entitled to welfare, food stamps, or any other government social program. Investment is a requirement to immigration: an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. However, there are restrictions on the purchasing of land and where foreigners can own homes. Beachfront property is limited to Mexican citizens, and foreigners must relinquish individual rights to the property.
There is no right to protest. No right to demonstrate. Only the Mexican flag can be flown. Political organizing is forbidden and speaking ill of the administration can land the speaker in jail. Also, entering Mexico illegally is a direct route to prison.
When Limbaugh read those laws as if they were his suggestion for the US, the protests were deafening, and not one of the protesters changed their opinion after it was revealed where the law originated. After all, only the U.S. can be at fault.
The same occurs in regard to the Middle East. The only Middle Eastern country where women hold equal status with men is Israel. Yet because Israel’s constitution closely mirrors that of the U.S. and America has consistently upheld that tiny country’s right to exist, Israel has become a target for contempt right along with fundamental America. Israel is also the only Middle Eastern country where you have a right to worship as you please, as long as you allow Israel its right to exist. The other countries, Islamic to a fault have a real problem with that existence. Neither America nor Israel should be here. Because of them, Islam’s spread has no been as fast, nor as complete as it should have been.
All of the deriders manage to miss the fact that within Islamic countries, women are little more than property and are not even as important as a prized camel or sheep. In many of these countries female children are sexually mutilated in a disgusting ritual disguised as a rite of adulthood. They are, in essence, treated as foreigners within their own country. They are not allowed to own property, achieve anything resembling an education, or even defend themselves if attacked. In fact one of the most common crimes a woman under bondage to Islam can commit is being raped. Where are the feminists? They are amazingly silent on this issue. Could it be that Islamic women, not being able to further the feminist agenda, have no importance to the cause?
Here in the U.S. we jailed a pedophile who claimed to be a prophet. His name is Warren Jeffs. He attempted to us religion as a shield for his crimes. Fortunately for future children who may have come under his influence, fundamental America was there and Jeffs is now sulking behind bars. Unfortunately for millions of Middle Eastern children, the false prophet Mohammed was not stopped. There was no country established whereby all were granted self-evident rights. A minor Babylonian moon god called Allah was given far more importance than the cult deserved and the rest sadly is history.
The law is in essence: If you immigrate to Mexico, you have to speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor; unskilled workers are not allowed. Bilingual education is not taught in the schools, and there are no special ballots for elections. No government business will be conducted in any language other than Spanish. Foreigners will not have the right to vote or hold political office. Take that Arnold.
Immigrants to Mexico are forbidden to be a burden to taxpayers. They are not entitled to welfare, food stamps, or any other government social program. Investment is a requirement to immigration: an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. However, there are restrictions on the purchasing of land and where foreigners can own homes. Beachfront property is limited to Mexican citizens, and foreigners must relinquish individual rights to the property.
There is no right to protest. No right to demonstrate. Only the Mexican flag can be flown. Political organizing is forbidden and speaking ill of the administration can land the speaker in jail. Also, entering Mexico illegally is a direct route to prison.
When Limbaugh read those laws as if they were his suggestion for the US, the protests were deafening, and not one of the protesters changed their opinion after it was revealed where the law originated. After all, only the U.S. can be at fault.
The same occurs in regard to the Middle East. The only Middle Eastern country where women hold equal status with men is Israel. Yet because Israel’s constitution closely mirrors that of the U.S. and America has consistently upheld that tiny country’s right to exist, Israel has become a target for contempt right along with fundamental America. Israel is also the only Middle Eastern country where you have a right to worship as you please, as long as you allow Israel its right to exist. The other countries, Islamic to a fault have a real problem with that existence. Neither America nor Israel should be here. Because of them, Islam’s spread has no been as fast, nor as complete as it should have been.
All of the deriders manage to miss the fact that within Islamic countries, women are little more than property and are not even as important as a prized camel or sheep. In many of these countries female children are sexually mutilated in a disgusting ritual disguised as a rite of adulthood. They are, in essence, treated as foreigners within their own country. They are not allowed to own property, achieve anything resembling an education, or even defend themselves if attacked. In fact one of the most common crimes a woman under bondage to Islam can commit is being raped. Where are the feminists? They are amazingly silent on this issue. Could it be that Islamic women, not being able to further the feminist agenda, have no importance to the cause?
Here in the U.S. we jailed a pedophile who claimed to be a prophet. His name is Warren Jeffs. He attempted to us religion as a shield for his crimes. Fortunately for future children who may have come under his influence, fundamental America was there and Jeffs is now sulking behind bars. Unfortunately for millions of Middle Eastern children, the false prophet Mohammed was not stopped. There was no country established whereby all were granted self-evident rights. A minor Babylonian moon god called Allah was given far more importance than the cult deserved and the rest sadly is history.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Status Group
Scotsmen are a different breed of animal, stubbornly independent, unfailingly intolerant of disloyalty; they will back a true friend until their spine caves in. Hard-drinking, hard-fighting, a Scotsman will tear up at a Disney movie and then go out and lead a full-throated highland charge into the face of overwhelming odds…and win.
My great grandfather on my mother’s side was a McDonald from the highlands around Glencoe Scotland. Delving into the family background gave me the unique opportunity to become friends with a fellow Scot by the name of Robert Freeman. Robert is the general council of The Status Group, a gathering of strategic business advisors with over 300 years of collective experience. Robert introduced me to the board of directors. Impressed would be a vast understatement. Check out their website,
The Las Vegas area is replete with businesses and corporations eager to grab a slice of the big business pie, but The Status Group is focused on helping small business maneuver through the maze of laws, regulations and financing that cause so many people with good ideas to fail where they should have succeeded.
Big businesses come with an established executive team, high salaried professionals who are constantly available to the CEO whenever needed. Many of these teams come with a seven figure price tag. Small business simply cannot afford that luxury. Typically they are left with the choice of either attempting to do it themselves or seek out professional help at an expensive hourly rate.
Not any longer. What I have learned about The Status Group is that the incredibly extensive experience contained within their offices is available to address the specific needs of the small business entrepreneur, owner or manager. The Status Group provides these individuals with their own executive team, a Status Council made up of entrepreneurs who had already been there. It’s much easier to explore the wilderness is you have a guide.
One of the most important features of The Status Group’s expertise is their ability to produce top quality business plans. Small business, in order to begin on a proper footing, requires capital. Banks will not consider a request that is not thorough and well thought out. The Status group is able to create a business plan that is, quite frankly, impressive. One plan I saw was for a man working on building a car wash. The business plan created for him has already generated interest from three financial institutions.
I am pleased and honored to be considered for partnership with these men and women. As my fellow Scot, Robert would say, “It’s a pleasure to watch a master at work.”
My great grandfather on my mother’s side was a McDonald from the highlands around Glencoe Scotland. Delving into the family background gave me the unique opportunity to become friends with a fellow Scot by the name of Robert Freeman. Robert is the general council of The Status Group, a gathering of strategic business advisors with over 300 years of collective experience. Robert introduced me to the board of directors. Impressed would be a vast understatement. Check out their website,
The Las Vegas area is replete with businesses and corporations eager to grab a slice of the big business pie, but The Status Group is focused on helping small business maneuver through the maze of laws, regulations and financing that cause so many people with good ideas to fail where they should have succeeded.
Big businesses come with an established executive team, high salaried professionals who are constantly available to the CEO whenever needed. Many of these teams come with a seven figure price tag. Small business simply cannot afford that luxury. Typically they are left with the choice of either attempting to do it themselves or seek out professional help at an expensive hourly rate.
Not any longer. What I have learned about The Status Group is that the incredibly extensive experience contained within their offices is available to address the specific needs of the small business entrepreneur, owner or manager. The Status Group provides these individuals with their own executive team, a Status Council made up of entrepreneurs who had already been there. It’s much easier to explore the wilderness is you have a guide.
One of the most important features of The Status Group’s expertise is their ability to produce top quality business plans. Small business, in order to begin on a proper footing, requires capital. Banks will not consider a request that is not thorough and well thought out. The Status group is able to create a business plan that is, quite frankly, impressive. One plan I saw was for a man working on building a car wash. The business plan created for him has already generated interest from three financial institutions.
I am pleased and honored to be considered for partnership with these men and women. As my fellow Scot, Robert would say, “It’s a pleasure to watch a master at work.”
Friday, September 19, 2008
Racism caused the mortgage crisis
Yes, you read it right. Racism, not corporate greed, is the cause of the mortgage crash. During the days of the Clinton administration there was a young fiery community organizer/lawyer by the name of Barack Obama lobbying the Clintons to open up the mortgage industry for more minority loans. Since he liked the idea of being called the first black president, Bill Clinton thought this was a good idea. Disregarding the protests of the mortgage lenders, the Clinton administration began the process of altering the practice that had stood banks well for centuries. It took time and it took getting a few of the right politicians into power. California’s gift of Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi was invaluable. Adding into that the greed of men like Harry Reid and Duke Cunningham, Obama’s vision for the mortgage industry was well on its way.
With a few reworded bills, it soon became racist for a lender to tell someone with no credit and no job prospects that they could not have a loan. The Fed got into the mix and set up procedures whereby a lender actually had to practice fiscal insanity in order to keep their good rating.
A few smaller banks protected themselves by remaining insular and dealing only with their local community. Massive conglomerates such as BofA diversified so the crash they saw peering up over the horizon would be an irritant rather than a mortal blow.
Well, the crash came just as many analysts predicted it would, but rather than the corporate greed and lust for ever quicker profits, the cause was misguided “community organizing” and racism of the highest order. A bank is not racist merely because it will not lend money to someone unqualified to borrow. Isn’t just the smallest bit of responsibility on the prospective borrower’s side? Should they not have a valid way of raying that loan in a reasonable amount of time? Not according to the Democrats. Apparently fiscal wisdom is tantamount to racism, even if there is no color quotient applied to the loan.
You are a racist if you require a steady job for a borrower. You are a racist if you require a history of paying back loans on time. You are a racist of you take the steps you both agreed upon in the contract to recoup a default. But if you do all of this with a white customer, it is simply being a good businessman. In Obama’s world, we have to have it both ways. If we don’t, we’re being racist.
With a few reworded bills, it soon became racist for a lender to tell someone with no credit and no job prospects that they could not have a loan. The Fed got into the mix and set up procedures whereby a lender actually had to practice fiscal insanity in order to keep their good rating.
A few smaller banks protected themselves by remaining insular and dealing only with their local community. Massive conglomerates such as BofA diversified so the crash they saw peering up over the horizon would be an irritant rather than a mortal blow.
Well, the crash came just as many analysts predicted it would, but rather than the corporate greed and lust for ever quicker profits, the cause was misguided “community organizing” and racism of the highest order. A bank is not racist merely because it will not lend money to someone unqualified to borrow. Isn’t just the smallest bit of responsibility on the prospective borrower’s side? Should they not have a valid way of raying that loan in a reasonable amount of time? Not according to the Democrats. Apparently fiscal wisdom is tantamount to racism, even if there is no color quotient applied to the loan.
You are a racist if you require a steady job for a borrower. You are a racist if you require a history of paying back loans on time. You are a racist of you take the steps you both agreed upon in the contract to recoup a default. But if you do all of this with a white customer, it is simply being a good businessman. In Obama’s world, we have to have it both ways. If we don’t, we’re being racist.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Obama as Jesus??? Give me a break!
Hyperbole is not a lost art where the Democrat party is concerned. Over the years the ability to overstate, exaggerate, and obfuscate has been honed to an exceptional talent. If this were not so the latest dismissal of Sarah Palin by the gurus of the left, Susan Sarandon, Matt Damon, Barbara Streisand, all vast intellects I’m sure, would never have been uttered; “Pontius Pilot was a governor, Jesus was a community organizer.”
I knew Obama had been placed onto a platform so high by the Democrats that JFK would have to use a telescope to see it, but to put this do-nothing on a level with the Son of God…please. Let’s looks at Obama’s career for a second. He has been nothing but a mouth his entire political career. Where is the single accomplishment outside of being elected to the Senate? What wrong has he righted? Where is the corruption he has exposed and then abolished?
Ok, he speaks well…when he has a prepared script. When he’s hit with a surprise question he makes George Bush look absolutely eloquent. Palin, on the other hand, is so far better than Obama at speaking off the cuff that it isn’t even a contest. With Obama we are treated to a long sequence of “…but…but…but…but…” Yeah, that sort of leadership will bring about change.
Jesus offered solutions, even if those solutions were not all that popular with the ruling elite of his day. Hmm, sounds more like a Palin than an Obama to me. Jesus saw the corruption in the temple and rolled up his sleeves to clear it out, with a whip. Obama saw the corruption and entered into partnerships with The Nation of Islam and assorted Politicians while he was “community organizing”. Does the name Judas Iscariot come to mind? Palin went after the bridge to nowhere, a plumb project for Senator Stevens of Alaska, one of the most powerful Republican members of the senate at the time, and a member of Palin’s own Party. Pilot would not have done that, not as a loyal Roman.
Seems to me that if comparisons are to be offered, the similarities should be switched. Obama is a loyal Democrat and has a voting record consistent with party purity and is absolutely partisan, in spite of the rhetoric. Palin, on the other hand, has a record of battling her own party when it comes to a matter of right versus wrong. Unlike others who have done that and lost, she won, and the Sanhedrin, the media elite, cannot stand that.
Jesus was a fighter of corruption, he did not partner with it, unlike certain freshman Democrat Senators.
I knew Obama had been placed onto a platform so high by the Democrats that JFK would have to use a telescope to see it, but to put this do-nothing on a level with the Son of God…please. Let’s looks at Obama’s career for a second. He has been nothing but a mouth his entire political career. Where is the single accomplishment outside of being elected to the Senate? What wrong has he righted? Where is the corruption he has exposed and then abolished?
Ok, he speaks well…when he has a prepared script. When he’s hit with a surprise question he makes George Bush look absolutely eloquent. Palin, on the other hand, is so far better than Obama at speaking off the cuff that it isn’t even a contest. With Obama we are treated to a long sequence of “…but…but…but…but…” Yeah, that sort of leadership will bring about change.
Jesus offered solutions, even if those solutions were not all that popular with the ruling elite of his day. Hmm, sounds more like a Palin than an Obama to me. Jesus saw the corruption in the temple and rolled up his sleeves to clear it out, with a whip. Obama saw the corruption and entered into partnerships with The Nation of Islam and assorted Politicians while he was “community organizing”. Does the name Judas Iscariot come to mind? Palin went after the bridge to nowhere, a plumb project for Senator Stevens of Alaska, one of the most powerful Republican members of the senate at the time, and a member of Palin’s own Party. Pilot would not have done that, not as a loyal Roman.
Seems to me that if comparisons are to be offered, the similarities should be switched. Obama is a loyal Democrat and has a voting record consistent with party purity and is absolutely partisan, in spite of the rhetoric. Palin, on the other hand, has a record of battling her own party when it comes to a matter of right versus wrong. Unlike others who have done that and lost, she won, and the Sanhedrin, the media elite, cannot stand that.
Jesus was a fighter of corruption, he did not partner with it, unlike certain freshman Democrat Senators.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Campaign hysteria
It is interesting to watch the various campaigns attempting to poke holes in each others potential ships of state. Even more interesting are the assorted talking heads in TV news and on talk radio adding their two cents, occaisionally devalued through party agenda.
Of course Sarah Palin is the topic du jour on the majority of shows. The lefties attack, being completly worthless on the issues, has now moved to their default fall back, pure nastiness. According to the feminists, Palin cannot be a real woman for a number of reasons. Her most egregious crime has been multifold, staying married to the father of her children and compounding that by apparantly being quite happy in her marriage, getting pregnant and actually keeping the baby, being a strong woman without being a Democrat, and worst of all, not fitting into the caricature they have built within their diseased minds of what a christian woman should be.
Isn't it a bitch when reality spoils your rant?
Of course Sarah Palin is the topic du jour on the majority of shows. The lefties attack, being completly worthless on the issues, has now moved to their default fall back, pure nastiness. According to the feminists, Palin cannot be a real woman for a number of reasons. Her most egregious crime has been multifold, staying married to the father of her children and compounding that by apparantly being quite happy in her marriage, getting pregnant and actually keeping the baby, being a strong woman without being a Democrat, and worst of all, not fitting into the caricature they have built within their diseased minds of what a christian woman should be.
Isn't it a bitch when reality spoils your rant?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Does Sarah Palin have any Experience?
I spoke with my brother who lives in Oregon yesterday. He asked me what I thought about Sarah Palin. The same question has been asked several times over the past few weeks by people all over this country. A number of them are surprised by my answer; I think she is the most qualified out of all the candidates.
Now, after you've wiped up the coffee you've sputtered all over the table, let me explain my reasoning. Mrs. Palin is the only one out of al the four who has had actual executive experience in a governmental post. Like Reagan she is a governor running for a national electoral seat. She has had more relevant experience in dealing with international energy issues because of the pipeline and the ongoing dispute the US has had with Russia over Alaskan territory. She has had to deal with the Inuit Tribes, a far more rounding experience than being a community organizer.
By the way, Pontius Pilot was not a "governor" in the true sense; he oversaw the taxation of Judea for Rome. Nor was Jesus a "community organizer", he was a wandering teacher who happened to also be God's son. If you compare Jesus' teachings with what Obama did, Obama would have been one of those Jesus drove out of the temple at the end of a whip.
Back to Palin, she saved Alaska hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in costs associated with the Governor's office by working out of her home. She has refused costly perks other people, including Obama, would have taken for granted as their due. She has a sense of humor, something Biden has no relation with, and she answers her own phone, something Hillary Clinton would never consider. And isn't it interesting. This is no longer a race between Obama and McCain, it is between Obama and Sarah Palin, and the two old white guys have been pushed to the side. Now wouldn't this make for an interesting movie plot?
Now, after you've wiped up the coffee you've sputtered all over the table, let me explain my reasoning. Mrs. Palin is the only one out of al the four who has had actual executive experience in a governmental post. Like Reagan she is a governor running for a national electoral seat. She has had more relevant experience in dealing with international energy issues because of the pipeline and the ongoing dispute the US has had with Russia over Alaskan territory. She has had to deal with the Inuit Tribes, a far more rounding experience than being a community organizer.
By the way, Pontius Pilot was not a "governor" in the true sense; he oversaw the taxation of Judea for Rome. Nor was Jesus a "community organizer", he was a wandering teacher who happened to also be God's son. If you compare Jesus' teachings with what Obama did, Obama would have been one of those Jesus drove out of the temple at the end of a whip.
Back to Palin, she saved Alaska hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in costs associated with the Governor's office by working out of her home. She has refused costly perks other people, including Obama, would have taken for granted as their due. She has a sense of humor, something Biden has no relation with, and she answers her own phone, something Hillary Clinton would never consider. And isn't it interesting. This is no longer a race between Obama and McCain, it is between Obama and Sarah Palin, and the two old white guys have been pushed to the side. Now wouldn't this make for an interesting movie plot?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Do politicians lie?
Do politicians lie or are they merely forgetful? After listening to the latest batch of political ads, perhaps the question should be rephrased to, do politicians know how to tell the truth?
Out here in Nevada we have a woman who sounds like she should be living in the Deep South. Her accent is so up front she makes Paula Dean of the Food Network sound like a Midwesterner. Dina Titus is running against incumbent Congressman Jon Porter and the TV ads are flying fast and furious.
Porter ran an ad dripping with noir images in black and white. One of the indictments against Titus was that she voted to give herself a 300% raise in her legislative pension. On its face this is true. Titus was a member of the Nevada Legislature that raised the pension from 25 cents to 75 cents. What Porter’s ad doesn’t mention is that the raise was passed with nearly unanimous support from both parties. There are plenty of other bits of baggage he could go after, but why tell the truth when lies are so much more interesting?
Titus responds with the same old lefty talking point that Porter voted in lockstep with Bush. She fails to mention that every single bill the Democrats are complaining about are also bills the majority in Congress passed. The majority happens to be Democrat. In essence, do what I say, don’t do what I do. She also claims she passed a property tax cap. Well…not exactly. She wanted a much higher cap and argued for that and then grudgingly accepted a compromised that violates a provision in the Nevada Constitution. She claims to be in favor of reducing the tax burden on working families, but she also proposed a tax on weight and distance for commercial trucking while insisting the tax would not affect the costs to consumers. An economics professor should know that business does not pay taxes without passing the cost along. If a tax is raised on shipping groceries, won’t the price on those goods go up? Most certainly.
Local politics or national, the lies and half truths continue. The real problem is, if someone comes along and actually tells it like it is, their own party will turn on them. I know, it happened to me. More on that later. I’m shopping for body armor.
Out here in Nevada we have a woman who sounds like she should be living in the Deep South. Her accent is so up front she makes Paula Dean of the Food Network sound like a Midwesterner. Dina Titus is running against incumbent Congressman Jon Porter and the TV ads are flying fast and furious.
Porter ran an ad dripping with noir images in black and white. One of the indictments against Titus was that she voted to give herself a 300% raise in her legislative pension. On its face this is true. Titus was a member of the Nevada Legislature that raised the pension from 25 cents to 75 cents. What Porter’s ad doesn’t mention is that the raise was passed with nearly unanimous support from both parties. There are plenty of other bits of baggage he could go after, but why tell the truth when lies are so much more interesting?
Titus responds with the same old lefty talking point that Porter voted in lockstep with Bush. She fails to mention that every single bill the Democrats are complaining about are also bills the majority in Congress passed. The majority happens to be Democrat. In essence, do what I say, don’t do what I do. She also claims she passed a property tax cap. Well…not exactly. She wanted a much higher cap and argued for that and then grudgingly accepted a compromised that violates a provision in the Nevada Constitution. She claims to be in favor of reducing the tax burden on working families, but she also proposed a tax on weight and distance for commercial trucking while insisting the tax would not affect the costs to consumers. An economics professor should know that business does not pay taxes without passing the cost along. If a tax is raised on shipping groceries, won’t the price on those goods go up? Most certainly.
Local politics or national, the lies and half truths continue. The real problem is, if someone comes along and actually tells it like it is, their own party will turn on them. I know, it happened to me. More on that later. I’m shopping for body armor.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Can a liberal elitist be an intellectual?
One of the fall back positions of the liberal left is to denigrate the intellectual capacity of those who disagree with the left's positions on issues. If you are pro-life you have obviously never studied REAL science. If you do not believe that Al Gore is a true prophet, you must forecast the weather using tea leaves. If you don't believe that taxing the middle class and small business is the only way to achieve prosperity, you must be a fan Dickens' Scrooge and completely out of touch where true economics are concerned.
To the liberal elite, an intellectual answer is name calling and a reliance on circular reasoning. If a chink in that reasoning is revealed...get louder, drown out the argument. Socrates would be appalled. I have found that two sides is the barest minimum of views on any given issue. Given the complexity of this world, two dozen would be a closer approximation.
The so-called intellectuals put forth by the liberal elite have no more capacity to follow a trail of logic than those they ridicule on the neocon right. The problem I have with these micro cephalic wonders is that they refuse to even consider thinking out of the box. Liberalism has become their religion. Hatred of America and all it stands for...including the freedom they are given to oppose a sacrament, right behind abortion.
I asked why no elitist intellectuals complained about the abuses of the Taliban against women. What was the answer? "I guess you don't know how to Google." Using a noun as a verb is not the way to begin an argument, regardless whether or not that grammatical error is common. A check using Google's search engine brings up nothing other than vague responses by the liberals when confronted with the Taliban's treatment of women. These "humanitarians" are far more incensed by Palin's motherhood than they are about an Afghan teenager being stoned to death.
ColumbiaUniversity, an icon of intellectual thought, invited Iranian President Ackminawhackjob (misspelling intentional) to speak. This same bastion of fairness has refused the ROTC to have a presence as well as other potential conservative dangers. How many Iranian dissidents has Columbia invited to speak? None. Can a liberal elitist be an intellectual? I don't know, to be a true intellectual means being able to think outside of the box. Liberals do not have that capacity and neither do Neocons. Both camps appear to be brain damaged, but the Libelites claim the intellectual label, in spite of the evidence to the contrary.
Liberals continuously blather on about civil rights, but they have always been the first to refuse the exercise of those rights to those who disagree with their stance on any given issue. To the liberal intellectual elite, you have the right to remain silent.
To the liberal elite, an intellectual answer is name calling and a reliance on circular reasoning. If a chink in that reasoning is revealed...get louder, drown out the argument. Socrates would be appalled. I have found that two sides is the barest minimum of views on any given issue. Given the complexity of this world, two dozen would be a closer approximation.
The so-called intellectuals put forth by the liberal elite have no more capacity to follow a trail of logic than those they ridicule on the neocon right. The problem I have with these micro cephalic wonders is that they refuse to even consider thinking out of the box. Liberalism has become their religion. Hatred of America and all it stands for...including the freedom they are given to oppose a sacrament, right behind abortion.
I asked why no elitist intellectuals complained about the abuses of the Taliban against women. What was the answer? "I guess you don't know how to Google." Using a noun as a verb is not the way to begin an argument, regardless whether or not that grammatical error is common. A check using Google's search engine brings up nothing other than vague responses by the liberals when confronted with the Taliban's treatment of women. These "humanitarians" are far more incensed by Palin's motherhood than they are about an Afghan teenager being stoned to death.
ColumbiaUniversity, an icon of intellectual thought, invited Iranian President Ackminawhackjob (misspelling intentional) to speak. This same bastion of fairness has refused the ROTC to have a presence as well as other potential conservative dangers. How many Iranian dissidents has Columbia invited to speak? None. Can a liberal elitist be an intellectual? I don't know, to be a true intellectual means being able to think outside of the box. Liberals do not have that capacity and neither do Neocons. Both camps appear to be brain damaged, but the Libelites claim the intellectual label, in spite of the evidence to the contrary.
Liberals continuously blather on about civil rights, but they have always been the first to refuse the exercise of those rights to those who disagree with their stance on any given issue. To the liberal intellectual elite, you have the right to remain silent.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Abortion, the sacrament of the left
Carol Fowler, the South Carolina Democratic chairwoman went after Sarah Palin yesterday with this bit of hysteria about McCain's choice for a running mate, “whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”
Vitriolic hatred of Ronald Reagan seems to be the glue that holds the left together. Reagan was a man of top level morality, fairness, and integrity. What really ticked the left off was that he worked his deep Christian faith into his messages. He had no problem with proudly declaring where he stood and, the worst cut of all, the average American loved him for that. The results of Reagan's second election proved that beyond all argument. Now Sarah Palin is being targeted by that hatred because she has had the terribly bad manners to not be secretive of her own beliefs. Media mouthpieces for the radical left such as the New York Times and the Washington Post have even gone far enough to insist that Palin must answer several questions before she can be considered for candidacy. When did rags like that become the arbiters of America?
What is most telling is that socialistic politicians like Fowler, Pelosi, Rangle, and the list goes on; speak from the same elitist talking points. Palin’s background of coming from Wasilla, Alaska, her ability to hunt, and the worst of all, her Christian faith are, to them, extreme dangers. They apparently have no interest in economic issues. They have set aside the earmark flap since Palin dealt Representative Stevens a death blow. To them the social spectrum has become the overriding issue because Palin goes to church. Somehow they believe that the day McCain takes office he is going to drop dead and this rabid (shudder) Christian woman will be president and every abortion doctor will be put to death…every book not found in a One Way bookshop will be burned, and only white shoes and leisure suits will be allowed to be worn on the streets.
The above may sound ridiculous, but that is in essence what these people believe. It is a gut reaction to anyone who does not share their religion, and whether you agree or not, liberalism is a religion and abortion is one of its sacraments. The fact that Palin gave birth after science discovered her child was inflicted with Downs Syndrome was, to them, a blasphemous act. If this was the Middle East they would be called for Palin to be publicly stoned to death. They call themselves Pro-Choice, but there is no real choice, not when only one option is valid. In order to be a true member of the church of liberalism, a woman is supposed to offer her child as a sacrifice upon the alter of liberalism’s god, the ever-expanding all-powerful nanny government. Palin has violated that sacrament and her approval rating, nearly 12 times higher than the Democrat VP candidate, petrifies the left.
Has anyone ever wondered why the liberal elite never once complained about the Taliban’s treatment of women?
Vitriolic hatred of Ronald Reagan seems to be the glue that holds the left together. Reagan was a man of top level morality, fairness, and integrity. What really ticked the left off was that he worked his deep Christian faith into his messages. He had no problem with proudly declaring where he stood and, the worst cut of all, the average American loved him for that. The results of Reagan's second election proved that beyond all argument. Now Sarah Palin is being targeted by that hatred because she has had the terribly bad manners to not be secretive of her own beliefs. Media mouthpieces for the radical left such as the New York Times and the Washington Post have even gone far enough to insist that Palin must answer several questions before she can be considered for candidacy. When did rags like that become the arbiters of America?
What is most telling is that socialistic politicians like Fowler, Pelosi, Rangle, and the list goes on; speak from the same elitist talking points. Palin’s background of coming from Wasilla, Alaska, her ability to hunt, and the worst of all, her Christian faith are, to them, extreme dangers. They apparently have no interest in economic issues. They have set aside the earmark flap since Palin dealt Representative Stevens a death blow. To them the social spectrum has become the overriding issue because Palin goes to church. Somehow they believe that the day McCain takes office he is going to drop dead and this rabid (shudder) Christian woman will be president and every abortion doctor will be put to death…every book not found in a One Way bookshop will be burned, and only white shoes and leisure suits will be allowed to be worn on the streets.
The above may sound ridiculous, but that is in essence what these people believe. It is a gut reaction to anyone who does not share their religion, and whether you agree or not, liberalism is a religion and abortion is one of its sacraments. The fact that Palin gave birth after science discovered her child was inflicted with Downs Syndrome was, to them, a blasphemous act. If this was the Middle East they would be called for Palin to be publicly stoned to death. They call themselves Pro-Choice, but there is no real choice, not when only one option is valid. In order to be a true member of the church of liberalism, a woman is supposed to offer her child as a sacrifice upon the alter of liberalism’s god, the ever-expanding all-powerful nanny government. Palin has violated that sacrament and her approval rating, nearly 12 times higher than the Democrat VP candidate, petrifies the left.
Has anyone ever wondered why the liberal elite never once complained about the Taliban’s treatment of women?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We put our thugs into office
The Las Vegas metroplex in Southern Nevada has a population of over 2 million and growing. In this valley we have some of the wealthiest men and women on the planet. McMansions pop up like toadstools and multibillions are spent constructing paradises for the tourism trade.
Across the sea young men and women wearing this country's uniform fight...and die in a battle against Islamic terrorism. Whether or not that battle is currently justified is a subject for another article. The fact is that they are doing so right now, and they are doing so under orders. Not one of these youngsters would appreciate being called a hero, though many of them put some of our historical heroes to shame. They deserve any honor they have bestowed upon them and you would think that an area as wealthy as mine would be glad to join in on the praise.
You would think...and you would be wrong. The USO manages and maintains airport clubs for our military personnel across the world. Every major airport has one, except McCarran in Las Vegas. I tried to get a club put into the airport. I got a lot of support...that is until I asked those folks to actually spend some money. Drive into nearly every town in the US and you will find a park or a school honoring the sacrifices of our soldiers, not here in Las Vegas. The town where Sarah Palin was Mayor has a population of 9,000. There you will find a neatly maintained garden honoring our military and the job they have done. In Las Vegas, population 2 million, you won't even find a plaque.
Oscar Goodman, a semi-retired mob lawyer, lover of gin and the current mayor of Las Vegas, is pushing for the construction of a museum in Las Vegas honoring the achievements of organized crime. Yes, that group that has done so much toward building a better, safer future for America. We can all sleep comfortably knowing that our thugs, pimps, dealers and hitmen are working overtime keeping us safe. Hey, if you have to have crime, it may as well be organized, right? I am told that Oscar and company have raised over $45 Million toward this endeavor. They did this while saying that they could not find the $800,000 needed to renovate an abandoned city park into a memorial for our troops.
That is the way it is down here in Southern Nevada. If you need money for something Al Capone would blush at, it's yours. If you need money for those who have fought and died for you, fuggidaboudit! You may be the sort who puts your thugs in jail. Down here we put them into office.
Across the sea young men and women wearing this country's uniform fight...and die in a battle against Islamic terrorism. Whether or not that battle is currently justified is a subject for another article. The fact is that they are doing so right now, and they are doing so under orders. Not one of these youngsters would appreciate being called a hero, though many of them put some of our historical heroes to shame. They deserve any honor they have bestowed upon them and you would think that an area as wealthy as mine would be glad to join in on the praise.
You would think...and you would be wrong. The USO manages and maintains airport clubs for our military personnel across the world. Every major airport has one, except McCarran in Las Vegas. I tried to get a club put into the airport. I got a lot of support...that is until I asked those folks to actually spend some money. Drive into nearly every town in the US and you will find a park or a school honoring the sacrifices of our soldiers, not here in Las Vegas. The town where Sarah Palin was Mayor has a population of 9,000. There you will find a neatly maintained garden honoring our military and the job they have done. In Las Vegas, population 2 million, you won't even find a plaque.
Oscar Goodman, a semi-retired mob lawyer, lover of gin and the current mayor of Las Vegas, is pushing for the construction of a museum in Las Vegas honoring the achievements of organized crime. Yes, that group that has done so much toward building a better, safer future for America. We can all sleep comfortably knowing that our thugs, pimps, dealers and hitmen are working overtime keeping us safe. Hey, if you have to have crime, it may as well be organized, right? I am told that Oscar and company have raised over $45 Million toward this endeavor. They did this while saying that they could not find the $800,000 needed to renovate an abandoned city park into a memorial for our troops.
That is the way it is down here in Southern Nevada. If you need money for something Al Capone would blush at, it's yours. If you need money for those who have fought and died for you, fuggidaboudit! You may be the sort who puts your thugs in jail. Down here we put them into office.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Some Animals are More Equal Than Others...
There is a line in the novel Animal Farm, "Some animals are more equal than others." It is spoken by one of the pigs at the trough explaining why they get more benifits than the other animals. The same attitude can be given to the Republican Party leadership and also to the Democrat Party leadership in addition to most of their party members.
The big rap the left now has against Sarah Palin is her faith. They are actually petrified that somehow she may have the power to FORCE them to believe as she does if she gets into office. It just shows you how little these pagans (that is a valid term, btw) understand real christianity. One of the main lessons Jesus taught was that real faith could not be forced. It had to be an individual choice. Hypocracy was the real sin. It also happens to be one practiced by most of our political and party leaders today. Palin is no hypocrite and that is also why the only arguments the left can use against her amount to little more than inuendo, lies, slurs and rumors. It is also why she, and not the guy who is the one running for president is being attacked.
There is no crime in being a social conservative. In fact, this country would be far safer and more prosperous if we had more like her in office. Would'nt it be better to have God on your side than not?
The arguments the left continue to bring up just make me shake my head. I have yet to read or hear a single one of substance. Sometimes I wonder just how well they understand history...or if they have ever bothered to read history.
The big rap the left now has against Sarah Palin is her faith. They are actually petrified that somehow she may have the power to FORCE them to believe as she does if she gets into office. It just shows you how little these pagans (that is a valid term, btw) understand real christianity. One of the main lessons Jesus taught was that real faith could not be forced. It had to be an individual choice. Hypocracy was the real sin. It also happens to be one practiced by most of our political and party leaders today. Palin is no hypocrite and that is also why the only arguments the left can use against her amount to little more than inuendo, lies, slurs and rumors. It is also why she, and not the guy who is the one running for president is being attacked.
There is no crime in being a social conservative. In fact, this country would be far safer and more prosperous if we had more like her in office. Would'nt it be better to have God on your side than not?
The arguments the left continue to bring up just make me shake my head. I have yet to read or hear a single one of substance. Sometimes I wonder just how well they understand history...or if they have ever bothered to read history.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A misread brand
This was said by Obama," Let's not play games," he said. "What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you're absolutely right that that has not come."
One of the items in Obama's baggage that has been downplayed considerably is the background of his pastor, the so-called reverend Wright. A brief scan of the content in Mr. Wright's sermons puts was this man says on a very similar ground with the sermons of Louis Farakan. Farakan has been and is, whether or not anyone wants to acknowledge it, a leader of the Black Muslim community in this country. Obama has yet to explain why he stayed a member of a church that preached hatred of everything Christian if...this is the big one...he was in actuality a believing Christian. No, I think what we have finally seen is a slip of the tongue that has revealed the truth.
One of the items in Obama's baggage that has been downplayed considerably is the background of his pastor, the so-called reverend Wright. A brief scan of the content in Mr. Wright's sermons puts was this man says on a very similar ground with the sermons of Louis Farakan. Farakan has been and is, whether or not anyone wants to acknowledge it, a leader of the Black Muslim community in this country. Obama has yet to explain why he stayed a member of a church that preached hatred of everything Christian if...this is the big one...he was in actuality a believing Christian. No, I think what we have finally seen is a slip of the tongue that has revealed the truth.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
They are advertising...what???
As I work I usually have the radio on so I can follow the news. The problem with that is not so much the news but what comes on every ten minutes or so, the commercials. I am coming to the conclusion that it is not the inane and idiotic shows such as South Park and assorted Survivor rehashes that are contributing to the decline of western civilization, it is commercials.
There was once a time where manners, integrity and, believe it or not, honesty had to be a part of marketing a product. The business commintuy whined, carped and complained about the stricture, but they went along regardless. It was either that or nothing. Essentially they had to compete by actually having a product that did as it was advertised. What a concept!
It ain't that way now. The first amendment have been redefined has giving people and business the right to lie and buyer beware. Advertisements for every sort of sexual stimulent, products claiming to "melt away pounds overnight", and an intestinal rotorooter blast out of my radio on a daily basis. The one that really gets me is the ad with an earnest male voice claiming that the walls of the intestine become caked with layers of undigested food like spackel. If his company was forced to prove that claim, they would be out of business overnight. The lower intestine secrets fluid and mucus that are so slippery, teflon is sticky by comparison. It is literally impossible for matter to stick to them. The claims of this ad are a lie, and a dangerous one at that. But, apparantly it is now their right to broadcast dangerous lies.
As the reading skills of the US declines, I wonder what just how bad the ads are going to be come. It may be that people will even believe the claims of presidential candidates. Oops...too late!
There was once a time where manners, integrity and, believe it or not, honesty had to be a part of marketing a product. The business commintuy whined, carped and complained about the stricture, but they went along regardless. It was either that or nothing. Essentially they had to compete by actually having a product that did as it was advertised. What a concept!
It ain't that way now. The first amendment have been redefined has giving people and business the right to lie and buyer beware. Advertisements for every sort of sexual stimulent, products claiming to "melt away pounds overnight", and an intestinal rotorooter blast out of my radio on a daily basis. The one that really gets me is the ad with an earnest male voice claiming that the walls of the intestine become caked with layers of undigested food like spackel. If his company was forced to prove that claim, they would be out of business overnight. The lower intestine secrets fluid and mucus that are so slippery, teflon is sticky by comparison. It is literally impossible for matter to stick to them. The claims of this ad are a lie, and a dangerous one at that. But, apparantly it is now their right to broadcast dangerous lies.
As the reading skills of the US declines, I wonder what just how bad the ads are going to be come. It may be that people will even believe the claims of presidential candidates. Oops...too late!
Friday, September 5, 2008
You can't teach instincts like that
OK! magazine, the sychophantic journal of Jan Whiner (misspelling intentional) is claiming to be putting an evenhanded choice before the voters. Here is the text from the magazine's site:
"On one cover is an exclusive look into the everyday family life of Democratic Party nominee, Senator Barack Obama, his wife Michelle Obama and their two adorable daughters, Malia and Sasha. "
Notice the word ADORABLE and the phrase EVERYDAY FAMILY LIFE where Obama is concerned.
"OK!'s other cover this week is dedicated to Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the 44-year-old Alaskan governer who first surprised the world when she was announced as Senator John McCain's running mate for the November election, only to shock everyone again days later when she announced the pregnancy and impending marriage of her 17-year-old daughter Bristol."
Notice the change in tone here. No hint of scandal in the Obama article but nothing but that when the focus shifts to the opposition. The site finishes the blurb with a bubbly sentence saying it is now the readers turn to decide. Decide, oh yes, but is a fair representation being offered? OK! is in essence asking its readers to decide between a lucious family meal or a suspicious hunk of rotting chicken. And did anyone notice the missing candidates here?
Unless I missed something, isn't McCain running against Obama? As far as I know, no vice presidential candidate has ever debated a presidential candidate, but that is how the left views this race. McCain, to them is not the danger, Palin is. McCain has enough baggage, not as much as either Democrat candidate, but enough to formulate an attack. Palin, on the other hand has a record an eagle scout would envy. Even Dr. Phil, the left's councilor of choice has come to her defense. No, this woman is the real threat.
Consider what Whiner and the others are facing here. Never in this nations history has one of the parties ever made it past three administrations. FDR is considered to be just one long administration. If McCain had played fair and picked a real loser, things would be all right, but what did he do? He picked a woman, notice the Dems are running two men, who not only looks good, speaks good, has experience, and the unfairest of all, is actually good...not just another politician, like Hillary.
So what does OK! do? They polish the tone and slant the view...and do it slickly. You just can't teach instints like that.
"On one cover is an exclusive look into the everyday family life of Democratic Party nominee, Senator Barack Obama, his wife Michelle Obama and their two adorable daughters, Malia and Sasha. "
Notice the word ADORABLE and the phrase EVERYDAY FAMILY LIFE where Obama is concerned.
"OK!'s other cover this week is dedicated to Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the 44-year-old Alaskan governer who first surprised the world when she was announced as Senator John McCain's running mate for the November election, only to shock everyone again days later when she announced the pregnancy and impending marriage of her 17-year-old daughter Bristol."
Notice the change in tone here. No hint of scandal in the Obama article but nothing but that when the focus shifts to the opposition. The site finishes the blurb with a bubbly sentence saying it is now the readers turn to decide. Decide, oh yes, but is a fair representation being offered? OK! is in essence asking its readers to decide between a lucious family meal or a suspicious hunk of rotting chicken. And did anyone notice the missing candidates here?
Unless I missed something, isn't McCain running against Obama? As far as I know, no vice presidential candidate has ever debated a presidential candidate, but that is how the left views this race. McCain, to them is not the danger, Palin is. McCain has enough baggage, not as much as either Democrat candidate, but enough to formulate an attack. Palin, on the other hand has a record an eagle scout would envy. Even Dr. Phil, the left's councilor of choice has come to her defense. No, this woman is the real threat.
Consider what Whiner and the others are facing here. Never in this nations history has one of the parties ever made it past three administrations. FDR is considered to be just one long administration. If McCain had played fair and picked a real loser, things would be all right, but what did he do? He picked a woman, notice the Dems are running two men, who not only looks good, speaks good, has experience, and the unfairest of all, is actually good...not just another politician, like Hillary.
So what does OK! do? They polish the tone and slant the view...and do it slickly. You just can't teach instints like that.
Sarah Palin
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mr. Chapman, your bias is showing
Let me get this straight. An effective Governor who also served on a city council and later as was courageous enough to begin saving taxpayer funds by cutting her own salary first, is less qualified for the Vice Presidency than the Senator of a tiny northeast state who has never done anything decisive. A senator who's running mate has never held an executive position, period. What am I missing here? Oh yes, she a true conservative, not just a republican. She went up against the GOP party leadership and committed the worst of sins, she won.
As for all those comments pushing her lack of experience. I would like to see the details on all the accomplishments and experience of Obama and Biden. Longevity in the Senate is not experience for the White House. The buck doesn't stop with you, so Palin is more qualified than Biden. As for Obama, please...I had to stop typing to giggle...a girl scout has more experience than he does.
Let's move on the the speeches. Anyone remember Reagan? The intrenched media attempted to slough him off as just a good speaker. Well, considering that attribute, Palin is a better speaker than Obama, and she can do it off the cuff as well as using a prepared document. You give Obama an unscripted question and he stammers for a half hour. Reagan never did that, nor does Palin. Biden tries to deliver a nonanswer. And the scrabbling from the lefties, Chapman has joined that group, continues. Because Palin's speech was so well delivered she blew Obama out of the water, they have decided to nit pick. The chosen talking point is that she did not mention issues such as the economy and healthcare and the solutions to those problems. Well, I have to admit Obama and Biden have mentioned both, but I have yet to hear a solution from either man. Apparantly, to please the Washington Chapman-style media that is what you addition to being a Democrat. Sarah Palin delivers a better speech than Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi or any other leftty woman, and she has more exectutive experience that Clinton will ever have. Remember, Hillary may have lived in the White House for eight years, but she did nothing. The first lady is not an executive. She has no executive authority. By the way, neither does a community organizer.
Mr. Chapman, your bias is showing.
As for all those comments pushing her lack of experience. I would like to see the details on all the accomplishments and experience of Obama and Biden. Longevity in the Senate is not experience for the White House. The buck doesn't stop with you, so Palin is more qualified than Biden. As for Obama, please...I had to stop typing to giggle...a girl scout has more experience than he does.
Let's move on the the speeches. Anyone remember Reagan? The intrenched media attempted to slough him off as just a good speaker. Well, considering that attribute, Palin is a better speaker than Obama, and she can do it off the cuff as well as using a prepared document. You give Obama an unscripted question and he stammers for a half hour. Reagan never did that, nor does Palin. Biden tries to deliver a nonanswer. And the scrabbling from the lefties, Chapman has joined that group, continues. Because Palin's speech was so well delivered she blew Obama out of the water, they have decided to nit pick. The chosen talking point is that she did not mention issues such as the economy and healthcare and the solutions to those problems. Well, I have to admit Obama and Biden have mentioned both, but I have yet to hear a solution from either man. Apparantly, to please the Washington Chapman-style media that is what you addition to being a Democrat. Sarah Palin delivers a better speech than Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi or any other leftty woman, and she has more exectutive experience that Clinton will ever have. Remember, Hillary may have lived in the White House for eight years, but she did nothing. The first lady is not an executive. She has no executive authority. By the way, neither does a community organizer.
Mr. Chapman, your bias is showing.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
We've hit slime
It was inevitable, a record has been broken. The left, not satisfied with a substantive discussion on the issues, has descended deeply into the gutter to attack Sarah Palin, a woman they have never met.
This blog will not repeat the topics covered in these attacks. Let it be said that the spectrum has been broad and offensive. What I find interesting is that if the same style of attack was done by conservatives against a Democrat...we would already have marches in Washington and defamation suits on file. Talking heads on every network other than Fox would be decrying the unfairness of the attack and Fox would be clicking its tongue in sympathy.
Obama did the right thing in immediately saying that family was off limits, but you notice that he has moved on past that now as the slime continues to flow. His tail is covered and he can safely say he stood up for the right thing all the while secretly chuckling at the lefty blogs, saying, “Go get her guys.”
There is no question that Mrs. Palin has more executive than any of the other three candidates. As the Alaskan Governor she has had more access to classified material than Obama, Biden or McCain. Remember, the Alaskan National Guard occupies a number of bases that have a direct line of sight to Siberia. Russian military aircraft often fly over US territory up there. Can any of the three say they have been the commander in chief of any military group? The two Dems haven’t even experienced boot camp.
Imagine the ACLU suit if hypocrisy in political campaigns were made a felony.
This blog will not repeat the topics covered in these attacks. Let it be said that the spectrum has been broad and offensive. What I find interesting is that if the same style of attack was done by conservatives against a Democrat...we would already have marches in Washington and defamation suits on file. Talking heads on every network other than Fox would be decrying the unfairness of the attack and Fox would be clicking its tongue in sympathy.
Obama did the right thing in immediately saying that family was off limits, but you notice that he has moved on past that now as the slime continues to flow. His tail is covered and he can safely say he stood up for the right thing all the while secretly chuckling at the lefty blogs, saying, “Go get her guys.”
There is no question that Mrs. Palin has more executive than any of the other three candidates. As the Alaskan Governor she has had more access to classified material than Obama, Biden or McCain. Remember, the Alaskan National Guard occupies a number of bases that have a direct line of sight to Siberia. Russian military aircraft often fly over US territory up there. Can any of the three say they have been the commander in chief of any military group? The two Dems haven’t even experienced boot camp.
Imagine the ACLU suit if hypocrisy in political campaigns were made a felony.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Here come the attacks on Palin.
"My first reaction was shock. Then anger. John McCain chose a running mate simply because she is a woman and one who appealed to the Republican's conservative evangelical base. Now, with news that Palin's 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant, McCain's pick may not even find support among "family values" voters."
The above quote came from Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn. Now, the first piece of discrediting evidence is the rag she writes for. The Washington Post would not even know where to find a "family values" voter, much less know what the real concerns of that group would be. Sally Quinn has proven herself to be an elitist from her first published column on, so if she was shocked, what was the reason for that reaction? I doubt it was her overriding concern for the welfare of a group she as denegrated since the days of Ronald Reagan. No, her shock was that McCain chose a running mate capable of beating Obama. Quinn and all of her elitist breathern, including the deaths head James Carvill, are desperatly trying to find something they can latch onto to tear Sarah Palin down. Mrs. Palin's greatest sin, according to Quinn et al is that she is the picture of normality. She cooks her family's meals, she changes diapers, she knows how to budget...and horrors of horrors, she has problems with her teenage daughter. If there is a parent out there that hasn't, nominate them for
I would wager that Sally Quinn wouldn't know what to do if she were given the job of running a middleclass family. Her first reaction on seeing the kitchen would be to call for the cook. Her next reaction would be to dissolve into a fit of anxeity when she discovered that SHE was the cook. It is very easy to write disparagingly about someone when you live in an ivory tower. Tell you what Sally, come on down to our world and try it for a while. Sarah lives here and she has succeeded, and you just can't handle that, can you?
The above quote came from Washington Post columnist Sally Quinn. Now, the first piece of discrediting evidence is the rag she writes for. The Washington Post would not even know where to find a "family values" voter, much less know what the real concerns of that group would be. Sally Quinn has proven herself to be an elitist from her first published column on, so if she was shocked, what was the reason for that reaction? I doubt it was her overriding concern for the welfare of a group she as denegrated since the days of Ronald Reagan. No, her shock was that McCain chose a running mate capable of beating Obama. Quinn and all of her elitist breathern, including the deaths head James Carvill, are desperatly trying to find something they can latch onto to tear Sarah Palin down. Mrs. Palin's greatest sin, according to Quinn et al is that she is the picture of normality. She cooks her family's meals, she changes diapers, she knows how to budget...and horrors of horrors, she has problems with her teenage daughter. If there is a parent out there that hasn't, nominate them for
I would wager that Sally Quinn wouldn't know what to do if she were given the job of running a middleclass family. Her first reaction on seeing the kitchen would be to call for the cook. Her next reaction would be to dissolve into a fit of anxeity when she discovered that SHE was the cook. It is very easy to write disparagingly about someone when you live in an ivory tower. Tell you what Sally, come on down to our world and try it for a while. Sarah lives here and she has succeeded, and you just can't handle that, can you?
Sarah Palin,
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